
本指南的中文翻译版本由“黑俊堂译友会” 成员:丹尼斯、 汤晓磊、 任枫、 年轮、刀锋 、 胖胖虎 、郭郭、Engine、heidi、余天颖 、Friedrich、Job ₄₂.₁₉₅²⁰¹⁸  红娘、李青栩成员共同合作翻译,中文翻译版本所有权归所有参与翻译成员所有,未经授权禁止转发,用于牟利的目的。









The Week’s Agenda 每周议程

In general, each Shingikaizen week will follow the same flow. In a fulfillment center, the first day will begin with a site tour forvisitors.  In a CS site, thefirst day will begin with CSC training. During that timeframe, ACES willhold a separate meeting with Team Leaders and Co-Leaders.   After the site tour(or CSC training) and Team Leaders/Co-Leader meeting, every participant will join together for a kick-off session referred to as Opening Ceremonies presentation, which lasts forabout two hours.  Following the opening each team will go to the floor and begin their kaizenweek.

通常来讲,每个Shingi改善周都会遵循相同的流程。在FC,第一天将开始为访客进行实地考察。 在CS,第一天将从CSC培训开始。在这段时间, ACES将与团队领导和共同领导人单独召开会议。 在现场参观(或CSC培训)以及团队领导/共同领导人会议之后,每个参与者将一起参加一个称为开幕式演示的持续约两个小时的启动会议。 开幕式结束之后,每支队伍都会去到改善现场并开始他们的改善周。

At the end of the ceremonies  day, the Team Leaders and Co-Leaders willattend a daily report-out session while their team continues to work on the floor.


The fourth day, Thursday, will mirror thesecond and third days, however the daily report-out will be replaced by anactual demonstration of the new process.  Only Team Leaders and Co-Leaders will attend this walk-around tour (or simulationsin CS sites).  During the simulation orwalkaround tour, the sensei will not ask questions or make comments.  It’s simply a time when leaders can observe changesmade by their colleagues in other processes.


An example of a kaizen week agenda can be found, you guessed it, on the Shingijustu Event Sharepoint site.


FirstDay Activities第一天的活动


The first day of kaizen activity shouldinclude a site tour for visitors, showing them around the building and pointingout practical safety tips.  Especiallyfor hosting fulfillment center sites, it’s important to remember that some ofthe invited visitors participating in your Shingi kaizen are not fluent in thesafety expectations of a fulfillment center. For example, we value our SDE partners tremendously; however “safety” toan SDE in Seattle means something very different than it does in a safety-sensitiveenvironment of a fulfillment center.  Thetour may include navigating through the building, and also practical issuessuch as the 20-foot rule, behavior near and around conveyors, which tasks orwork zones require PPE, etc.


In customer service sites, the site tourmay include a practical training session about CSC, and should include properetiquette for walking through the site when CSA’s are conversing live withcustomers.


Team Leader/Co- LeaderMeeting (Monday Morning- half an hour meeting)


Following the site tour (or during the site tour, depending on theagenda), the WW ACES and local ACES team will host a 30-minute team leader kick-off session, including all Team Leaders and Co-Leaders.  Primarily, the goal of this meeting is tocommunicate expectations about the coming week.   ACES will make the following points duringthe TL/CL meeting:

在site tour之后(或者在site tour期间,视日程而定),WW ACES和当地的ACES团队将举办一次30分钟的团队领导启动会议,包括所有团队领导和共同领导。这次会议的主要目的是传达对下周的期望。在TL/CL会议上,ACES将会提出以下几点建议:

·  Leadership –leaders of kaizen events challenge, organize and facilitate. They do not “lead”ideas, bar or block ideas or otherwise try to influence the group.


·  Leaders engage allparticipants – including hourly associates – to participate fully and haveaction items and measures of accountability for all participants.


