
【造词理据】-ize、-al是后缀,词根globe源自PIE词根*glem-或 *glom-(圆球),G形表圆形,在这里特指圆形的地球,globalize指全球化的。
【例句】"Both foreign recruits and Korean employees learn from each other, and that helps globalize the company. "
【同根词】agglomerate agglomeration clam clamp conglomerate globe glomeration


【造词理据】仿造词。根据nuncheon和 truncheon创造,其中lunch午餐,L表赶牛的刺棒,反指不放牛了,暗指吃饭,后特指午餐。eon是schench(喝drink)的截短(注:eon=ench),S表牙齿,引申指喝。luncheon指有吃有喝的正式午餐,即午宴。
【例句】Then the field was narrowed down, and I was one of about 10 invited to actually cook for the first lady, a luncheon audition.
【同词根】dinner lunch luncheonette noon nuncheon truncheon

【例句】You might be going to a beautiful wedding celebration or to a graduation,anniversary, or birthday party.
【同根词】ver的同根词:aerate; aeration; aerial; aero-; aerobics; aerophyte; aerosol; air (n.1) "invisible gases that surround the earth;" airy; aorta; anaerobic; aria; arterial; arterio-; arteriosclerosis; arteriole; artery; aura; malaria; meteor.