














Ode to Wuhu

Tr. Wu Haohao

Clouds float over Mount Zhe in piles,

Lake Mirror extends miles and miles.

Guangji Temple grand, its creed is kind,

Qinghua Temple purifies your mind.

Opera highlights th’ annual fair.

Iron pictures are arts rare.

Water doves sing, alga grows well.

In her arms or heaven, I can’t tell.


Zhe Tower, which is located in the southern foot of the Zhe Mountain(literally Chocolate Mountain), was established in 1065—the second year of the reign of Zhao Shu in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is a spot for sightseeing. Standing on top of the tower, one can overlook the mist drifting here and there, reflecting the colorof the sun. Mirror Lake lies beneath the mountain. It gains its name for its large, round shape. It wrinkles when fresh breezes puff across. At the southwest waist of the mountain, there stands a Buddhist temple. It was built and named Yongqing Temple during the reign of Li Ye in the Tang Dynasty, renamed Guangji Temple in around 1008-1016 during the reign of Zhao Heng in the Northern Song Dynasty. The temple is magnificent with statues of Budda. Taoist temples are also commonly seen in Wuhu. Qinghua Taoist Temple on Phoenix Mountain is an elegant one. Shadowed by trees, its eaves at each corner protrude skyward. Worshipers who come to pray are generally virtuous people.

Guandou Temple fair is an annual jollification for all. Selected scenes of operas are performed by skilled artists. Noise of forging are heard in the workshops of iron painting firms at Jiuhua Road. The exquisite articles produced by the firms are popular with people both home and abroad. Some famous iron paintings like “Greeting Pine”, “Meishan Reservoir” and a poem titled “Snow” composed by Mao Zedong are exhibited at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. These paintings completed in the year 1959-1960 are masterpieces of Chu Yanqing and his pupils. Wuhu is a city of rivers and lakes. It was called “Dove Heaven” for its ideal environment for all sorts of aquatic birds like water doves, wild geese, sandpipers and so on. Their chirping and singing are living memories to those who once lived or visited the city. So people will come back to Wuhu by boat in warm days when algae covers up the lakes and hills turn green.



About Wuhu

Wuhu lies southwest to Yangtze River delta. It is a industrial, technological and educational base in East China. It is a transportation junction connecting other parts of China, a well-known city east to Changjiang River ranging from the Spring and Autumn Period up till now. It ranks one of the largest inland harbors along Changjiang River. It serves as the transportation hub of domestic cargoes, containers and import and export commodities. Wuhu is a city with a long history. In the mid-late period of the Ming Dynasty, it was a center of dyeing industry; in modern times, the top one of the Four Largest Rice Markets.

图一:芜湖(Picture 1: Wuhu)

图二:赭山(Picture 2: Zhe Mountain)

图三:镜湖(Picture 3: Mirror Lake)

图四:广济寺(Picture 4: Guangji Temple)

图五:铁画(Picture 5: Iron Painting)

(The Iron Painting Titled Greeting Pine at the Great Hall of the People)


陆地,北京大学新闻与传播学院教授、博士生导师,北京大学视听传播研究中心主任。中国人民大学新闻学博士,中国首位新闻传播学博士后(复旦大学)。曾任蚌埠日报、中国青年报、北京电视台等新闻媒体的记者、主任编辑和清华大学新闻与传播学院教授。1998年以来,发表广播电视与新媒体以及文化产业等方面的论文300余篇、诗词300余首,出版专著、编著、译著等15部;2004年被中国广播电视协会评选为全国“十佳”广播电视理论工作者;先后创办每年一度的中国电视满意度博雅榜和中国网络视频满意度博雅榜。 博士招生方向:广播电视理论与实务研究;节庆礼仪文化与传播研究。



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