



DC Water斩获2016美国水奖



Aquaporin Asia Pte. Ltd. and Berghof Membrane Technology GmbH Announce Game-changing Innovation

Singapore-based Aquaporin Asia Pte. Ltd. (Aquaporin Asia) and Berghof Membrane Technology GmbH (Berghof Membranes) announce the joint development of a tubular based Aquaporin Inside™ Forward Osmosis Technology during the Singapore International Water Week.

Both companies have a rich history in treating industrial process streams and wastewater. A combined passion for innovation is what binds the companies. Aquaporin and Berghof Membranes both have an office in Singapore to support customers in the Asia-Pacific region. Their local presence and an ongoing forward osmosis R&D project with funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation and administered by the PUB.

The ultimate goal of partnership is to increase the profitability of end-users by lowering the costs of industrial water treatment. Aquaporin Asia and Berghof Membranes aim to utilize the inherent low-fouling properties of the tubular membrane geometry to develop forward osmosis modules. Currently, high-fouling wastewater streams are treated at high costs fortechnology end-users; with this innovation Aquaporin Asia and Berghof Membranesbelieve that they can provide the best solution for sustainable industrial growth.

Starting November 3rd 2014, Aquaporin Asia commenced a 3-year R&D project (1301-IRIS-02) titled: 'Aquaporin based biomimetic forward osmosis membranes: from lab scale production of membranes to pilot production and industrial test bedding of membrane modules'. The 2.5million $ SGD research grant is supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation under its Environment & Water Research Programme andadministered by PUB. The end goal of the project is to demonstrate the costsaving potential of the Aquaporin Inside™ Forward Osmosis Technology through industrial test bedding, which involves collaborations with numerous externalindustrial players.


CH2M Secures Contract for Singapore's 5th Desalination Plant on Jurong Island

US consultancy CH2M has won a contract to provide consultancy services for Singapore’s fifth desalination plant.

The anticipated 137,000 m3/day project will be co-located with an industrial plant as a result of limited space on the petrochemical hub, Jurong Island. The project will not include land for the desalination plant as the island is currently fully occupied by industrial companies. Rather, it will be co-located with existing industrial facilities, leading engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firms to already be in discussion with companies on the island.

Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Singapore Environment and Water Resources, said: “It’s important for us to be close to a power system or power grid. By co-locating, we will be able to use either the steam generator, or the electricity that we can get directly from the powerplant.”

CH2M has been successful in securing its bid on this project, competing against Parsons Brinckerhoff, AECOM, Arup and Black & Veatch (B&V). Competition remains fierce for consultancy services in Singapore, which has set out the target for five desalination plants, providing up to 85% of the nation’s water needs by 2060. In April B&V announced it had won the contract to provide consultancy services for the fourth desalination project, to be locatedat Marina East, while CH2M previously provided EPV services on Jurong Island for the Power Seraya seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant.

DC Water斩获2016美国水奖

DC Water wins US water prize

The US capital’s water utility DC Water has won the 2016 US Water Prize for its new waste-to-energy project. DC Water’s Bailey Bioenergy Facility produces a net 10 megawatts of electricity from wastewater treatment and a Class A biosolid, by leveraging the relatively new thermal hydrolysis process.

DC Water’s Blue Plains is the largest thermal hydrolysis plant in the world and the first in North America. The project was supported by more than 10 years of research by DC Water and its international research partners. The resulting clean and renewable energy offsets the energy needs of the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant by approximately one-third, reducing the plant’s carbon footprint and lessening dependence on the grid.

“DC Water is honoured to be recognised by the US Water Alliance’s 2016 US Water Prize for the Walter F. Bailey Bioenergy Facility,” said George Hawkins, CEO and General Manager, DC Water. “The project is a crowning achievement for DC Water and exemplifies a shift from treating usedwater as waste to leveraging it as a resource. This innovative facility is generating renewable power, producing exceptional quality biosolids, reducing our carbon footprint, increasing plant efficiency, and ultimately saving ratepayer dollars.”

He added: “This is an award dedicated to extraordinary people–the members of our team who transformed innovative ideas into reality, and a Board of Directors that after years of careful oversight and review, hadthe courage to make an extraordinary investment in the future.”

Matthew Brown, Chair of the DC Water Board of Directors, said: “It is incredibly rewarding to be recognised by our peers with this prestigious award. It is well deserved recognition for the painstaking researchand planning the team at DC Water did to produce a first rate facility that ispaying great dividends to our ratepayers and the environment. The Board ofDirectors is proud to have played a role in making this ambitious idea areality.”

DC Water joins Dow and Emory University as the winners of the 2016 Water Prize. The three organisations were selected by an independent review panel.


More Water Companies Move to EU Environmental Technology Verification

The number of water companies which have completed the full cycle of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV), a tool to assess the performance of water technologies and boost innovation, has significantly risen in the last year.

“ETV’s indicators show the continued progress of the pilot programme,” Pierre Henry, Acting Deputy Head of Unit, DG Environment, Circular Economy and Eco Innovation at the European Commission, told The Source. “In 2015 we received 78 application requests out of the 125 presented in the three years since the pilot was launched. Until now, the verification process of these technologies has been slow, but sound and steady. For the moment, 12 European companies have had their technology’s performance verified, allowing them to validate the performance claims and helping them to convince theircustomers and investors.”

Innovation in the water sector is often limited by risk aversion and this can result from uncertainty as to the actual performance ofnew technologies, fear of high investment costs and the imperative need to fulfil strict regulatory limits.

Environmental Technology Verification can help to overcome some of these barriers by having a third-party verifying technology developer’sperformance claims. ETV is particularly suited for technologies whose innovative features or technical and/or environmental performance are not fully reflected in existing product standards.

“ETV gives you the possibility of stating your goals and finding a way to certify your goals,” stressed Alberto Pozzi, Director at Pozzi Leopoldo SrL, one of the companies already involved in the process. “More and more it is important to have a third party validation of your claims in order to be different and be viewed as reliable by your partners.”

The European ETV pilot programme has been operational since 2013 as one action under the EU Eco-innovation Action Plan. More recently, ETVhas been included among the instruments of the Circular Economy Package, released by the Commission in December 2015. The programme is steered by the European Commission in collaboration with 11 European Member States. It is operational for three main technology areas that include, not only, water treatment and monitoring technologies, but also energy technologies and materials, waste and resources. So far, 13 Verification Bodies have been accredited to perform verifications under the EU-ETV scheme and one more is in the process of accreditation.

