Ted青少年演讲课 4

今天是“The Power of Reading"演讲的第4课。
在上节课中,April说 “Reading is also a good way for us to connect with others. ” 阅读也是我们与他人交流的好方法。
Part 1 演 讲 视 频
Pre-watching 带着问题听演讲
1. What does April mean by saying "when you’re reading in a way, you’re engaging in a conversation with the author."?
2. Do you have such a feeling? 你有类似的感受吗?
Part 2 重 点 解 析
Key Points 演讲重点
Key Points 演讲重点
Another amazing thing about reading is, when you’re reading in a way, you’re engaging in a conversation with the author. 关于阅读的另一个令人惊奇的事情是,当您以某种方式阅读时,您正在与作者进行对话。
amazing /əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ/
(adj.) 令人惊诧的,惊人的;令人惊喜的
The amazing thing is that it was kept secret for so long.令人诧异的是,这件事竟然保密了那么长时间。
It's amazing to think that the managing director is only 23.总经理年仅23岁,想想真让人惊叹。
engage /ɪnˈɡeɪ.dʒ/
(v.) 使参加
engage sb in conversation=to start a conversation with someone与…攀谈
Once Ms Jo engages you in conversation, you're stuck with her for half an hour.一旦周老师跟你聊起来,不说上半个小时她是不会放过你的。
engage in sth=to take part in something
The two governments have agreed to engage in a comprehensive dialogue to resolve the problem. 两国政府已经同意开展全面对话以解决该问题。
conversation /ˌkɒn.vəˈseɪ.ʃən/
(n.) 交谈,谈话,对话
She had a strange conversation with the man who moved in upstairs.她跟搬到楼上的那个家伙进行了一次奇怪的交谈。
author /ˈɔː.θər/
(n.) 作者,作家;著者
He is the author of two books on French history.他是两部法国历史著作的作者。
Key Points 演讲重点
His deep curiosity of the world we live in and encyclopedic knowledge of these topics have impressed and touched me. 对我们所生活的世界,他有着深深的好奇心和百科全书式的认知,这些给我留下了深刻的印象,并感动了我。
curiosity /ˌkjʊə.riˈɒs.ə.ti/
(n.) 好奇心;求知欲
I'm burning with curiosity - you must tell me who won! 我心急火燎地想知道——你一定要告诉我是谁赢了!
She decided to call her ex-boyfriend out of curiosity. 她出于好奇决定给以前的男友打电话。
encyclopedic /ɪnˌsaɪ.kləˈpiː.dɪk/
(adj.) 百科全书似的;包罗万象的;博学的
her encyclopedic knowledge of France 她关于法国的广博知识
名词encyclopedia, 百科全书
impress /ɪmˈpres/
(vt.) 给…留下深刻印象;使钦佩
He tried to impress his teachers by using big words in all his essays. 他尝试在论文中使用高难度词汇来给老师留下深刻印象。
touch /ˈtʃaɪld.hʊd/
(v.) 碰,触摸;触动,感动
That paint is wet - don't touch (it).那块油漆没干——别碰(它)。
Tragedy touched their lives when their son was 16.他们儿子16岁那年,他们的生活中发生了悲剧。
Key Points 演讲重点
I always start with a little seed of an idea, a little germ. Every time I get a great idea, I would pull out a notebook and write it down, or else it would disappear like a dream.
germ /dʒɜːm/
(n.) 病菌;细菌;
Wash your hands so you don't get germs on the food.洗洗手,你就不会把细菌弄到食物上了。
He found the germ of an idea in an old newspaper. 他的想法萌生于一份旧报纸。
They moved in immediately before Christmas.他们在圣诞节前不久才搬进来。
or else
We must be there by six, or else we'll miss the beginning.我们一定要在6点前赶到那里,要不然就会错过开场。
disappear /ˌdɪs.əˈpɪər/
(v.) 消失;失踪
The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳躲到了云彩的后面。

Part 3 句 子 演 练
Sentence Practice 句子演练
Every time I get a great idea, I would pull out a notebook and write it down, or else it would disappear like a dream. 每当我有一个好主意时,我都会拿出一个笔记本写下来,否则它会像梦一样消失。
What will you do when you have got a great idea?当有很棒的想法的时候,你会做什么?欢迎在留言区分享,被选为精华的留言,将获赠演讲全文哦 !