

Kangxi TongBao is one of the ancient COINS, kangxi years society is stable and fast economic development, at the time of Commodity Exchange, money economy more developed, so in the period of casting kangxi TongBao coin is very elegant, neat heavy money and beautiful words make now known examples of kangxi TongBao coin collectors, investors.


Throughout the sixty-one years of the kangxi reign has open cast money innings around 20 of the country. Due to the metallurgy workers and coin illicit casting, the effect of every penny of the kangxi TongBao COINS at the time of manufacturing standards are a money to four points, seven points, a money, so the we see today is produced in large, medium and small three different weight of "kangxi TongBao" money. Kangxi TongBao coin of back, in addition to the ministry, by the word of baoquan, treasure source both cast by the manchu, from all the other money bureau cast drum TongBao money, its back, left for ManWenJi, right in the corresponding characters of discipline. Convenient for collection and future studies, will be full of Chinese bureau of ji to weave together, formed a rhyme, smooth of the kangxi money "poetry". Political: "with lam dongjiang, XuanYuan su ji chang. South river rather widely zhejiang, Taiwan, zhang shan cloud get." This poem will "kangxi TongBao" money back full Chinese 20 bureau. So someone called kangxi's the money "verse 20 items".


Such as the text of the "kangxi TongBao", back to the manchu, embodies the Chinese unified social prosperity. And because in kangxi dynasty economy flourish, so "kangxi TongBao" coin of the forging is very exquisite, mostly very neat, heavy money type, text is beautiful and easy, later you in casting COINS is imitation. The kangxi TongBao: square hole in the middle, copper yellow color and surface has brown blue wrapped slurry, positive cast in regular "kangxi TongBao" four words. After hundreds of years, circulation, and recycled cast, fighting and so on a number of reasons can be well preserved kangxi TongBao) are always a few, to collect some goods better than kangxi TongBao also can not find. As a result, the kangxi TongBao coin has deep historical research meaning and collection value, is worth the investment collection collection lovers.




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