守文化之重 创时代之新
2019年4月,国礼艺术交流中心、大国之礼国之瑰宝组委会授予:“艺术传承人物”、“国礼艺术大师”; 2020年9 月,中国最具投资收藏价值书画名家评选组委会评为“中国最具投资收藏价值书画名家”; 2011年10 月,中国紫光阁国礼中心等授予“国礼艺术家”: 2012年5月,世界中华民族文化艺术联合会等授予“影响世界的当代书画艺术名家”; 2019年12月,文化部艺术发展中心及中国书画职称润格评定中心认定和评估为“当代著名书法家”。
Cao Zhongyun, Male, born in 1952, Chongqing native, member of Calligrapher's Association of Central Government Organs; senior calligrapher; national ceremony artist, honorary president of Chinese calligrapher's Association; Vice President of Chinese calligrapher's research association, honorary President of Chinese Calligrphers Association; Senior Research Fellow of Calligraphy, China International Center for Contemporary Art Studies; Academician of Chinese Cultural Studies. In April 2019, the National Courtesy Art Exchange Center and the organizing committee of the National Treasures of the great powers conferred the titles of "figures of artistic heritage" and "masters of national courtesy art" . In September 2020, in October 2011, China Ziguangge National Gift Center and others were awarded "National Gift Artists" : May 2012 The World Federation of Chinese Culture and art and others awarded the title of "world-influential Contemporary Calligraphy and painting artists" in December 2019, the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and the runge evaluation center of the professional title of Chinese Painting and calligraphy are recognized and evaluated as "contemporary famous calligraphers. ".
编辑:红雷 ●