

  Notes are a quick way of using the minimum words to remind you of maximum information after the important discourse has ended. Note taking is important when you are listening to a lecture, watching a significant video, or reading a book that relates to research you are doing. This is a list of tricks to use when taking notes. Often writing down just a couple of words or a short phrase will be enough to help you remember a large chunk of information later.

  TIP 1: Write down every word only when you think you want to quote that person--and then only for special purposes.


  Because taking down every word takes valuable time and attention. As you can easily see, a person who is taking notes will probably miss a lot of information by trying to write too much. Human beings can speak much faster than they can write because writing is a more complex action than just listening.

  TIP2: As soon as possible, sit down with your notes and "write them up".


  Fill in any gaps that you find--your memory will help you because the speaking is still clear in your mind. This tip is very important because your memory begins to loose some of the data almost immediately. Maybe during class you wrote down many one-word notes. If you look those notes over soon after class and fill in more information for each word, you will remember many additional details and explanations. However, if you wait even a few days, the amount of information that you remember for your one-word notes will have shrunk considerably.

  TIP 3: Use Symbols and Abbreviations


  Try to think of some symbols and abrreviations to replace a whole word, which can greatly improve the speed of note-taking. The point is, however, you should always remember what these symbols and abbreviations mean!

  +/ - : plus or minus

  bc: because

  w/: with

  w/o: without

  +: and

  @: at, about, around

  $: money

  ›info: information

  ›dd: developed countries ›

  dg: developing countries ›

  y/y: year after year, 每年 ›

  d/d: day after day 每天 ›

  1+1: cooperate, 合作 ›

  X: 否定

  ›→: leads to/causes

  ›≈ : about 大约

  ›> :more than 多于,大于 ›

  < :less than 少于,小于

  ›» :much more than 大得多

  ›« :much less than 小得多›

  ↑ :establish 建立 ›


