
11月18日 很多网友,包括我的群如文明研究院里的 @COEUS&梵 等,都在传一个截屏,并且提出与三星堆的联想。我google到如下英文报道。有人希望翻译一下,有人希望讲解一下我的解释,我干脆就在这个帖子里简单说几句,存个资料吧。





Mehrgarh在中国比较著名的翻译之一是 梅尔枷赫,大家百度就知道它的厉害了。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehrgarh



1) 《我是怎么看三星堆文明起源的》  http://www.ximalaya.com/58144243/sound/21047493   喜马拉雅FM音频,点击文尾 原文链接 可听。



3)我整体对中国文明起源的看法,如上图所示,印度河谷对于中国文明起源时期有着举足轻重的影响,这个属于广义的印度河谷的遗址梅尔枷赫就是其中一个 ,中国人一般更熟悉的是其他一些遗址。其实阿富汗、巴基斯坦的许多古遗址文化,包括伊朗的,对于中国文明起源都有着明显的辐射,实际上又可以解释为雅利安人的影响。但我一般所做的朝代与西人的对应,不过是一种“工具”的操练,很多人误以为那就是“结论”,今天距离“真相”可能还远得很。




An ancient amulet has been shown to be the oldest known example of a metalwork technique still used by Nasa.

The 6,000-year-old amulet, originally discovered in the Neolithic village of Mehragarh, Pakistan, is thought to be the earliest example of lost-wax casting - a method for making duplicate metal objects.

The artefact was analysed as part of a new study using a technique known as 'photoluminescence imaging' in order to determine exactly how it was made.

+6  (6000年前的巴基斯坦文物)

The 6,000-year-old amulet, originally discovered in the Neolithic village of Mehragarh, Pakistan, is thought to be the earliest example of lost wax casting - a method for making duplicate metal objects


Mehragarh is an archaeologial site in Pakistan, located to the west of the Indus River Valley.

It was first discovered in 1974.

It is known as one of the most important archaeological sites from the early Neolithic period.

The area was settled various times between 7000 BC and 2000 BC.

The site was excavated extensively until 1986 and then again from 2000 to 2007.

The area is known for early evidence of farming.

The local population fashioned tools using copper ore.

The amulet, which has the unassuming inventory number of MR., is one of a selection of lost-wax cast ornaments found at the site.

This involves shining a light on the artefact and then measuring the amount of light that bounces back. 反光

As different materials reflect different amounts of light, this enabled researchers to pinpoint the exact materials used to make the amulet.

The research was carried out by researchers from Ipanema - a European centre for studying archaeological materials.

The group is based at the SOLEIL synchrotron - a type of particle accelerator, located near Paris, France.粒子加速器啥的都用上了

The process revealed that the amulet was cast as a single piece, leading the researchers to conclude that it was made used a process known as lost-wax casting.

This involves creating a replica of the original object using wax, and then creating a mold around it.

This is then heated up, the liquid wax poured out and molten metal poured in.

Once cool, the mold is broken apart, leaving the newly formed metal object in tact.


The amulet is one of several lost-wax cast ornaments discovered during the excavation of the site at Mehrgarh。这种物品是护身符,大约直径2厘米。

The study published in Nature, found that the amulet was made by pouring very pure copper melt into a pre-prepared clay mould using lost-wax casting.

The copper absorbed a small amount of oxygen during the processing which explains the presence of microscopic copper oxide 'bristles' inside the amulet.


High spatial dynamics photoluminescence (PL, top) and optical microscopy (bottom) images of an area of a portion of one spoke of the wheel-shaped amulet. The images reveal microscopic copper oxide bristles that hint at how the artefact was made

6,000-year-old amulet was created with ancient technology used by Nasa

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Lost-cost waxing can be used to produce far more complicated designs that the wheel-shaped amulet.

It is still the most popular method used for art foundry today but its use stretches much further.

'It is also today the highest precision metal forming technique— under the name 'investment casting’—in aerospace, aeronautics and biomedicine, for high-performance alloys from steel to titanium,' explain the researchers.


The archaeological site at Mehragarh in Pakistan where the amulet was found

+6 遗址地点

The amulet was found at Mehragarh -  an archaeologial site in Pakistan, located to the west of the Indus River Valley

The technique has been used to create numerous components used on the International Space Station and the Curiosity Mars rover, as well as Nasa's now-defunct space shuttle.

The process was also used to create parts of the Messenger spacecraft, which orbited Mercury between 2011 and 2015.


A modern version of the technique - known as 'investment casting' - has been used to produce numerous components on the Curiosity Mars Rover (illustration pictured), the international space station and various spacecraft

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3941630/6-000-year-old-amulet-created-ancient-technology-used-Nasa-today.html#ixzz4QMLWTjrx 
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