
hand in glove 密切合作
have a blast 玩得痛快
that makes two of us 英雄所见略同
diamond in the rough 潜力股
devil’s advocate 爱抬杠的人
yank my chain 别整我
yesterday’s news 过时的人或事
quaking in my boots 吓得瑟瑟发抖
quit while you’re ahead 见好就收
cash cow 摇钱树
watch your language 注意你的言辞
variety is the spice of life 有变化的生活才有乐趣
vanish into thin air 消失得很快
now or never 机不可失

jump to conclusions 草率下结论
in a pickle 陷入困境
fight fire with fire 以其人之道还治其人之身
every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中总有一丝光明
coming out of my ears 太多事情,忙不过来
under age 未成年
until hell freezes over 就算地狱结冰....
small talk 闲聊
read between the lines 领会言外之意
keep calm 保持冷静
figure out 明白
oh boy 天啊

my heart goes out to you 我同情你
push through 力推下通过(法律等)
hang on 稍等
out of line 非常过分
an arm and a leg 非常昂贵
dress to kill 穿着引人注目
wild goose chase 白费力气地追逐
zero tolerance 零容忍
zip it 闭嘴
your call 你决定吧
you can say that again 你说得没错
your guess is as good as mine 我也不知道

X factor 特殊的天赋和才能
water under the bridge 无法挽回的过去
vicious circle 恶性循环
virgin territory 全新的领域
velvet glove 外柔内刚
veg out 大吃特吃
upper hand 优势
take a rain check 改天吧
shake it off 摆脱;解脱
settle the score 报仇,算账
see eye to eye 意见一致
rule of thumb 经验法则
rise and shine 快起床
right as rain 身体健康,
quality time (尤指关爱子女,增进感情的)珍贵时光
quick fix 应急解决办法
quick buck 快钱
question of time 只是时间问题
pull yourself together 振作起来
put yourself in my shoes设身处地为我想想

pain in the neck 讨厌的人或事
over my dead body 休想
out of the blue 突然
no sweat 没问题
no love lost 互相憎恨
nest egg 储备金
many moons 很久以前
make or break 成败
make the cut 晋级
lost cause 注定失败的事
long shot 把握不大
lion’s share 大部分

let your hair down 放松一下
let the cat out of the bag 说漏嘴,(无意中)泄露秘密
keep your chin up 抬起头来;别灰心
knock your socks off 让人感到非常震惊/激动
kick the bucket 死掉
join the club 我们都有一样的糟糕经历
jury is out 还没有定论
jump ship 跳槽
icing on the cake 锦上添花
it takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
hit the road 出发
head over heels 爱上某人

have a cow 发飙
hang in there 坚持住
gravy train 美差
get a head start 抢先一步
flesh and blood 凡人,骨肉至亲
fat chance 机会渺茫
face the music 承担后果
elephant in the room 房间里的大象(一个问题虽然明显,但是太过于麻烦而没有人想去理它)
early bird 早起的人
double dating 双重约会
dirt cheap 非常便宜的

dig deep 彻底调查
easy come, easy go (钱财等)来得容易去得快
cup of joe 一杯咖啡
cream of the crop百里挑一
cold feet 紧张
call it a day 到此为止,收工
beat a dead horse 白费力气
black and blue 鼻青脸肿
bitter pill 难以接受的事
basket case 废人
all ears 洗耳恭听
ace in the hole 王牌、杀手锏