关键的干净碳水化合物(Critical Clean Carbohydrates: CCC)
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Critical Clean Carbohydrates
Critical Clean Carbohydrates (CCC)is the name I have given to the healthy carbohydrates that provide our organs,tissues,muscles,and cells with the glucose they need to help us stay alive and thrive.
CCC are:
· Fruit
· Raw Honey
· Potatoes and sweet potatoes
· Winter squash
· Coconut water
The critical glucose we get from CCC:
· Protects the nervous system
· Stops the brain from shrinking
· Builds muscles
· Protects the heart
· Is vital for liver function
· Protects the adrenals
· Helps you cope with stress
· Is critical for healing
· Feeds every cell in the body
We all need CCC. Without glucose,we won’t stay alive. Unfortunately,so many people are dealing with low glucose and glycogen reserves and it’s affecting their health without them knowing. How do we run out of the liver’s glucose and its stored version,glycogen? An overabundance of stress to the liver,which can come from many different sources. Plus,even if you’re eating what seems like enough CCC,there’s also obstacles to glucose absorption,which almost everyone faces due to the diets we have grown up on and the way we are told to eat today,such as the hyper focus on including fats and eating a high-fat diet (which is synonymous with a high-protein diet). This way of eating blocks critical glucose absorption. This is one reason why all the cleanses I offer in the new book,Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal: Healing Plans for Sufferers of Anxiety,Depression,Acne,Eczema,Lyme,Gut Problems,Brain Fog,Weight Issues,Migraines,Bloating,Vertigo,Psoriasis,Cysts,Fatigue,PCOS,Fibroids,UTI,Endometriosis & Autoimmune,are designed to reduce fat consumption while emphasizing CCC. This is one key secret to facilitating deep healing.
We often hear that carbohydrates are the enemy and that they should be avoided,and when it comes to unproductive carbohydrates,refined sugars,and processed foods,it is indeed important to avoid them. But people are being told every day to drastically lower or even remove carbs and sugar from their diet altogether. The trouble is that this advice will be indiscriminating. Natural sugars and other healthy carbs from foods such as fruit,honey,winter squash,and potatoes will be counted as ones you don’t want in your life,when the truth is that they’re CCC;they contain some of the exact healing elements you most need.
One of the most crucial parts of healing is bringing an abundance of the CCC into your diet every day. In Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal,I share with you exactly how to bring CCC into your diet and how to use them to help you heal. There are a range of cleanse options inside Cleanse To Heal,including three versions of my nine day 3:6:9 Cleanse,an anti-bug cleanse,a morning cleanse,a heavy metal detox cleanse,and a mono eating cleanse. There’s healing information and tools for everyone and for all kinds of health problems in these pages. And all of them show you how to incorporate CCC to help you heal.
I have watched tens of thousands of people who were cautious or afraid of carbohydrates bring these right kinds of enriching carbohydrates into their life in the ways I recommend. They have witnessed for themselves the incredible healing these foods can bring–along with the other Medical Medium information–from all kinds of symptoms and conditions,including SIBO,acne,bloating,weight problems,diabetes,blood sugar problems,eczema,colitis,anxiety,depression,addictions,reproductive issues,infertility,and many more. One of the most powerful ways you can help yourself and your family heal is by making Critical Clean Carbohydrates your best friend. The bonus is that they taste delicious!
I highly recommend reading Cleanse to Healso that you can understand how to bring CCC into your life and how to cleanse your body the right way. The truth is that everyone on planet Earth needs help in today’s world due to the toxic exposures we face–many of which are hidden–and those we are born into this world with. Even if you’re not experiencing a symptom or condition right now,you no doubt know someone who is,and unfortunately,things are only heading in a worse direction as pathogens and toxic exposures are increasing.
The way to protect yourself and your loved ones is to hold the truth in your hands about what we are up against,what really causes symptoms and conditions,and very importantly,how to heal from them. Medical research and science don’t have the answers yet so it’s never been more vital for you to be your own health expert and to have this wisdom for those you care about or others who come your way in the future. This is what you’ll find lovingly laid out for you in Cleanse to Heal. I’m honored and touched to have you here in this community of empowered women and men who are taking charge of their own health. We are rising up an army of light together.
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第三本书 关于甲状腺


第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。

