

南非共和国(英语:Republic of South Africa),一般简称南非,是位于非洲南端、南大西洋和南印度洋交会处的共和国,国土面积超过122万平方千米,面积和人口均位居世界第25名,在南部沿着南大西洋和南印度洋延伸的南非海岸线长达2,798千米。南非西部毗邻纳米比亚,北部接壤博茨瓦纳和津巴布韦,而在东北部则与莫桑比克和斯威士兰相邻。至于“国中之国”莱索托则在南非境内形成一个内飞地。此外,南非是世界上唯一拥有三个首都的国家:行政首都(中央政府所在地)为比勒陀利亚,立法首都(国会所在地)为开普敦,而司法首都(最高法院所在地)则为布隆方丹。但由于每个国家的大使馆都是设在行政首都比勒陀利亚,所以其被国际社会公认为代表南非的首都。至于南非最大的城市与经济、文化中心则是约翰内斯堡,而其也是撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲第二大城市以及非洲第三大城市。南非是非洲以至世界上种族和文化最多元化的国家之一,拥有超过5,770万人口,欧洲移民、印度人和有色人的数量及比例都是非洲国家中最多的。




  • Architects

    Architecture for a Change

  • Location

    Mamelodi, Pretoria, South Africa

  • Architects in Charge

    Anton Bouwer, Dirk Coetser, John Saaiman

  • Collaborators

    Youth Zones (Supporting Organization)

  • Project Year


The project entailed the design and construction of a small housing unit in the informal settlement Mamelodi, Pretoria, South-Africa. The design fills the gap between informal and formal housing. South Africa has 2700 informal settlements with millions of inhabitants living in substandard conditions. Many of these informal settlements don’t have water supply, electrical connections or storm water removal systems. Most housing structures built in informal settlements are built from zinc sheets and unsafe structures. It is a big challenge to erect formal housing for this big mass.


The Pod is a solution within the informal context. Its aesthetic still presents itself as a zinc building, but its thermal and environmental performance is that of formal housing. It is prefabricated and erected in minimal time, which provides the opportunity of mass housing solutions.

The unit is also completely off the grid which enables the unit to be placed on site where infrastructure isn’t available. Its shape is efficient as it provides external shading, eliminates complex corner details and external seating. The structure is suspended from the ground to preventing flooding and waterproofing issues.

The structure is equipped with a PV panel that charges a battery unit. This system powers 4 internal lights, 2 external LED strip lights, and a 12V charger. The surrounding area doesn’t have any electrical supply. The unit is fitted with a skylight, which saves energy on lighting. The gutter is connected to a 1000L water tank. Water supply is scare in the area and many people have to transport their water in buckets to the informal homes. Mamelodi has a high rainwater fall rate in the summer.

The walls of the unit have a better thermal performance than a double masonry wall. All the edges and corners are sealed with rubber strips. The window and skylight are also custom made, with a double Thermoclear skin for optimal insulation levels.

A minimum team of 3 is needed. The total erection took less than one day.




