Teatro Scientifico del Bibiena, “I Vitelloni”, Mantova, 2015时间、记忆、梦想以及历史是杉本博司摄影的主题。他往往在摄影中加入自己的思考。从《海景,Seascapes》,《剧院,Theaters》,《建筑,Architecture》,《画像,Portraits》,到《数学的形体:Mathematical Form》,杉本博司形成了自己独特的摄影风格。他的作品非常平静,黯淡的画面,毫无生气,给人一种冷冷的感觉,可是却使无数人驻足于他的作品之前。海不再是海,建筑不是建筑,他的摄影更像是一种探寻。
Boden Sea Uttwil, 1993
N Pacific Ocean, Ohkurosaki, 2013
Lightning Fields, 142, 2009
World Trade Center, 1997
Caribbean Sea, Jamaica, 1980
Ligurian Sea, Saviore, 1993
Wapiti, 1980
PPTRD 020, 2008
Carpenter Center, 1993
In Praise of Shadow 980726, 1998
Revolution 001, 1990
Villa Mazza Corrati “Ie Notti Bianche”, Bologna, 2015
Villa Savoye Le Corbusier, 1998
Hyena - Jackal - Vulture, 1976
Sable Antelope, 1994
Tri-City Drive-In, 1993
Cinerama Dome, 1993
Gemsbok, 1980
The Brides in the Bath Murderer, 1994
Salvador Dali, 1999
El Capitan, Hollywood, 1993
Sea of Buddha 001, 1995
Fidel Castro, 1999
有一分热 发一分光 不必等候炬火
朝向 朝向那
沉醉之路 不安之路
Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza, 2015
Anne of Cleves, 1999
Eiffel Tower, 1998
Sugimoto, 1980
Lightning Fields, 327, 2014
Chapel of Notre Dame Du Haut, 1998
Earliest Human Relatives, 1994
South Bay Drive-In, 1993
PPTRD 028, 2008
The Enoura Observatory by Franco Zanetti
Diana, Princess of Wales, 1999
Seagram Building, 1997
PPTRD 040, 2008
Church of the Light, 1997
PPTRD 037, 2008
Conceptual Forms 0008, 2004
Teatro dei Rozzi “Summer Time”, Siena, 2014
Color of Shadows, 1015, 2004
Surface of Revolution with Constant Negative Curvature, 2006
The St. Alban's Poisner, 1994
Five Elements 389, Boden Sea, Uttwill, 1993-2011
Five Elements 408, Tyrrhenian Sea, Priano, 1994-2011
Five Elements 458, Sea of Japan, Rebun Island, 1996-2011