Nancy Miramontes had 30 seconds to find the gunman. 南希·米拉蒙特斯有30秒的时间来找到枪手。 The Utah school psychologist weaved through a maze of dusty halls before spotting him in the corner of a classroom, holding a gun to a student's head. 这位犹他州立大学的心理学家在满是灰尘的迷宫中穿行,最后在教室的一角发现了枪手,他正拿枪指着一名学生的头部。 ![]() She took a deep breath and fired three shots, the first time she's ever used a gun. 她深吸一口气,开了三枪,这是她第一次用枪。 One bullet pierced the shooter's forehead. 一颗子弹打穿了枪手的前额。 "Nice work," a police officer told her as they exchanged high-fives in front of cardboard props representing the gunman and student. “干得好,”一名警官对她说,他们在代表枪手和学生的纸板道具前互击掌。 Miramontes recently joined 30 other Utah teachers at a series of trainings where police instructed them on how to respond to an active shooter. 米拉蒙特斯最近和犹他州的其他30名教师一起参加了一系列培训,在这些培训中,警方会指导他们如何应对一名活跃的枪手。 Teachers went through the shooting drill inside a warehouse set up to look like a school, then moved outside to a shooting range. 老师们在一个看起来像学校的仓库里进行射击训练,然后搬到外面的射击场继续练习。 Active shooter training for educators is becoming more common nationwide, and Utah is one of several states that generally allow permit holders to carry guns in public schools. 针对教育工作者的积极射击训练在全国越来越普遍,犹他州是允许持枪者在公立学校携带枪支的几个州之一。 ![]() Other states, including Florida and Texas, have programs that allow certain teachers to be armed if they are approved under a set of stipulations. 包括佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州在内的其他州也有一些项目,允许某些教师在符合一系列规定的情况下携带武器。 Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith said the popularity of concealed carry permits in Utah makes such trainings even more important. 犹他州治安官迈克·史密斯表示,犹他州隐蔽性的枪支携带许可证的普及使得此类培训变得更加重要。 About half the teachers brought their own handguns to the shooting range. 大约一半的老师带着他们自己的手枪到射击场。 "If teachers are going to be bringing firearms into schools, let's make sure they know how to handle them safely," Smith said. 史密斯说:“如果老师们打算把枪支带入学校,那就应该让我们来确保他们知道如何安全使用枪支。” ![]() At least 39 states require lockdown, active-shooter or similar safety drills, according to the Education Commission of the States. 据美国教育委员会称,至少有39个州要求进行锁定敌人、主动射击或类似的安全演习。 Other states have less explicit requirements or leave it to districts. 其他州则没有这么明确的要求,或者将其留给地区去规定。 Utah requires its elementary schools to conduct at least one safety drill each month, and its secondary schools to have detailed emergency response plans. 犹他州要求其小学每个月至少进行一次安全演习,中学必须有详细的应急计划。 The firearm training is voluntary, but the Utah County Sheriff's Teachers Academy already has a waiting list for its next four-week program. 枪支训练是自愿的,但犹他州警长教师学院下一个为期四周的项目已经有了一份预约排队名单。 Despite increasing prevalence, some school safety experts aren't in favor of firearms training and worry that such lessons could cause undue stress or harm. 尽管枪支越来越普遍,但一些学校安全专家并不赞成枪支培训,他们担心这样的课程可能会造成不必要的压力或伤害。 ![]() "Are police tasking teachers to perform a law enforcement responsibility by arming them to protect others? We have to be cautious of what we ask people to do in these traumatic, stressful situations," said Ken Trump, a school safety expert with the National School Safety and Security Services consulting firm. “警察是通过武装教师来保护他人,从而让他们履行执法职责吗?