新SAT数学占半壁江山: 中国考生的福音 | 满分数学怎么考?

新SAT的分数构成是: 数学800分,阅读400分,语法400分。数学占了考试的半壁江山,这对中国考生无疑是一个好消息。那么究竟具备哪些能力才能拿到满分数学呢?


词汇是一切的基础,数学也不例外,备考过SAT的同学都知道,大部分错题的原因都是读不懂题。比如isoceles, trapezoid这些单词,同学们都认识么?所以为了拿到数学满分,同学们一定要背单词!背什么单词呢?小编已经为大家总结好啦!




  • 核心代数(Heart of Algebra)

  • 数据分析(Problem Solving and Data Analysis)

  • 高级数学(Passport to Advanced Math)


  • 算数(Arithmetic)

  • 函数(Function)

  • 几何(Geometry)

  • 概率(Probability)



For a polynomial p(x), the value of p(3) is −2.
Which of the following must be true about p(x) ?
A) x − 5 is a factor of p(x).
B) x − 2 is a factor of p(x).
C) x + 2 is a factor of p(x).
D) The remainder when p(x) is divided by x − 3 is −2.


这道题目需要同学们深层次理解函数的赋值, p(3)=-2, 我们可以看做p(x) = (x-3) Q(x) -2, 那么p(x) / (x-3) = Q(x) - 2/(x-3), 因此p(x)除以x-3 余数是-2。答案选D.

如果同学们觉得正面解题思路太复杂,在考试的时候记得灵活使用试数法。根据题干p(3) = -2, 我们可以假设 p(x) = x² - 11. 这样A,B,C都可以排除,答案选D.



The first metacarpal bone is located in the wrist. The scatterplot below shows the relationship between the length of the first metacarpal bone and height for 9 people. The line of best fit is also shown.
1. How many of the nine people have an actual height that differs by more than 3 centimeters from the height predicted by the line of best fit?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 9
2. Which of the following is the best interpretation of the slope of the line of best fit in the context of this problem?
A. The predicted height increase in centimeters for one centimeter increase in the first metacarpal bone
B. The predicted first metacarpal bone increase in centimeters for every centimeter increase in height
C. The predicted height in centimeters of a person with a first metacarpal bone length of 0 centimeters
D. The predicted first metacarpal bone length in centimeters for a person with a height of 0 centimeters
3. Based on the line of best fit, what is the predicted height for someone with a first metacarpal bone that has a length of 4.45 centimeters?
A. 168 centimeters
B. 169 centimeters
C. 170 centimeters
D. 171 centimeters



第一题考查理近似线比较远的离散的点有几个,通过数图中里近似线较远的点,可以得出答案4个(注意在x=4的地方也有一个点), 答案选B.

第二题考查了线性(一次)函数的意义,线性函数代表因变量(即y轴) 随着自变量(即x轴)变化而线性变化,所以答案选A.

第三题考查函数的取值,当x取值4.45,通过读图标得出y取值170 cm. 答案选C.



1. A researcher wanted to know if there is an association between exercise and sleep for the population of 16-year-olds in the United States. She obtained survey responses from a random sample of 2000 United States 16-year-olds and found convincing evidence of a positive association between exercise and sleep. Which of the following conclusions is well supported by the data?

A. There is a positive association between exercise and sleep for 16-year-olds in the United States.

B. There is a positive association between exercise and sleep for 16-year-olds in the world.
C. Using exercise and sleep as defined by the study, an increase in sleep is caused by an increase of exercise for 16-year-olds in the United States.
D. Using exercise and sleep as defined by the study, an increase in sleep is caused by an increase of exercise for 16-year-olds in the world.


题目叙述说科学家在United States采样了2000个16-year-old的样本,并且发现有found convincing evidence of a positive association found convincing evidence of a positive association. 那么根据实验,我们也仅能得出结论是在United States, 而不是the world, 并且只能说有positive association, 不能说is caused by, 这道题目考查的就是实验的严谨性。答案选A.


2. A research assistant randomly selected 75 undergraduate students from the list of all students enrolled in the psychology-degree program at a large university. She asked each of the 75 students, “How many minutes per day do you typically spend reading?” The mean reading time in the sample was 89 minutes, and the margin of error for this estimate was 4.28 minutes. Another research assistant intends to replicate the survey and will attempt to get a smaller margin of error. Which of the following samples will most likely result in a smaller margin of error for the estimated mean time students in the psychology-degree program read per day?

A. 40 randomly selected undergraduate psychology-degree program students
B. 40 randomly selected undergraduate students from all degree programs at the college
C. 300 randomly selected undergraduate psychology-degree program students
D. 300 randomly selected undergraduate students from all degree programs at the college

这又是一道需要大量阅读的题目,仔细阅读完,其实考查了一个概念 “margin of error”, 就是误差; 为了减小误差,可以增大样本量,当然一定要在实验对象的范围内增大样本量。因此本题选 C.





要点3: 确认直接求得的未知数是否是试题的最后所问。SAT试题中常有类似X+1等于几的问题,考生常常解出了X就完事了,忘了题目问的是X+1而不是X。