·   This is a weekwhere past assumptions should be challenged.  It’s a week where complete creativity and free-thinking shouldoccur.  Leaders should ensure they, orothers on their team, do not say things like, “We can’t do that”, “The systemwon’t let us”, or “We’ve tried that before and it didn’t work.”


·  No one will bechastised for coming up with the “wrong” solution.   This is about try-storming.  If it doesn’t work, go back and try again(and again and again).  Plan, Do, Check,Act.


· Push your teamparticipants to break out of their natural comfort zones.   If you have folks on your team who are usedto being in front of a computer analyzing data, this is the week were youshould lead them to get very physical and not rely on a computer to providethem with “the facts”.  Facts occur fromactual observation about what is really going on.


·  On Monday andTuesday, you will feel uncertain and may not be sure that this is going towork.  Monday is typically a day offrustration, Tuesday is a day of uncertainty and initial try-storming,Wednesday is the day you “break things”, engaging in a lot of try-storming (orphysical work).  Thursday is the day youcontinue physical work, Continue to lead through organization and facilitation,and by Wednesday, you will feel much better about the kaizen process.  Be patient.


· 术”老师提供的反馈,而不是去挑战和讨论其他团队的演讲和陈述。你的陈述应该非常短并包括一个更新的目标表,今天完成成果的展示图,以及简短的当天完成事项摘要和第二天需要跟踪的事项。

· ThursdayReport-Out session will be on the floor, where each Team Leader and AssistantTeam Leader will actually go and see the results that other teams havemade.The sensei will not challenge onthis day, and there is no need for a PowerPoint presentation on Thursday.However, Friday’s Final Report-Out (closing c Sense of urgency –you have three days until your solutions are implemented (Thursday afternoon).Therefore, work very hard and very smart.  Your sense of urgency should bepretty high this week.


· Daily Report Outsare due on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We begin at X time and end at X time. The purpose of the daily report-outs is for you to see and hear what theother teams are doing, and to listen to the feedback provided by theShingijutsu sensei.The purpose is notto challenge or discuss other teams’ presentations.  Your presentation should be very short (5minutes) and include an updated Target Sheet, pictures of what you accomplishedfor the day, and a short bullet-pointed list of things to tackle the nextday. Site leadership will communicate the shareddrive location for daily report-out presentations to be downloaded at least 15 minutes before the dailyreport-out session.

周一到周三都需要输出日报。我们开始或者结束都一个不确定的时间。对于我们来说,日报的目的就是去看和听其他的团队及成员正在干什么,并倾听“新技eremonies) will require a Powerpoint presentation.


Milestones 里程碑

Monday– Take time to get to know each other on the team.  Go and see the process.  Work the process.  Talk to associates.  Validate target sheet, change them ifnecessary.  Value Stream Map the processin depth.

周一: 花时间让团队成员互相认识。观察流程并按照流程试操作,跟员工交谈,验证目标表,如果需要的话做些修改。并深入了解流程图。

Tuesday – understand the problem based on your deep understandingof Monday’s “go and see”.  Once youunderstand the problem, begin to brainstorm waste reduction ideas.  Create action plans for the team and dividethe team into small subgroups (divide and conquer).

周二: 在周一通过现场观察深入理解流程的基础上,深入了解相关的问题。一旦你理解了这个问题,开始通过头脑风暴法去思考消除浪费的方法。创建行动计划,并把团队分成小分队。

Wednesday–physical transformation of the process. First try-storm, measurements, iterations.

周三:  流程的实际转换。先尝试新的流程,衡量结果,并对流程做迭代升级

Thursday– continue try-storming, refine the changes, create visual process maps,visual indicators, and SOP for the new process.

周四:  继续尝试,提炼改变,创建可视化流程图,可视化指标,以及新流程的标准操作流程。

Friday – final presentationdue in the tank NO LATER THAN 60 minutes prior to the start of closingceremonies.

