黑龙江省MedAccred —AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (27)

7.12 C- Does the supplier assure that visitors entering the EPA are using the stated ESD protection methods? YES/NO

7.13 C- Are the visitors’ ESD protection methods tested and recorded as per the procedure? YES/NO/NA

Audit Note: NA when no equipment is provided to visitors.

7.14 C- Are visitors instructed in the behaviors expected of them prior to entering the EPA to ensure they meet the requirements of the procedure? YES/NO

7.15 C- Are equipment, workstations and tooling in the EPA checked in accordance with the preventive maintenance plan?YES/NO

7.16 C- Is the equipment used to test ESD protection compliance calibrated according to at least one of the following: ANSI/ESD / S20.20, or EN61340-5-1 & EN61340-5-2?YES/NO

7.17 C- Is the procedure to address situations in which humidity levels fall below 30% being followed?YES/NO

7.18 C- Are there chart recorders or electronic data collection files for the humidity readings? YES/NO

7.19 C- Are tip resistances being verified in accordance with the procedure?YES/NO/NA

Audit Note: NA applies if soldering tools are not used

7.20 C- Has the EPA been set up and verified as per the procedure?YES/NO

7.21 C- Are ESD protective equipment (smocks, straps, etc.) in good repair and being verified in accordance with the procedure?YES/NO

