1 - Generative probabilistic models for biological data
2 - Statistical analysis of data; simulations, Monte Carlo and maximum likelihood
3 - High quality graphics and visualization of large, heterogeneous data; the grammar of graphics and ggplot2
4 - Mixture models and clustering (application example: mass cyometry data); bootstrapping
5 - Multiple hypothesis testing
6 - RNA-seq, expression analysis, data transformations
7 - Multivariate analyses, PCA, SVD, et al.
8 - Working with image data
9 - Networks, graphs and phylogenetic trees
10 - Experimental design
11 - Microbial ecology; abundance testing
秀一个课件给大家看看吧:https://web.stanford.edu/class/b ... b_1_biostrings.html
Lab 1: Biostrings (due June 26)
Lab 2: Graphics (due June 27)
Lab 3: Simulations (due July 1st at 11pm) – submit a .pdf or .html to dropbox on coursework (this lab is required).
Lab 4: Multivariate (due July 5) --- This lab covers both multivariate lectures and the corresponding homework is due several days after the second multivariate lecture.
Lab 5: RNAseq (due July 5)
Lab 6: Multiple Testing (due July 7)
Lab 7: Phyloseq (due July 9)
Lab 8: Networks (due July 10)