周五:  最终的演说要在闭幕仪式的前60分钟开始。

Shared Drive Location for Presentations为演讲材料创建一个共享盘

The local, hosting site should establish ashared-drive location where each team can post their daily report-outpresentations and final presentation.By having each team’s presentation dumped into a common shared drivelocation, any person with a laptop can run the daily report-out presentationand final ceremonies. It’s not necessaryto combine each final presentation into one PowerPoint.Rather, when each Team Leader gets up topresent their final presentation, the person hosting the master laptop cansimply click on the respective team leader’s presentation in the shared drivelocation.


Kick-Off Presentation (Opening Ceremonies)改善活动开幕

A kick-off meeting, or opening ceremoniesfor the Shingi kaizen event, occurs on Monday morning after the site tour (or CSC training in a CS site). In general,the opening ceremonies are a time to share with all team participants and siteleadership the expectations for the week, goals established by each team, and afew general housekeeping details.


Some of the talking points included inopening ceremonies may include:


·General welcome toall participants, especially visitors who traveled from far away, and to hourlyassociates who are letting the group “invade” their workplace.  Thank you to the local site leadership fortheir efforts in hosting the event.


· Keep an openmind.  Challenge assumptions and embraceboth simple and radical creativity.  It’sokay to completely “break” things, although take pictures first.   No one will yell, scream or otherwise causeyou trouble if you change the way things currently work – the power of kaizenis through gains realized through your creativity!


· There are no“titles” this week.  All teamparticipants are on the same footing, and each participants’ voice should beheard.   That doesn’t mean, of course,that every idea will be implemented.  Itsimply means that all ideas will be heard.


· It’s recognizedthat many participants have “other” jobs at Amazon.   However, part of the power of Shingijutsukaizen events come from complete dedication to focus on the process beingstudied.  Therefore, cell phones,blackberries and laptops should not be used for engaging in work other than thekaizen during the week.


·Kaizen is abouteliminating waste in a process -- making the process better, faster, easier toperform.


· (FC kaizens) Physicaldemands of the week.  Some of you areused to working in offices or in front of a computer.  This is a week that you will be asked to workoutside of your comfort zone, which may require physical work, cleaningworkstations, tearing up old tape on the floor, etc.  Just make sure that when you break theprocess, you do it with Safety in mind.


Milestones 里程碑

The first day is the day to take time to get to know each other on the team and toget to know the process.  We at Amazonlike to rush into things and jump to solutions quickly.   The first day should be about thoroughlyunderstanding the process space and target sheet.  It will take until mid-Tuesday before yourteam should even begin to come to agreement (after several iterations) of whatthe actual problems are.  Start Mondaywith a complete value stream map – learning to “see” the process.


This will be anintense week, you may find yourselves frustrated at times or feeling likeyou're being asked to achieve the impossible, but have confidence that if youpersevere, you will find the results you achieve at the end of the week truly remarkable!  Above all else, get wild, wacky and creativeand HAVE FUN.


Daily Report-Out Sessions  日常报告输出会议

Each day, the team leader and assistantteam leader will meet at the end of the day with the other teams’ leaders, theGM, ACES and sensei for a one-hour recap. This meeting is intended as part of the structure and discipline of theShingi kaizen week.  The purpose of daily report outs is to give the sensei a chance to vieweach team’s progress and provide them one last piece of feedback before theyend the day and plan for the next day.


During the report out sessions, Team Leaders will provide a recap of theirTarget Sheet, even if no changes occurred for the day, it’s important to beginwith and focus on the Target Sheet. Also, include actions taken for the day (pictures are much more powerfulthan words), and a brief plan for the following day.   Kaizens are not the same as a Six Sigma tollgate pitch.  Graphs and charts of data are not necessarily necessary, nor is a recap of the “problem statement”or a full pitch on the process space. It’s more about focusing on the process, waste in the process, and whatyour team is doing to eliminate waste in the process and to get to the targetgoals.

