
Elmina Castle and its DarkHistory 
of Enslavement, Torture, and Death
Elmina Castle is a white-washed Medieval Castle onthe coast of Ghana. It was the first – and for many centuries – thelargest, European building constructed in tropical Africa. Yet itsgrandeur, as well as its picturesque surroundings with blue skies,sandy beaches, and tropical palms, disguise a dark history – ElminaCastle was the last place that thousands of African slaves wouldever see of their homeland. Many horrors transpired within thewalls of the fortress, which have never been erased bytime.
The beginning of Elmina Castle
Located on the western coast of present-day Ghana(the former gold coast), the town of Elmina is about 13 km (8miles) from the city of Cape Coast. A region rich in gold and ivoryresources, the area was home to 30 or so “slave forts” concentratedalong the coast, and was the first European slave-trading post insub-Saharan Africa.  These fortified castles werebuilt between 1482 and 1786 by numerous traders including thePortuguese, Swedish, English, Danish, andDutch. 
Between 1482 and 1486, the Portuguese constructedwhat became known as Elmina Castle, also called St George’s Castle.One of the main purposes of Elmina Castle was to give support toship captains by providing their vessels with a secure harbor. Theoutposts were heavily armed against assault from the sea, butinterestingly, not so much from attacks inland. An assault fromother European empires, including pirates, was deemed more likelythan those by local Africans. To fend off such attacks from thesea, cannons were used, whereas light gunfire was usually enough tocounter an assault from the interior.
Jean Barbot, who authored the book, Description of theCoast of North and South Guinea (1732), visited Elmina Castle in1682 and gave this eye witness account:
“This castle has justly become famous for beautyand strength, having no equal on all the coasts of Guinea. Builtsquare with very high walls of dark brown stone so very firm thatit may be said to be cannon-proof. On the land side, it has twocanals always furnished with rain or fresh water sufficient for theuse of the garrison and ships-canals cut in the rock by thePortuguese (by blowing up the rock little by little with gun powder). The warehouses either for goods or provisions are very largelyand stately always well furnished.”
It is said that European explorers who heard of theriches of West Africa through traders traveling through the areamade several unsuccessful voyages to reachElmina.  They were either unable to pass throughthe sandy bars or were so scared of malaria that they did not land.However, not put off by the dangers, Portuguese explorer Diogo deAzambuja made it to the West African coast in 1471, and landed at aspot named “La-Mine”. It was he who would later build ElminaCastle.
The Later Years of Elmina Castle
Although it was originally erected to protect thegold trade, following its capture by the Dutch in 1637, ElminaCastle came to serve the Dutch slave trade with Brazil and theCaribbean. The castle later developed as a point on the infamousslave triangle transporting human cargo to America and theCaribbean, as well as raw materials, such as cotton and rubber, toBritain, and manufactured goods, such as clothing and weaponry,back to the West Coast of Africa.
Under the auspices of the Dutch West Indies Company,around 30,000 slaves a year passed through Elmina until 1814 whenthe Dutch slave trade was abolished. Ceded to the British in 1872,Elmina Castle was rarely in use until Ghana’s independence from theBritain in 1957.  Thereafter, it became a trainingcentre for Ghanaian police recruits and even a school for a shortwhile, before being converted into a historicalmuseum.
Life and Death at Elmina Castle during the SlaveTrade
The days of the slave trade may be long gone, butthe interior of the castle is still a haunting reminder of thepast.


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