

圣三一学院由伊丽莎白一世于1592年创建,是爱尔兰乃至世界上最好的大学之一,研究水平位于世界领先行列。法律、计算机、商业管理、文学、神学等专业,在全世界大学中名列前茅。 她位于都柏林市中心,占地面积16万平方米,几百年来一直是世界著名的教育中心,在学术界与英国的剑桥、牛津大学齐名,是一所拥有悠久学术历史并享有国际声誉的世界名校。 圣三一学院也是爱尔兰人心目中的精神象征,学校曾培养了众多的爱尔兰知名人物,包括《格里佛游记》的作者,著名的爱尔兰传记作家乔纳森·斯威富特,著名的剧作家奥利弗·歌德史密斯,爱尔兰著名的唯美主义作家奥斯卡·王尔德,爱尔兰第一任总统道格拉斯·海德等等。 圣三一学院图书馆是爱尔兰最古老的图书馆,建立于1592年。图书馆收藏了圣三一学院最古老的书,共有200000多册,其中有凯尔斯经,杜若经等等爱尔兰经典作品。
This library is full of historic treasures. The Trinity Library in Dublin Ireland was founded in 1592. Its most famous area is the long room. This 213-foot room houses 200,000 of the library's oldest books. The room is lined with marble busts many of great philosophers, writers and people who supported the college. The long room is also home to one of the last remaining copies of the 1916 proclamation of the Irish Republic. The Trinity College harp which is from the 15th century. And the Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript of the four Gospels that is from the 8th century. It is the largest library in Ireland and as a copyright library it can obtain books and materials published in Ireland for free. It is the only library in the country to hold this right.