The flow of the dailyreport-out sessions will be: (1) Team Leader #1 presents, (2) Sensei comments, (3)Team Leader #2 presents, (4) Sensei comments, etc., (5) Final Recap by ACES.




Team Leaders who wish to get advice or clarity about what another team isdoing are encouraged to contact their Team Leader colleague after the DailyReport-Out session.



Often times, team participants will expressconcern about why they are excluded from daily report-out sessions.  There is a feeling that golden pearls ofwisdom are being passed by the sensei during these meetings and missed byparticipants who do not attend.  This isnot the case.  Team Leaders shouldexplain to team participants that the purpose of the daily meeting is to ensurea structured, disciplined approach to the kaizen event, where team leaders areheld accountable for progress made to the process scope.


LastDay Activities 最后一天的行动

The last day of a Shingijutsu kaizen event, Friday, is used solely to wrap up the week’s activities into a presentation to be shared with each team, the site leadership, and other Seattle-based Operations leadership (such as Marc Onetto and his direct reports).   Therefore, Team Leaders will be responsible for engaging their teams to pull together final target sheets, photos, and a list of actions to be taken after the kaizen week ends.

在周五举行是改善活动的最后一天,人们只会把这一周的活动总结成一份报告,与每个团队、现场领导以及其他西雅图运营领导(比如 Marc Onetto及其直接下属)分享。因此,团队领导将负责让他们的团队将最终的目标表、照片和改善周结束后要采取的行动列表整合在一起。

ClosingCeremonies  闭幕典礼

Closing ceremonies, or final report-outs, occur on Friday morning.  Each team will be asked to have theirpresentations dumped into the pre-communicated shared drive location at leastan hour before the closing ceremonies begin.  This time gap is necessary to ensure there is enough time to test theshared drive location connection to Net Meeting and to prepare final copies of each presentation for the sensei and translator.  The sensei will need some time before the final presentations to have information verbally translated by his interpreterso he can prepare his closing comments.


The flow of closing ceremonies presentation is: (1) GM/Site Leader says afew words of thank you, (2) each Team Leader presents his final presentation, (3)the sensei provides general wrap-up comments about the week, (4) Marc Onet to says a few words, and (5) closing comments by ACES.

闭幕式的流程如下:(1)总经理/现场负责人说几句谢谢;(2)每个组长做最后的发言;(4)Marc onet 讲话 (5)ACES 宣布闭幕。

It’s Not Over Until the Fat Lady Sings: Post Kaizen Week 

As a GM/Site Leader, you may get through Friday afternoon, wave goodbye toall of the kaizen visitors,  request thatthe conference rooms be cleaned and put back in their normal state, and sitdown to look through the 400+ emails that have invaded your Inbox since thebeginning of the week.  But, don’t be fooled that the kaizen week is over at this point.

作为库房的GM/site leader,你可能会在周五下午,和所有的改善游客挥手道别,请求将会议室清理并放回他们的正常状态,并坐下来浏览超过400 +电子邮件,这些邮件从本周一开始就入侵你的收件箱。但是,不要被“改善周”的结束而把所有的改善工作结束。

After the kaizen, hosting site leadership is responsible for ensuring thatall kaizen ideas are implemented in a reasonable period of time, that kaizenresults are valued from a cost-savings perspective, and are validated 30-days out.   Motivating exhausted Team Leaders from the site to actually follow-throughon kaizen ideas will take strong leadership and measures ofaccountability.   And, requesting helpfrom your Finance partners to validate the cost-savings is much needed.  Therefore, keep focusing on the process spaceeven after the fanfare has died down……afterthe kaizen event is when much of the kaizen process is just beginning.



In summary of the Event Planning andAdministration section, the following lessons should be noted:


·        Plan enough time to effectivelyprepare for a Shingi kaizen event, and use the Action Planning template to knowwho between the local site and ACES is responsible for what actions.

