


— Did you have lunch?

— Yes, I did (have lunch).


1. 原句:Mayor Davis never has and never will accept bribe.

在这句话里,作者觉得accept这个动词是重复出现的,所以可以合并省略。但其实accept这个动词虽然重复了,但是以不同形式出现的:一个是以完成时态,never has accepted,另一个是以将来时态,never will accept。一个是accepted,另一个是accept,两者并不是完全一样,所以这个accepted就不能省略,要补全。

改正:Mayor Davis never has accepted and never will accept bribe.

2. 原句:Many South Pacific islanders still believe and live by the ancient laws.

同样,这句话里的believe和live两个动词,它们固定搭配的介词是不一样的:live by something,believe in something,一个是by,一个是in,所以这个in是不能省略的,省略了就变成了believe by something,是错误的。

改正: Many South Pacific islander still believe in and live by the ancient laws.

3. 原句:In his famous obedience experiments, psychologist Stanley Milgram discovered [that] ordinary people were willing to inflict physical pain on strangers.

原话中省略了引导从句的that。一般来说,引导从句的引导词that是可以省略的,这并不违反语法规则。但是在某些场合下,这个that省略后容易在逻辑上产生歧义,譬如这个例句,省略了that之后,读者就容易误认为discovered的宾语是ordinary people,而不是后面的整个从句 ordinary people were willing to inflict physical pain on strangers,这样整句话的意思就发生很大变化了。所以为了让句子含义更加准确,结构更加清晰,这里的that就不应该省略。

改正:In his famous obedience experiments, psychologist Stanley Milgram discovered that ordinary people were willing to inflict physical pain on strangers.

4. 原句: The forests of North America are much more extensive than Europe.

这句话中的语法错误是同学们写作中常犯的,就是比较对象的问题。在英语的比较结构中,譬如than, as, different from… ,我们不仅要做到比较对象结构类似,比较对象本身也必须是对等的。在这个例句中,前面的比较对象是the forests of North America,后面的比较对象是Europe。拿北美的森林与整个欧洲来比较,明显不是对等的,所以这里的比较对象就要补全不能省略,是the forests of Europe。

改正:The forests of North America are much more extensive than those of Europe.

5. 原句:Ken helped me more than my roommate.

这句话也是没有任何语法错误,但却有明显的逻辑歧义:“Ken比我的室友更加帮助照顾我”,还是说,“Ken更加帮助照顾我的室友呢”? 这里的roommate到底是在跟谁比较?所以为了避免歧义,就要把省略掉的单词补全。

改正:Ken helped me more than my roommate did. (roommate与Ken比较)

或者:Ken helped me more than he helped my roommate. (roommate与me比较)


