雅思口语 part1必考题home
1 on the outskirts of .... 在...城郊
My living place is on the outskirts of Shanghai.
2 detached house 独立式住宅
I live in a detached house in a residential area. The neighbourhood is wonderful. I mean there are plenty of trees around and the people are quite friendly. I would say I'm really into it. 我住在一个居民区的一栋独立式住宅里面。这个社区很棒。我是说有很多树,而且人们也很友好。我想说真的还蛮喜欢了。
3 minimalist 极简主义的adj.
I guess I would describe my home as minimalist. What I mean is that the walls are all white and the furniture is also neither white or black. There are very few ornaments or pictures, because I like to keep things quite minimal and I hate clutter. 我觉得我家可以说成极简主义风格了。我是说墙全是白色的,家具不是黑就是白色的。很少的装饰品和图片。因为我喜欢简单一点,不喜欢杂乱。
4 bungalow 平房,小屋 (是house 的一种,只有一层,没有楼梯)
My bungalow has two bedrooms and one bathroom. 我的小平房有两个卧室,一个浴室。
5 apartment 公寓,单元房
I finally broke away from my parents and got an apartment of my own. 我最终脱离了父母,有了自己的公寓。
condominium 共管公寓(附豪华休闲设施)
apartment/flat 公寓,单元房(附普通休闲设施)
mansion 大厦
cottage 农舍,或农舍式别墅
villa 别墅
terrace 排屋
detached 独立式
semi-detached 半独立式
townhouse 共管式房屋

iPhone 用户戳我赞赏哟~