
 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Redler LH, Dennis ER. Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019;27(12):e544-e554. 本次学习由阎芳副研究员主讲。

Limited Capsular Release Versus Circumferential Release

As mentioned earlier, various techniquesexist for managing the capsulotomy and rotator interval. Some authors advocatefor avoidance of an inferior release to limit axillary nerve injury. A retrospective study of 52 patients who underwent arthroscopic capsular release compared various techniques, suchas joint débridement, rotator interval opening, CHL release, variouscapsulotomies (anterior, posterior, inferior, and anterior-inferior), orsubscapularis tenotomy. All patients had improvement in pain and ROM. Patientswho underwent inferior capsulotomy as part of their release (n = 20) had the best results.



Lafosse et al recently described the360-capsular release technique in which the subacromial space is entered laterally,the rotator interval is opened from the outside in, and a 360° capsular release and biceps tenotomy is performed. All patientsreported excellent improvement in ROM and pain scores, and no complications werepresent, including axillary nerve injury, fracture, or infection.


Author’s Preferred Technique

The senior author prefers an interscaleneblock for sustained postoperative pain control combined with a generalanesthetic, including paralysis, to ensure that a gentle MUA can beaccomplished without undue force. Our capsular release method incorporates ananterior, anteroinferior, and posterior capsular release, with extension inferiorlyto the level of the infraspinatus and release of the rotator interval. We beginusing a posterior working portal where the rotator interval is released workingaround the labrum superiorly to the biceps laterally (Figure 5). Care is takento release all adhesions to help lateralize the humeral head and improveworking space. The superior glenohumeral interval and CHL are released withinthe rotator interval. Next, we identify the subscapularis and free up itsposterior surface. The anteroinferior capsule is released deep to subscapularistendon along with any component of contracted middle glenohumeral ligament andinferior glenohumeral ligament circumferentially to the 5 o’clock position. Next,an anterior working portal is used to perform a posterior capsule release,working inferiorly using infraspinatus fibers as landmark of adequate release(Figure 6).



During the MUA, the anterior and posterior releases propagate toward each other and connect inferiorly. It is vital to grasp the patient’s arm proximally to create a short lever arm, which decreases the risk of fracture. The first step is forward elevation of the arm to 180°. This serves to release the inferior capsule in the axillary fold. Next, with the arm adducted, the shoulder is externally rotated to release the anterior capsule. Then, cross-body adduction is performed to release the posteroinferior capsule. Next, the arm is brought into abduction. In abduction, with scapular stabilization by an assistant, the glenohumeral joint is first maximally externally rotated (to continue release of the anterior capsule) and then maximally internally rotated (to release the posterior capsule). We document the patient’s forward elevation, external rotation at the side,90°ainternalrotationat bduction, and straight abduction with the camera to provide the patient and his or her therapist with photographs of the improved ROM (Figure 7). After the manipulation, a repeat arthroscopic assessment is performed to confirm circumferential release. Last, an assessment of the subacromial space is always performed. Impingement signs are not applicable on physical examination in patients with AC, and a large subacromial spur with extensive subacromial bursitis is often encountered. A standard subacromial decompression with acromioplasty is performed if warranted by intraoperative findings. Postoperatively, all patients have portable AP, lateral, and axillary radiographs in the postanesthesia care unit to ensure no fractures are present. Postoperative multimodal pain management is used, including acetaminophen 1000 mg three times daily for 7 days, gabapentin 300 mg three times daily for 3 days, diazepam 5 mg as needed for muscle spasm, and oxycodone 5 to 10 mg as needed for pain. With this regimen, we have found that patients require fewer narcotics and therefore can avoid undesirable adverse effects.




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