
toll /təʊl/


toll: A toll is a sum of money that you have to pay in order to use a particular bridge or road. Besides, a toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.


In late may India passed two sad milestones in the struggle against covid­19. The official number of deaths from the pandemic crossed 300,000. Daily fatalities topped a record 4,500. Sadder still was the certainty that on both counts the true toll was many multiples higher. Across vast stretches of the country’s interior there is little testing for the virus, and therefore few “official” cases or deaths.

5月底,印度经历了抗击新冠肺炎的两个令人悲伤的里程碑。 据官方统计,死于新冠的人数超过了30万人,日死亡人数超过了创纪录的4500人。 更令人难过的是,可以肯定的是,在这两个数字中,真实的死亡人数要高出许多倍。而且在广袤的内陆地区,几乎没有对这种病毒的检测,因此很少有“官方”病例或死亡数。


单词 toll,最初来自拉丁语 telos ,表示 'duty, tax, expense, cost,',即“税,花费”的意思。
后来引申为 a tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege, such as passing over a highway or bridge,即“过路费,通行费”;
后来战争爆发,这个单词又引申为 cost in life or health,表示“伤亡人数、付出的代价”。
① death toll 死亡人数
The official death toll has now reached 7,000.
② toll gate 收费站,收费口
Police spotted a suspicious vehicle passing a toll gate in New York City.
③ take a/its toll 逐渐侵蚀,造成损害
The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.


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