(2)这次骑行被誉为杰作。 这就是迪士尼18年后才关闭它的原因

In 1977, Monsanto suspended its sponsorship of the attraction.

It wasn’t the first time that a sponsor had opted not to renegotiate their contract with Disney, and it would be far from the last. Just a few years later, Disney would open a radical new kind of park in Florida called EPCOT Center that would rely almost entirely on sponsorship. A sort of “permanent World’s Fair,” Disney hoped that corporations would chomp at the bit to have their brands  plastered across a Disney Park, and would in turn pay for upkeep on attractions and keep pre- and post-shows stocked with their newest technologies…

While it must've read a win-win on paper, if you ask many Disney Parks fans, the sponsor-based strategy crippled Epcot and lead to the degradation or closure of many fellow Lost Legends: Horizons, Journey into Imagination, BODY WARS, Kitchen Kabaret, and Maelstrom to name just a few. Each languished when its sponsor dropped out.

Even without Monsanto footing the bill, Disney made a few simple edits to the attractions’ narration and signage and Adventure Thru Inner Space continued on for years.

Finally, on September 2, 1985, Adventure Thru Inner Space closed forever.

New directions

Adventure Thru Inner Space might’ve been one of the last holdouts of Tomorrowland’s initial ideology: to sincerely educate and entertain by predicting how scientific advancement might create a better world. If its closure signaled the end of an era, then its replacement was equally important in signaling the land’s new direction, and the new path forward for Disney Parks.


这不是第一次赞助商选择不与迪士尼重新谈判他们的合同,而且这将远远不是最后一次。仅仅几年之后,迪士尼将在佛罗里达开设一个名为EPCOT中心的全新公园,该公园几乎完全依赖赞助。作为一种“永久性的世界博览会”,迪士尼希望企业能够在迪士尼乐园中沾染自己的品牌,并反过来支付景点的保养费用,并保留前后展示的最新技术。 ...



最后,在1985年9月2日,Adventure Thru Inner Space永远关闭。



In January 1987, Star Tours took over the south showbuilding along Tomorrowland’s entry. Under the guidance of then-new CEO Michael Eisner, Disney would radically transform. Eisner would use all that he’d learned as CEO of Paramount Pictures to oversee the rejuvenation of the company’s film studio, animation division, and theme parks. It was Eisner’s assertion that Disneyland would be a place where guests could “ride the movies.” Trouble is, Disney wasn’t making many good movies at the time, so Eisner partnered with George Lucas to bring Star Wars into the parks. We told the full, behind-the-scenes story of the unprecedented collaboration in its own Lost Legends: Star Tours feature that's a must read, but you know how the story ends...

Obviously, Star Tours was a hit, though it's an obvious pivot point. Before Star Tours, Disney had been in the ceaseless, endless race to keep Tomorrowland futuristic. Every few years, new exhibits, new stories, and new technologies had to be funded to keep “tomorrow” from becoming “today.” But with Star Tours, it became conceivable to Imagineers that Tomorrowland could be built in a way that would be timeless. Forget science; a science fiction land wouldn’t have to try to keep up with real emerging technologies! It wouldn’t even try to predict a real future, instead bringing to life fantastical ones.

Currently, Tomorrowlands across the globe represent a golden seaside port rooted in the literary works of European thinkers (Paris), a sci-fi alien city as envisioned by early 20th century serial comics (Orlando), a glass and metal plaza that has no root in time or place (Shanghai), and an unfortunate mix of them all (California), each smartly (and for many, sadly) avoiding any semblance of what the real future might actually look like. Of course, while they might be creatively dressed and smartly designed on the outside, most of those Tomorrowlands are unfortunately and frustratingly populated by rides based on Monsters Inc., Finding NemoLilo and Stitch, and Toy Story.

The takeaway? Tomorrowland’s very foundation shifted, and Adventure Thru Inner Space would be one of the last great sincere scientific attractions at a Disneyland-style park; a sort of precursor to the grand, revered dark rides that would open at EPCOT Center decades later. Inner Space would’ve felt right at home alongside World of Motion, Spaceship Earth, or Universe of Energy, and that is very high praise indeed.

1987年1月,Star Tours在明日世界的入口处接管了南部的建筑。在当时的新任首席执行官迈克尔艾斯纳的指导下,迪士尼将彻底改变。艾斯纳将利用他所学到的派拉蒙电影公司首席执行官的一切来监督公司电影制片厂,动画部门和主题公园的复兴。艾斯纳认为,迪士尼乐园将是一个客人可以“骑电影”的地方。麻烦的是,迪斯尼当时没有制作很多好电影,所以艾斯纳与乔治卢卡斯合作将星球大战引入公园。我们讲述了自己的“失落的传说”中前所未有的合作的完整幕后故事:星际之旅的特色是必读,但你知道这个故事是如何结束的......