·        Set up the gemba with meetingroom space and all necessary supplies.

·        Think like a visitor.  Make sure visitors to your site will have apositive experience by planning for a smooth entry and exit to the building,preparing your team for their requests for resources, and planning meals oroutings accordingly.

·        Keep meals simple andcost-effective.  There is no award for“best food” in a kaizen event.

·        Prepare for presentations byhaving a shared drive location established and communicated to Team Leaders, byhaving rooms set up well in advance, and by test-driving Net Meeting andmicrophone capabilities.

·        Know the flow of openingceremonies, daily report-outs and closing ceremonies.  Knowing what will happen and by whom willtake a lot of the guesswork out of these meetings.

·计划足够的时间来有效地准备一个Shingi kaizen事件,并使用行动计划模板来了解在本地和ACES之间谁负责哪些行动。






After the kaizenevent, the hard work is just beginning. Establish pre-communicated timeframes for final implementation of kaizenideas and for cost-savings estimates (and validations) to be reported.



This Shingijutsu Kaizen Event ReferenceGuide holds a lot ofinformation.   For those of you readingthis document who would like a one-page “checklist” of sorts on the mainelements you should include when preparing for, hosting, or participating in aShingi kaizen, here it is.


·  Kaizen is about people.  Include them. Engage them.   Listen to theirideas before implementing any “try-storms”.  Include time during the problem-identifying phase on Day 1 to askassociates what are the specific things that are barriers to them performingtheir jobs effectively.

·  Before, during and after a kaizenevent, follow the three C’s with associates in the building:  communicate, communicate, andcommunicate.

·  The kaizen process works when ateam of people are free to focus totally and solely on the process athand.  Participants with “other” jobs within Amazon should make arrangements to have their other jobs covered by someone else for the week so they will be free to focus on the kaizen processbeing studied.

·  Allow enough time before thekaizen event to hash through the project selection phase and to collectpre-work measurements.

·  Set aggressive yet realistictarget goals to accomplish during the week.

·  Write clear, concise pre-work measurements on your target sheets and test the clarity of communication byhaving an associate explain back to you what they understand from the targetsheet.

·  For FC Shingi events, have tons of Facilities Techs ready to roll on Wednesday and Thursday.  Schedule them with lots of overtime or importthem from other FC sites, if necessary.   And, have your Buyer handy with the p-card for those emergency purchasesthat occur during try-storming.

·  Post-kaizen implementation and cost-savingsanalysis are just as important as the kaizen itself.  Set meetings with Team Leaders after thekaizen ends to ensure they are meeting the expectation for implementation andvalidation.

·  For any questions about Shingijutsu kaizen, the process of hosting an event, or the tactical piecesinvolved in planning an event, work with a WW ACES partner.







·对于FC Shingi改善活动,有大量的设备技术准备在周三和周四实施。如有必要安排好那些来自其他库房同事的大量加班计划。还有,在测试的时候,让你的采购,为那些紧急情况下的购买准备一张p-card。


·对于shingijutsu kaizen任何问题,包括主办活动的过程,或参与策划活动的整个过程,可以与WW ACES的 伙伴一起合作完成。


1. All of the forms, documents,templates and tools found in this appendix can be downloaded for use byvisiting the WW ACES Shingijutsu kaizen Sharepoint page at:


2. The sensei says


Common lesson sheard by the sensei during the first seven Shingi events include the following:


ðStand in the shoes of your customers.  In CS, actually go throughthe process your customer has to go through. Order a product and see what happens.  In an FC, actually do the process that your downstream customer does.

ðStart with clearly definedprocess scope.   Work hard to clearlyunderstand the problem.  Once youunderstand the problem, you’re 50% to the point of solving it.

ðIf something is dependent upona person, it’s not a process.  Create SOPdefinitions so when one person with the knowledge on how to perform a processis absent, it can still be performed.