我们必须谨慎对待我们让人们在这些创伤性、紧张的情况下做什么,”美国国家学校安全和安全服务咨询公司的学校安全专家肯·特朗普说。 Miramontes said her teacher friends in Utah and other states debated about it on Facebook. 米拉蒙特斯说,她在犹他州和其他州的老师朋友在脸书上对此进行了讨论。 But after the training, she said she felt empowered. 但在培训之后,她说她觉得自己充满了力量。 "I know how to protect myself and my students now; I know what to expect if the worst happens," she said. “我现在知道如何保护自己和我的学生;我知道如果最坏的情况发生了,该怎么办。”她说。 ![]() At the recent session, officers showed teachers how to disarm a gunman, where to shoot on the body, how to properly aim and unload a firearm. 在最近的一次会议上,警官们向老师们展示了如何解除枪手的武装,在哪里对其身体开枪,如何正确瞄准并卸下武器。 They also went over de-escalation techniques, self-defense and medical responses such as how to pack a wound and tie a tourniquet on a child. 他们还研究了危险降级技术、自卫和医疗反应,比如如何包扎伤口和给孩子绑止血带。 Officers spent months designing the course and local businesses donated money and equipment. 官员们花了几个月的时间来设计课程,当地企业也捐赠了资金和设备。 Attendees paid $20 to participate. 参加者只需要支付20美元即可报名。 Between bites of pastries, teachers relayed their fears: 在品尝糕点的间隙,老师们也表达了他们的恐惧: "Will the gunman leave after I shoot them?" “我开枪后枪手会离开吗?” "How do I protect the children when they come?" “当枪手们冲进来的时候,我该如何保护孩子们?” ![]() The sun stretched over the mountains as teachers put down their coffee and strapped into bulletproof vests, goggles and protective head gear. 当老师们放下咖啡,系上防弹背心、护目镜和防护头套时,太阳已经翻过了山。 Above the ringing of gunshots, some teachers discussed summer vacation plans and classroom supply lists. 在枪响声中,一些老师还讨论了暑假计划和教室供应清单。 Sandy Grow, a special needs educator at a Lehi middle school, said the massacres at Parkland and Sandy Hook left her feeling unsafe at work. 利希中学的特殊儿童教育工作者桑迪·格罗说,帕克兰和桑迪·胡克的大屠杀让她在工作中感到不安全。 A gunman killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, last year. 去年,佛罗里达州帕克兰市马乔里·斯通曼·道格拉斯高中发生枪击案,造成17人死亡。 ![]() In 2012, 20 children and six educators were killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. 2012年,康涅狄格州纽镇桑迪胡克小学发生枪击案,20名儿童和6名教育工作者遇难。 "The idea of being trapped in a classroom with my students and not being able to protect them bothered me," she said. 她说:“和学生们一起被困在教室里,却无法保护他们,这种想法让我感到不安。” "I want to defend them and keep them safe, not be a sitting duck." “我想保护他们,保护他们的安全,而不是坐以待毙。” Mike Ericksen thinks a lot about how to keep students safe at Mountain View High School, where he's the principal and his son is a student. 迈克·埃里克森在山景高中思考了很多如何保护学生安全的问题,他是该校的校长,他的儿子也是一名学生。 In 2016, before he began working there, five students were stabbed in the boys' locker room. 2016年,在他开始工作之前,五名学生在男生更衣室被刺。 Reloading his handgun for target practice, Ericksen said the training has left him better prepared to fight back if someone threatens his school. 埃里克森说,如果有人威胁到他的学校,这种训练可以让他更好地准备反击。 "I'm more confident in my skills and what to do if something happens," he said. 他说:“我对自己的技能更有信心,如果发生了什么事情,我也知道该怎么办。” "I'm not as nervous now. I can help." “我现在没有那么紧张了。我可以帮上忙。” ![]() 问题 文中提到美国犹他州教师报名参加这种枪支射击培训需要支付多少美元的费用? 留言回复正确答案,前十名朋友可以获得红包奖励哦,赶快来试试吧! 感谢关注 跟amber一起看世界 |