
HOMEVerbals1.  GerundsA verbal is a word formed from a verb but functioning as a different part ofspeech.A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that functions as a noun.Like an ordinary single-word noun, a gerund may be used as a SUBJECT






DELAYED APPOSITIVEIn the example below, thegerund phrase renames the subject, this.

NOTE:  Do not confuse gerunds with verbs (predicates) in the progressivetense.GERUND


Even though is cooking and wasscratching end in -ing, they are not gerunds because they areused as predicate verbs, not as nouns.2.  ParticiplesA verbal is a word formed from a verb but functioning as a different part ofspeech.A participle is a verbal that functions as an adjective.Two kinds of participles:A. Present participles, always ending in -ing,are created from the form of a verb used with the verb to be ( am,is, are, was, were, been)  as an auxiliary verb (progressive tense).Removing the auxiliary verb and using the -ing form of the main verb as an adjective produces a present participle.

B.  Past participles, usually ending  in-ed  or -en, are created from the form of a verb usedwith the verb to be as an auxiliary verb (passive voice).

Removing the auxiliary verb and using the -en form of the main verb as an adjective produces a past participle.

Past participles may also be part of a participial phrase.

Participles and participial phrases should be placed near the nouns they modify.  They may either precede or follow a noun.

For punctuation rules used with participles and participial phrases, follow this link.3.  InfinitivesA verbal is a word formed from a verb but functioning as a different part ofspeech.An infinitive is a verbal formed by placing to in frontof the simple present form of a verb.Examples:toswim            tothink           toread          tobe            tocut           to turnInfinitives may function as adjectives, adverbs, or nouns.A.  Adjectival infinitivesJust like a single-word adjective, an infinitive used as an adjective alwaysdescribes a noun.An adjectival  infinitive always follows the noun it describes.EXAMPLE

Like gerunds and participles, infinitives mayincorporate other words as part of their phrase.EXAMPLE

B.  Adverbial infinitivesJust like a single-word adverb, an infinitive used as an adverb alwaysdescribes a verb.An adverbial infinitive usually occurs at the beginning or at the end of asentence and does not need to be near the verb it describes.EXAMPLE:  Adverbial infinitive at sentence beginning

EXAMPLE:  Adverbial infinitive at sentence end

HINT:  You can always identify an adverbial infinitive byinserting the test words in order in front ofinfinitive.  If the words in order make sense, the infinitiveis adverbial.

PUNCTUATION  NOTE:1.  Use a comma after the adverbial infinitive whenit starts a sentence.2.  Do not separate the adverbial infinitive from therest of the sentence if the infinitive ends thesentence.C.  Nominal infinitivesLike a single-word noun, a nominal infinitive may function as aSUBJECT








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