




South-Roaming #7 Yalong River

Towards dusk, it began drizzling. I finally settled with a hotel on the roadside. Before this, I’d tried to keep going but raindrops in the mountains could be much trouble. The altitude ahead was going up. The weather in the mountains or grasslands is precarious and should not be reckoned with brashly.

A restaurant owner, a middle-aged woman led me to her next-door hotel. Here I just passed a bridge over Yalong River a few kilometers, the largest tributary of Jinsha River.

Now indoors, the river’s noise sounds like downpouring and I even check outside, but there is no rain. At a house store, I bought a pack of tissue from a little girl with her companions. In front of the store, two boys are playing basketball against each other and the sideline of the road is just a step away. lights and food’s scents from the few scattered houses permeate. The road slopes upward deeper into the mountains, the moon hung high in the sky half covered by one or two strips of clouds. This is like a perfect starting point for a trip: to leave a simple foundation in the camouflage of night and charge into the unknown afar.

