C58小鼠是1921年 MacDowel从 Lathro(Abby Lathrop,1868~1918)那里得到一对黑色小鼠株,分别是雌性58号和雄性52号,通过近交多代繁殖而成的近交小鼠,以原种母鼠58号命名。与C57近交小鼠的原种是同父异母(原种雌鼠是57号,原种雄鼠是52号)。
可用于动脉粥样硬化敏感性研究。在高脂高胆固醇饲料喂养后,可以发生动脉粥样硬化,但程度不及C57BL/6J 。
年龄相关的听觉丧失。由于年龄相关听觉丧失1(age related hearing loss 1,ahl-1)基因突变导致毛细胞异常,在10月龄时发生听觉下降,进行性加重。有学习障碍。具有自闭症样行为异常(autistic like behaviors),C58可以作为人类自闭症谱群疾病动物模型(ASD,autism spectrum disorders)。
Teng BL, Nonneman RJ, Agster KL, Nikolova VD, Davis TT, Riddick NV, Baker LK, Pedersen CA, Jarstfer MB, Moy SS. Prosocial effects of oxytocin in two mouse models of autism spectrum disorders.Neuropharmacology. 2013 Sep;72:187-96.
Ryan BC1, Young NB, Crawley JN, Bodfish JW, Moy SS. Social deficits, stereotypy and early emergence of repetitive behavior in the C58/J inbred mouse strain. Behav Brain Res. 2010 Mar 17;208(1):178-88.
Moy SS, Riddick NV, Nikolova VD, Teng BL, Agster KL, Nonneman RJ, Young NB, Baker LK, Nadler JJ, Bodfish JW. Repetitive behavior profile and supersensitivity to amphetamine in the C58/J mouse model of autism.Behav Brain Res. 2014 Feb 1;259:200-14.
Muehlmann AM, Edington G, Mihalik AC, Buchwald Z, Koppuzha D, Korah M, Lewis MH. Further characterization of repetitive behavior in C58 mice: developmental trajectory and effects of environmental enrichment.Behav Brain Res. 2012 Dec 1;235(2):143-9.
Erway LC, Shiau YW, Davis RR, Krieg EF. Genetics of age-related hearing loss in mice. III. Susceptibility of inbred and F1 hybrid strains to noise-induced hearing loss.Hear Res. 1996 Apr;93(1-2):181-7.