显然,Star Tours很受欢迎,尽管它是一个明显的支点。在Star Tours之前,迪士尼一直在不断地进行着无休止的竞赛,以保持明日世界的未来感。每隔几年,新的展品,新故事和新技术必须得到资助,以保持“明天”不会变成“今天”。但是通过Star Tours,想象力可以想象明日世界可以以永恒的方式建造。忘记科学;科幻小说的土地不必试图跟上真正的新兴技术!它甚至不会试图预测一个真正的未来,而是将生动的梦想变为现实。

目前,全球的Tomorrowlands代表了一个金色的海滨港口,根植于欧洲思想家(巴黎)的文学作品,这是一个科幻异域城市,由20世纪早期的连环漫画(奥兰多)设想,这是一个没有根的玻璃和金属广场。在时间或地点(上海),以及他们所有人(加利福尼亚州)的不幸混合,每个人都巧妙地(并且很多人,可悲地)避免任何真实未来可能看起来的样子。当然,虽然他们可能在外面创造性地穿着和巧妙设计,但不幸的是大部分明日世界都是以Monsters Inc.,Finding Nemo,Lilo and Stitch和Toy Story为基础的游乐设施。


Tomorrowland today has very little interest in actually predicting what tomorrow may bring, and even less interest in smartly presenting any kind of content. We traced that steep decline in its own in-depth feature perfect for Disney Parks history fans – Lost Legends: The Peoplemover and the Fall of Walt’s Tomorrowland.

Of course, the world in 2016 is quite different from the world in 1967. Would today’s guests even bother to ride Adventure Thru Inner Space? Or would they overwhelmingly prefer Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters given the choice? Speaking of which, Adventure Thru Inner Space survives even today in some very unique ways… Read on to find out where this classic Tomorrowland ride’s DNA ended up.

今天的明日世界几乎没有兴趣预测明天可能会带来什么,甚至没有兴趣巧妙地呈现任何类型的内容。 我们追溯到其自身深度特征的急剧下降,非常适合迪士尼乐园的历史粉丝 - 失落的传说:人民移民和沃尔特的明日世界的陨落。

当然,2016年的世界与1967年的世界截然不同。今天的客人是否会费心去骑冒险通过内部空间? 或者他们绝大多数会选择Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters? 说到内在空间冒险即使在今天以一些非常独特的方式存活...继续阅读以找出这个经典明日世界骑行的DNA最终的位置。

Adventure Thru Inner Space closed more than three decades ago, but it lives on in a number of astounding ways.通过内部空间的冒险在三十多年前关闭了,但它以许多惊人的方式存在。

1. The Omnimover

Believe it or not, Adventure Thru Inner Space was the first ride to use Disney’s patented Omnimover ride system when it opened in 1967, predating what might be its most famous application in Disney’s own Haunted Mansion in 1969. And it wasn’t done there – the Omnimover would go on to star in many of Epcot’s classic dark rides like World of Motion, Journey Into Imagination, Horizons, Spaceship Earth, and the Living Seas. The still-revolutionary design was even taken out of the mothballs and used as the ride system in the two 21st century dark rides based on The Little Mermaid that opened at Disney California Adventure and Magic Kingdom in 2011 and 2012, respectively.

The ingenious and groundbreaking ride system is comprised of a continuously moving chain of ride vehicles that guests board from a moving walkway. Because they’re continuously moving and constantly loading, Omnimover ride systems have exceptionally high capacities and tremendous hourly throughput. Many rides using the system direct the vehicles to turn and pivot at precise moments along the leisurely course, directing riders’ attention exactly where designers want, giving Imagineers the real-world power of a movie camera.

不管你信不信,Adventure Thru Inner Space是1967年开放使用迪士尼专利的Omnimover骑行系统的第一次骑行,早于1969年在迪士尼自己的鬼屋中最着名的应用程序。它并没有在那里完成 - Omnimover将继续参演许多Epcot的经典黑暗游乐设施,如“运动世界”,“想象之旅”,“地平线”,“太空飞船地球”和“活海”。这个仍然具有革命性的设计甚至被从樟脑丸中取出,并被用作两个21世纪黑暗骑行中的骑行系统,该骑行系统基于分别于2011年和2012年在迪士尼加州冒险和神奇王国开幕的小美人鱼。


In a most unusual twist of fate, the Omnimover lives on in Tomorrowland, too. Adventure Thru Inner Space closed in 1985 in Tomorrowland's south showbuilding. Almost two decades later, the mirror-image north showbuilding along Tomorrowland's entry (formerly home to Circlevision 360 and, later, to a Disaster File: Rocket Rods), opened with Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters. On board, guests join Star Command from Disney-Pixar's Toy Story 2 and take flight aboard a continuous chain of constantly-moving intergalactic space ships... An Omnimover alive in Tomorrowland just a few dozen feet from where the technology was first pioneered.

