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参考资料: (2020.2.17)
[1] Mayo Clinic, Cavities/tooth decay, Accessible at:
[2] Wikipedia, Acid erosion, Accessible at:
[3] O'Toole, S., and F. Mullan. 'The role of the diet in tooth wear.' British dental journal 224.5 (2018): 379.
[4] Al‐Zwaylif, Lynn H., Saoirse O'Toole, and Eduardo Bernabé. 'Type and timing of dietary acid intake and tooth wear among American adults.' Journal of public health dentistry 78.3 (2018): 214-220.
[5] https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/oral-health/Pages/Toothbrushing-Tips-for-Young-Children.aspx
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