生活不容易,人生十有八九不如意,其中工作不顺心是其中之一。有的时候工作繁芜丛杂或毫无头绪,有的时候老板咄咄逼人或颐指气使,有的时候关系错综复杂或进退两难,这些都有可能导致一个人被解雇。在英语中表达“解雇”最常用的单词是 fire/sack,dismiss 次之,它们是同义词,其中 fire/sack 指强迫某人离开现在的工作,用于非正式场合,而dismiss 用于正式的场合中解雇某人,例如:fire/sack: She didn't want to get fired.她不想被解雇。She was fired/sacked after she was caught stealing from her employer.她因被发现从雇主那里偷东西而被开除了。The company is reducing its workforce by firing/sacking 500 employees.这家公司解雇了500名员工,从而减少了劳动力。dismiss:He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.他因不称职而被解雇。Salespeople may be dismissed for many reasons, the most common of which is poor performance.销售人员可能会因为很多原因被解雇,其中最常见的是业绩不佳。英语短语动词 lay sb off/pay sb off 也可以表示解雇某人;其中 lay sb off 通常指因为工作不多而被解雇,它对应的名词 layoff/lay-off 也是解雇或裁员的意思,英语中有很多短语动词有对应的名词;而 pay sb off 是比较温和的解雇,可以译为”付清工资后解雇;遣散“,例如: lay sb off/layoff/lay-off: She was laid off along with many others when the company moved to California.公司搬到加利福尼亚后,她和其他许多人一起被解雇了。The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.最近的经济危机导致了大规模裁员。Workers have been warned to expect further layoffs.工人们已被警告预计会有更多的裁员。pay sb off: The crew were paid off as soon as the ship docked.船一泊港,船员就被付酬解雇了。
形容词 redundant 也有类似的意思,译为“被裁减的“,常用于搭配 make sb/ redundant,例如: Since Frank was made redundant, we've really felt the pinch. We can't even afford to buy the kids new shoes.自从法兰克被解雇后,我们真的感到了手头拮据。我们甚至买不起给孩子们买新鞋。To keep the company alive half the workforce is being made redundant.为让公司生存下去,一半员工要被解雇。习语 heads will roll,也可以用来比喻人会被解雇,我们不要理解为它的字面意思”头会滚动“,例如: The group's problems have led to speculation that heads will roll.已经有人猜测,该集团的问题会导致一些人被解雇。The editor and the reporter both knew that heads were going to roll in the banking world as soon as tomorrow’s edition hit the stands.编辑和记者都知道,明天的报纸一登上看台,银行界就会有人被解雇。The new CEO is making a lot of tough decisions to cut the company’s losses. Heads are rolling all over the place.新上任的首席执行官正在做出许多艰难的决定以减少公司的亏损。空气中弥漫着被炒鱿鱼的味道。还有一个需要引起注意的是 pink slip,不要理解为”粉色的纸条“,它译为”解雇信或解雇通知“,例如: I got a pink slip in my pay envelope nowadays.今天我的薪水袋里加了一张解雇通知书。Management started issuing pink slips yesterday.管理层昨天开始发放解雇通知书。工作是生活的充分条件,找工作最好找适合自己的,虽然这个不是那么容易,但那更接近生命的意义。 词或词组辨析: 1. feel the pinch 感到手头拮据