Debian/Ubuntu 安装bcm43142无线网卡驱动 | LinkNPS内网穿透

Debian/Ubuntu 安装bcm43142无线网卡驱动

Drivers for Broadcom BCM43142 wireless card of Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit Linux

1.Check the wireless card type

lspci | grep -i net

2.deb URL

You can download this .deb by wired network or use the other PC then copy it into your laptop.

3.Linux shell

sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms  sudo apt-get install linux-source  sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source  sudo modprobe wl   sudo dpkg -i wireless-bcm43142-dkms_6.20.55.19-1_amd64.deb