From under the sea to the dreamy clouds of imagination; the atomic inner world to the farthest reaches of toy-sized space, the Omnimover can do it all. So renowned and versatile is the Omnimover ride system, it scored among our list of the Seven Modern Wonders of the Theme Park World, and it all debuted in Tomorrowland's Adventure Thru Inner Space!

在最不寻常的命运转折中,Omnimover也在明日世界生活。 Adventure Thru Inner Space于1985年在明日世界的南部建筑中关闭。 差不多二十年后,沿着明日世界(以前是Circlevision 360的故乡,以及后来的灾难文件:Rocket Rods)的镜像北方展示,与Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters一同开放。 在船上,客人从迪斯尼 - 皮克斯的玩具总动员2加入星际指挥部,乘坐连续不断移动的星际太空船连续飞行......在明日世界的一个Omnimover活着,距离技术最先开创的地方只有几十英尺。

从海底到梦幻般的想象之云; 原子内心世界到玩具大小的最远的地方,Omnimover可以做到这一切。 Omnimover骑行系统如此着名和多功能,它在我们的主题公园世界的七个现代奇迹列表中得分,并且它在明日世界的内在空间探险中首次亮相!

2. Star Tours


There’s no denying that in terms of guest satisfaction, Star Tours is a very worthy replacement for Adventure Thru Inner Space.

The storyline for Star Tours is a brilliant one: that here in our world, we have airports and airlines that carry us off to exotic destinations, and likewise, the Star Wars universe has its own intergalactic transportation company ­– Star Tours – offering trips to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. As would-be passengers entering the Earth terminal of this interstellar transit system, we see that it’s very much rooted in reality: there’s an arrivals / departures board, a host of aliens paging passengers over an intercom, a security checkpoint, a luggage scan… It’s a humorous look at how even the Star Wars universe has its mundane elements, and their public transportation is really quite like our own.

无可否认,就客人满意度而言,Star Tours是Adventure Thru Inner Space的非常有价值的替代品。

Star Tours的故事情节非常精彩:在我们的世界里,我们有机场和航空公司将我们带到异国情调的目的地,同样,星球大战宇宙也有自己的星际运输公司 - 星际之旅 - 提供前往 银河系最远的地方。 作为进入这个星际运输系统的地球终端的潜在乘客,我们看到它非常根植于现实:有一个到达/离开的董事会,一群外星人通过对讲机寻呼乘客,安全检查站,行李扫描...... 这是一个幽默的视角,即使是星球大战的宇宙也有其平凡的元素,他们的公共交通非常像我们自己的。

But to those who experienced Adventure Thru Inner Space, the terminal concourse of Star Wars looks very familiar. The winding, descending path toward the parked Star Speeder is actually a very in-tact remnant of the Inner Space queue, right down to the lighting. Of course, back then, that parked Star Speeder was instead the Mighty Monsanto Microscope with the continuously moving chain of Omnimovers advancing into it. Yes, this first room of Star Tours’ queue is where riders boarded their Atommobile and were miniaturized.

但对于那些经历过内心空间冒险的人来说,星球大战的终端大厅看起来非常熟悉。 朝向停放的Star Speeder的蜿蜒下行路径实际上是内部空间队列的一个非常直接的残余,直到照明。 当然,那时候,停放的Star Speeder取而代之的是Mighty Monsanto显微镜,其中不断移动的Omnimovers链进入其中。 是的,Star Tours排队的第一个房间是骑手登上他们的Atommobile并且小型化的地方。

Because Star Tours requires so much less room than the more elaborate dark ride of old, parts of the dark ride were reconfigured into the rest of Star Tours’ elaborate queue, space for the four military-grade motion-simulators that Star Tours takes place in, and the Star Traders gift shop it exits into, all of which was formerly space taken up by the dark ride itself. (Click and expand the blueprint above to see a detailed comparison of the two rides side-to-side.)

It’s strange-but-true to consider that, in a way, Adventure Thru Inner Space lives on even in parks where it next existed: when Star Tours was cloned at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris, the original queue at Disneyland was copied, too, bringing the iconic queue of Inner Space to Florida, Japan, and France. Even though those three parks never had Adventure Thru Inner Space, they all have a very obvious piece of its DNA!