ðCreate subteams on yourkaizen.   You gain greater efficiency bybreaking into smaller subteams and splitting the work.  Divide and conquer.

ðBuild quality into the processat the source.  Passing a defect to yourdownstream customer to fix causes more effort and rework.  Build in quality detection at the source ofthe defect.

ðThe root cause of a defectcannot be determined through data weeks (or days) after it has occurred.  The time to spot a root cause of a defect isat the time it occurs.  Then fix it andensure it never occurs again.

ðLove your machines.  Engage in preventive maintenance by teachingand empowering associates how to care for the machines as if the machines arechildren that need to be taken care of. Many of the causes of delays (waste) occur when a machine has to befixed.

ð Don’t force people to look for work.For example, self-directed stow when there are too many associates competing for work, causes people to have to “look” for work.

ð 设身处地为你的顾客着想。在CS中,实际上要完成客户必须完成的过程。订购一个产品,看看会发生什么。在FC中,实际执行下游客户执行的过程。

ð 从明确定义的过程范围开始。努力理解问题。一旦你理解了这个问题,你就有50%的可能解决它。

ð 如果某物依赖于某人,那它就不是一个过程。创建SOP去定义它,这样当一个知道如何执行流程的人缺席时,仍然可以执行该流程。

ð 在你的改善中创建子团队。通过分成更小的子团队和分割工作,您可以获得更高的效率。分而治之。

ð 从源头将质量构建到过程中。将缺陷传递给您的下游客户以修复会导致更多的工作和返工。在缺陷的源头建立质量检测。

ð 缺陷的根本原因不能通过发生数周(或数天)后的数据来确定。发现缺陷的根本原因的时间是在缺陷发生的时候。然后修复它,确保它不再发生。

ð 爱你的机器。通过教育和授权员工如何照顾这些机器来进行预防性维护,就好像机器是需要照顾的孩子一样。当一台机器需要修理时,许多延迟(浪费)的原因就出现了。

ð 不要强迫人们去找工作。例如,当有太多的同事在竞争工作时,自我指导上架就会导致人们不得不“寻找”工作。




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    声明 黑俊堂译友会是公众号"70后黑俊堂"中,专注外文翻译的成员组成.成员将共同合作完成相关外文文档的翻译工作. 本指南的中文翻译版本由"黑俊堂译友会" 成员: ...

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    声明 黑俊堂译友会是公众号"70后黑俊堂"中,专注外文翻译的成员组成.成员将共同合作完成相关外文文档的翻译工作. 本指南的中文翻译版本由"黑俊堂译友会" 成员: ...

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    声明 黑俊堂译友会是公众号"70后黑俊堂"中,专注外文翻译的成员组成.成员将共同合作完成相关外文文档的翻译工作. 本指南的中文翻译版本由"黑俊堂译友会" 成员: ...

  • 亚马逊SHINGIJUTSU改善活动参考指南-5

    声明 黑俊堂译友会是公众号"70后黑俊堂"中,专注外文翻译的成员组成.成员将共同合作完成相关外文文档的翻译工作. 本指南的中文翻译版本由"黑俊堂译友会" 成员: ...


    黑俊堂译友会是公众号"70后黑俊堂"中,专注外文翻译的成员组成.成员将共同合作完成相关外文文档的翻译工作. 本指南的中文翻译版本由"黑俊堂译友会" 成员:丹尼斯 ...


    黑俊堂译友会是公众号"70后黑俊堂"中,专注外文翻译的成员组成.成员将共同合作完成相关外文文档的翻译工作. 本指南的中文翻译版本由"黑俊堂译友会" 成员:丹尼斯 ...

  • 亚马逊Listing优化的终极指南

    Listing优化是一件非常重要的事情,在亚马逊,可以说产品的选择是根本,Listing的优化是关键.如果你想要商店生存和发展,首先,你必须选择一个好的产品.然而,当你选择了一个好的产品时,就需要用优 ...