多年口语顽疾一拖再拖,没想到被这个公式拯救了。(没有卖课的意思口语公式其实就是为你提供一个口语思路,让你说英语不至于无话可说。一段完整的表达= E + D + Q = Experience + Details + QuestionE = Experience首先给出一个个人经历回应对方的话D = Details再给出 2 到 5 个细节或理由Q=Question提个问题举个例子 & 实用技巧老外最喜欢和人聊 Hobby,下次当被问到:Yo, what's your hobby, man.按照 E + D + Q 你可以这么答:E: When I lived in Beijing, my friends and I would go biking on Sunday mornings. Biking is a healthy exercise, I really enjoy it.技巧:用 5W 法总结一次经历,也就是 who 谁、when 什么时候、where 什么地方、what 做了什么、以及 why 为什么。D: You can get fresh air and you can spend time with your friends when doing biking. It is also a good chance to have a good look at the city life on bikes.技巧:对 5W 里的一点给出 2-5 个细节,这里就是对 Why 给出了 2 个细节。Q:What about you?Do you like biking?技巧:两个字——反弹,把问题抛回给对方,然后进入无限循环,再也停不下来。
跟着我左手右手,再演练一下:问:如果你可以吃任何食物连吃一周,你会想吃什么?E:Oreo. I love Oreo. Last Friday, I bought one pack of Oreo at 7-ELEVEN after work. The biscuits tasted so sweet that I ate them all immediately.奥利奥!上周五下班,我在楼下便利店买了一包奥利奥饼干,我就再也忘不了它的香甜,秒没。D: Each OREO has two crunchy chocolate wafers and the creme filling in the middle is so rich. I like its flavor and every time I eat OREO I feel very happy.奥利奥就是很脆啊,然后夹心浓郁香甜,吃了让人心情很好。Q: What about you?你呢,你喜不喜欢吃奥利奥?