因为Star Tours所需的空间比旧的更加精致的黑暗骑行要少得多,所以将部分黑暗骑行重新配置到Star Tours精心设计的其余部分,Star Tours所在的四个军用级运动模拟器的空间 ,以及它所进入的Star Traders礼品店,所有这些都是以前被黑暗骑行所占据的空间。 (单击并展开上面的蓝图,查看两个侧面骑行的详细比较。)

奇怪但真实的是,在某种程度上,即使在下一个存在的公园里,探险通过内心空间仍然存在:当星际之旅被克隆到迪士尼的好莱坞影城,东京迪士尼乐园和巴黎迪斯尼乐园时,迪斯尼乐园的原始队列 也被复制,将内部空间的标志性队列带到佛罗里达,日本和法国。 即使这三个公园从来没有通过内部空间冒险,它们都有一个非常明显的DNA片段!

3. The Mighty Microscope… in space


While it’s now impossible to see at a Disney Park, the original Star Tours paid tribute to Adventure Thru Inner Space in an exciting way. After Rex’s first faulty maneuver (“Brakes… Brakes! Where are the brakes?!”), the Star Speeder fell down into a Maintenance area and pulled up at the last second, gliding past a Control Booth. Just past the control tower, you could catch a glimpse of the Mighty Microscope jutting out. The Microscope made this cameo appearance (at about :50 in the video embedded below) in all four versions of Star Tours across the globe.虽然现在不可能在迪士尼乐园看到,但原始的星际之旅以激动人心的方式向探索内部空间探险致敬。 在雷克斯第一次出现故障后(“制动......制动!刹车在哪里?!”),Star Speeder跌落到维修区域,在最后一秒停下来,滑过控制亭。 在控制塔旁边,您可以看到强力显微镜突出的一瞥。 显微镜在全球所有四个版本的Star Tours中都出现了这个外观(在下面嵌入的视频中约为50个)。In 2010, Star Tours closed at Disneyland, reopening a year later in June 2011 as Star Tours: The Adventures Continue. The new, HD-3D iteration includes randomized beginnings, middles, and ends, producing dozens and dozens of possible combinations so that your journey is different every time. Amid the chaos of this new iteration, the Mighty Microscope lives on. In one of the three possible endings to your journey, the Star Speeder arrives at an under-construction Death Star orbiting Geonosis. As you escape through a hangar bay filled with Stormtroopers, the Mighty Microscope appears on the left, apparently overtaken by the Empire. (You’ll see it at about 6:20 in the video below.)2010年,Star Tours在迪士尼乐园关闭,一年后于2011年6月重新开放,作为Star Tours:The Adventures Continue。 新的HD-3D迭代包括随机开始,中间和结束,产生数十种可能的组合,以便您的旅程每次都不同。 在这个新的迭代的混乱中,强大的显微镜继续存在。 在你的旅程的三个可能结束之一中,Star Speeder到达正在建造中的死星,在Geonosis轨道上运行。 当你从一个装满突击队的机库中逃出时,强大的显微镜出现在左侧,显然被帝国所取代。 (您将在下面的视频中大约6:20看到它。)Here again, it's interesting that – because the ride film was cloned to all four Disney Parks where Star Tours (and then, Star Tours: The Adventures Continue) exists, the Mighty Microscope made cameo appearances at Disney's Hollywood Studios, Tokyo Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris.在这里,有趣的是 - 因为骑车电影被克隆到所有四个迪士尼公园,其中Star Tours(然后是Star Tours:The Adventures Continue)存在,Mighty Microscope在迪士尼的好莱坞影城,东京迪士尼乐园和迪士尼乐园亮相。 巴黎。

4. A younger sister

Claude Coats – the famed Imagineer and Disney Legend responsible for designing Adventure Thru Inner Space – was far from finished. Coates would go on to lead dozens of beloved Imagineering projects including the Haunted Mansion, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and most of EPCOT Center's beloved dark rides. However, in designing Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland, Coates reached into his own archive and crafted another Omnimover-based ride built off the blueprints for Adventure Thru Inner Space.

Replace the Mighty Monsanto Microscope with a globe and airport terminal and you've got the basics for another Lost Legend: If You Had Wings. The aviation-themed dark ride (sponsored by Eastern Air Lines) gave a generation wings to widen their world and set the course for EPCOT Center. We soared into the in-depth story of Coates' creations in that standalone feature – a must-read for fans of Magic Kingdom's early years.

