雅思口语新题季 sleep
1 nap (a little sleep ,for example 20 minutes) 小睡
You may recline your seat a little when you want to have a quick nap. 你想小睡片刻时,可以把你的座位调得向后仰一点。
2 bedroom eyes=sexy eyes
3 catch some Zs=get some sleep 睡觉
He keeps jabbering ['dʒæbə] on and on. How am I ever gonna be able to catch some Zs?他一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?
1 sleepless night 不眠夜
Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night. 几乎每个人都偶尔有不眠夜。
2 wide awake (no matter what you do, you can't get to sleep)太过清醒睡不着
Avoid sending any messages while most people are sleeping, even if you're wide awake.尽量不要在别人都睡着的时候发信息,即使你超级清醒。
3 insomnia 失眠
If I suffer from insomnia, I'd like to have a read of an intriguing book. 如果我失眠,我通常会读一些有趣的书。
4 nightmare噩梦
I woke cold and shaking from the nightmare. 我从噩梦中醒来,吓得直打冷战。
5 toss and turn 辗转反侧
The financial burden caused him to toss and turn over the night. 经济压力让他在夜里辗转反侧。
6 snore 打鼾
His mouth was open, and he was snoring. 他张着嘴巴,打着鼾。

7 doze off打瞌睡 (一般指在白天)
Some students often doze off in class. 一些学生常常在课上打瞌睡。
8 pass out 昏倒
He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.他感觉恶心,眩晕,接着就昏倒了。
9 black out 暂时失去知觉
I could feel blood draining from my face. I wondered whether I was about to black out.
