背景音乐:神田沙也加 - longing

Wall Street Journal/华尔街日报:
Japan’s manufacturing reputation took another hit as a product-quality scandal spread to Subaru Corp., which said final vehicle checks at two of its domestic factories were performed by uncertified inspectors.
“I feel ashamed that our company is becoming a cause of distrust in Japanese manufacturing quality,” Subaru President Yasuyuki Yoshinaga said at a Friday press conference, after bowing for eight seconds in apology.
A series of product-quality scandals have hit Japan Inc. in the past month, generating government concern about the country’s image as a manufacturer.
Ernest Montague
Once upon a time goods from Japan were junk. That was a twenty-year, post WWII era. Then they got good, and then very very good. And now, it looks like that is changing again.
Chris Marrou
If this problem required an eight-second bow, the CEO of GM should bow for the next month and a half to apologize for the cars they turned out in the 1970s and '80s.
Steven Corcoran
Were any actual defects later discovered? Sounds like a bureaucratic problem rather than a real scandal.
robert patridge
Our 3-year-old Subaru Forester runs perfectly. Zero complaints. It handles well and with excellent economy. Could not be happier regardless of whom might have inspected it from Japan. Sure beats Ford!

take a hit 遭受打击
scandal 丑闻
uncertified 未认证的
inspector 检测员
distrust 不信任
press conference 新闻发布会
bow 鞠躬
goods 商品
turn out 生产
defect 缺陷
bureaucratic 官僚主义的
fuel economy 燃油经济性