克劳德·科茨(Claude Coats) - 着名的幻想工程师和迪斯尼传奇人物,负责设计探险通过内心空间 - 远未完成。 Coates将继续领导数十个备受喜爱的幻想工程项目,包括鬼屋,20,000海底联赛以及EPCOT中心大部分深受喜爱的黑暗骑行。 然而,在设计神奇王国的明日世界时,科茨进入了他自己的档案馆,并为Adventure Thru Inner Space的蓝图制作了另一个基于Omnimover的骑行。

用地球仪和机场航站楼取代Mighty Monsanto显微镜,你就可以获得另一个失落传奇的基础:如果你有翅膀。 以航空为主题的黑暗骑行(由东方航空公司赞助)为一代人的翅膀拓宽了他们的世界,为EPCOT中心设定了路线。 我们在这个独立的功能中飙升到Coates创作的深度故事 - 这是魔术王国早期粉丝的必读书。

Looking Forward and Back

Adventure Thru Inner Space has been gone for a very long time; so long, in fact, that many Disney fans never got the chance to ride it. But it remains beloved today for another reason: because of what it represented.

It was a holdout of Walt’s Tomorrowland – an optimistic world whose limitless advances in technology signaled a rebirth of culture. Guests were astounded by the hope of atomic energy and in awe of what the future could hold. It was a time when families wanted to come to Disneyland to learn about America’s past, present, and future.

通过内心空间的冒险已经消失了很长时间; 事实上,很久以来,许多迪士尼球迷都没有机会骑车。 但它今天仍然受到另一个原因的喜爱:因为它所代表的是什么。

这是对沃尔特的明日世界的坚持 - 一个乐观的世界,其无限的技术进步标志着文化的重生。 客人们对原子能的希望和对未来可能拥有的东西的敬畏感到震惊。 这是一个家庭想来迪斯尼乐园了解美国的过去,现在和未来的时刻。

Maybe if Adventure Thru Inner Space were recreated today, it would be beloved and revered and celebrated as a retrofuturistic spectacle and a grand show of Imagineering’s artistry. Who could say? But take a look at Epcot and you’ll notice that what we want – or at least, what Disney thinks we want – is to leave the real world behind. In their thinking, we don’t want to bother with science or history or learning. We’d rather blast aliens with Buzz than shrink to the size of an atom on a self-serious dark ride that teaches us the structure of atoms. Maybe they’re right.

But Adventure Thru Inner Space will remain a beloved memory of a different time and a different Disneyland. For our part, we do hope that one day, the Omnimover across the way in Tomorrowland gets a nostalgic and classic facelift to become an Adventure Thru Inner Space style exploration of science. But we won’t hold our breath. The continued invasion of Monsters Inc. and Lilo and Stitch seems a more likely – and unfortunate – path for Walt’s vista into wondrous ideas signifying man’s achievements.

Now, head over to our In-Depth Feature Library to set course for another Lost Legend.

But first, it’s your turn. Use the comments below to tell us what you think about Adventure Thru Inner Space. Is it yet another Lost Legend and a painful reminder of the high aspirations Disney once had in Epcot-style learning adventures? Or was it a dated remnant of a Tomorrowland that tried and failed to keep up with real scientific progress? Tell us your stories and thoughts as we keep memories of this lost classic alive.

也许如果今天重新创造了冒险通过内在空间,那么它将被人们所喜爱和崇敬,并作为一个改造的场景和一个想象的艺术性的盛大表演来庆祝。谁能说?但是看看Epcot,你会注意到我们想要的东西 - 或者至少是迪士尼认为我们想要的东西 - 就是抛弃现实世界。在他们的思考中,我们不想打扰科学,历史或学习。我们宁愿用Buzz爆炸外星人而不是在一个自我严肃的黑暗骑行中缩小到一个原子的大小,它教会我们原子的结构。也许他们是对的。

但是,通过内心空间探险将成为一个不同时代和不同迪斯尼乐园的心爱的记忆。就我们而言,我们希望有一天,明日世界的Omnimover能够进行怀旧和经典的改造,成为探索内心空间探险的科学探索。但我们不会屏住呼吸。 Monster Inc.和Lilo and Stitch的持续入侵似乎更有可能 - 而且是不幸的 - 将沃尔特的远景转变为意味着男人成就的奇妙想法。


但首先,轮到你了。使用下面的评论告诉我们您对Adventure Thru Inner Space的看法。它是另一个失落的传奇,并且是对迪士尼曾经在Epcot风格的学习冒险中所抱有的崇高期望的痛苦提醒吗?或者它是一个过时的明日世界残余,试图并未能跟上真正的科学进步?告诉我们你的故事和想法,因为我们记住这个失落的经典活着。

