BMS撤回opdivo+yervoy一线治疗TMB ≥10mut/Mb的NSCLC上市申请
· Following discussions with the FDA, Bristol-Myers Squibb has withdrawn its marketing application for Opdivo (nivolumab) plus low-dose Yervoy (ipilimumab) for the first-line treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with tumor mutational burdens (TMB) of at least 10 mutations/megabase.
· The company says more evidence is required to demonstrate the relationship between TMB and PD-L1 and overall survival (OS) in these patients in a first-line setting. The additional data will include final results from Part 1a of the Phase 3 Checkmate-227 trial, expected in H1. Since the availability of the data will likely fall beyond the FDA's action date of May 20, it decided withdraw the application.主要是需要更多的数据证明high TMB、PD-L1和OS的关系,需要等待1a部分的结果,即下图的灰色部分PD-L1 ≥1%的群体

请允许吐槽下这个为了卖ipi的设计:Checkmate 227入组未经治疗的转移或复发性无驱动基因突变的NSCLC患者,分为Part 1和Part 2。Part1按照PD-L1表达又分成a和b,1a评估nivo联合ipi或nivo单独用药对比化疗治疗PD-L1阳性的NSCLC;而1b评估nivo联合ipi对比化疗和nivo联合化疗对比化疗一线治疗PD-L1阴性的NSCLC。Part 1的主要研究终点有两个,一个是PD-L1选择人群中nivo+ipi对比化疗的OS,另一个是Part 1所有检测了TMB人群中nivo+ipi对比化疗的PFS。【而Part2相对设计比较简单,nivolumab联合化疗对比化疗,不考虑PD-L1和TMB,主要研究终点为OS,和Part1有部分重合—因为Part 1b的次要终点已经评估了PFS,这部分类似K药的一线联合化疗,只是单个研究不区分组织分型】。

后来10月份sBLA的时候update了相关的TMB划分人群的OS数据,HR相当,和HR for PFS相比,TMB划分结果并不理想可能也不合理。
