《咱们裸熊》(We Bare Bears),又译为《熊熊三贱客》,是一部美国动画情景喜剧。动画片改编自Daniel Chong 创作的网络漫画《The Three Bare Bears》。卡通电视台于2015年7月首次播出这部动画片。
We Bare Bears is an American animated sitcom created by Daniel Chong for Cartoon Network. The show follows three bear siblings, Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear (respectively voiced by Eric Edelstein, Bobby Moynihan, and Demetri Martin), and their awkward attempts at integrating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area. Based on Chong's webcomic The Three Bare Bears, the pilot episode made its world premiere at the KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival, where it won in the "Young Amsterdam Audience" category. The series premiered on July 27, 2015.
动画片是关于被收养、拟人化的兄弟三熊Grizzly, Panda, 和 Ice Bear。在旧金山湾区San Francisco Bay Area,他们以自己怪异的方式,努力地想融入人类社会,成为人类的一员。他们像人类一样购买食物,与人类做朋友,想要在网上出名。
三熊兄弟彼此支持,与儿童奇才Chloe Park、大脚Charlie、网络红人Nom Nom、公园巡逻员Tabes及产品推销员Lucy是好朋友。三熊兄弟也会将他们的冒险经历分享给朋友。动画片中一些情节叙述了他们兄弟三个幼年时候,为了找到一个属于自己的家,所经历的系列冒险活动。
We Bare Bears follows three adoptive bear brothers: Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear. The bears attempt to integrate with human society, such as by purchasing food, making human companions or trying to become famous on the Internet, although these attempts see the bears struggle to do so due to the civilized nature of humans and their own animal instincts. However, in the end, they figure out that they have each other for support.One notable aspect of the show's humor is the bears' ability to form a "bear stack". As its name shows, the bears stack on top of each other, which serves as their unique way of transportation.Occasionally, the bears share adventures with their friends, such as child prodigy Chloe Park, bigfoot Charlie, internet sensation Nom Nom, park ranger Tabes, and produce saleswoman Lucy. Some flashback episodes chronicle the adventures of the bears as cubs trying to find a home.
动画片共四季,每集11分钟左右,适合儿童和成年人一起观看,尤其深受9-12、11-15岁的孩子们喜欢。《咱们裸熊》开播以来广受好评,荷兰眼睛电影协会EYE Film Institute Netherlands 评价这部作品滑稽搞笑,让人喜爱。全球之声Mashable称赞这部作品很好的代表了少数种族,减轻了现代人的焦虑。
We Bare Bears has received generally positive reviews from critics. The pilot was described by the EYE Film Institute Netherlands as "hilarious and endearing",and it won in the "Young Amsterdam Audience" category.The show has been praised by Mashable for tackling "modern millennial anxieties" and for representing racial minorities.
