

Traction is applied to the limb distal to the fracture,so as to exert a continuous pull in the long axis of the bone, with a counterforce in the opposite direction(to prevent the patient being merely dragged along the bed). This is particularly useful for shaft fractures that are oblique or spiral and easily displaced by muscle contraction.

Traction cannot hold a fracture still; it can pull along bone straight and hold it out to length but to maintain accurate reduction is sometimes diffificult.Meanwhile the patient can move the joints and exercise the muscles.

Traction is safe enough, provided it is not excessive and care is taken when inserting the traction pin. The problem is speed: not because the fracture unites slowly (it does not) but because lower limb traction keeps the patient in hospital. Consequently, as soon as the fracture is ‘sticky’ (deformable but not displaceable), traction should be replaced by bracing, if this method is feasible. Traction includes:

· Traction by gravity – This applies only to upperlimb injuries. Thus, with a wrist sling the weight of the arm provides continuous traction to the humerus. For comfort and stability, especially with a transverse fracture, a U-slab of plaster may be bandaged on or, better, a removable plastic sleeve from the axilla to just above the elbow is held on with Velcro.

·Skin traction– Skin traction will sustain a pull of no more than 4 or 5 kg. Holland strapping or oneway-stretch Elastoplast is stuck to the shaved skin and held on with a bandage. The malleoli are protected by Gamgee tissue, and cords or tapes areused for traction.

· Skeletal traction – A stiff wire or pin is inserted –usually behind the tibial tubercle for hip, thigh and knee injuries, or through the calcaneum for tibial fractures – and cords tied to them for applying traction. Whether by skin or skeletal traction, the fracture is reduced and held in one of three ways: fifixed traction, balanced traction or a combination of the two.

Fixed traction

The pull is exerted against a fifixed point. The usual method is to tie the traction cords to the distal end of a Thomas’ splint and pull the leg down until the proximal,padded ring of the splint abuts firmly against the pelvis.

Balanced traction

Here the traction cords are guided over pulleys at the foot of the bed and loaded with weights; counter-traction is provided by the weight of the body when the foot of the bed is raised.

Combined traction

If a Thomas’ splint is used, the tapes are tied to the end of the splint and the entire splint is then suspended, as in balanced traction.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P696-697


long axis 长轴

counterforce /'kaʊntɚ,fors/ n. 反作用力;反对势力;核子武器还击

oblique or spiral fracture斜形或螺旋形骨折

contraction  /kənˈtrækʃn/n. 收缩,紧缩;缩写式;害病

traction /ˈtrækʃn/n. 牵引;牵引力

maintain accurate reduction 保持准确的复位

provided /prəˈvaɪdɪd/conj. 假如,倘若v. 提供,给予(provide 的过去式和过去分词)

Consequently, /ˈkɑːnsɪkwentli/adv. 因此;结果;所以

deformable /,di'fɔ:məbl/adj. 可变形的

deform /dɪˈfɔːrm/adj. 畸形的;丑陋的

vi. 变形;变畸形vt. 使变形;使成畸形

feasible./ˈfiːzəbl/adj. 可行的;可能的;可实行的

bracing,n. 支撑,支柱;背带

wrist sling  腕带

sling  /slɪŋ/n. 吊索;投石器;抛掷

U-slab of plaster U形石膏

sleeve /sliːv/n. 套筒, 套管;袖子

axilla  /æk'silə/n. [解剖] 腋窝,[解剖] 腋下;咯肢窝


Elastoplast   /i'læstəplɑ:st/n. 弹性绷带;(英)弹性黏膏

shave skin 备皮

tape . 胶带;磁带;带子;卷尺

stiff wire 硬线

tibial tubercle  胫骨结节

a Thomas’ splint 托马斯架

proximal, /ˈprɑːksɪməl/adj. 近端的;近源的;(牙齿)近侧的

padded ring of the splint abuts firmly against the pelvis.夹板的衬垫环紧靠在骨盆上

padded ring垫环 /'pædid/adj. 有装填垫料的

pulley /ˈpʊli/n. 滑轮;皮带轮;滑车








·皮肤牵引力-皮肤牵引力将维持不超过4或5公斤的拉力。Holland strapping或单向拉伸弹性塑料粘在剃光的皮肤上,并用绷带固定。踝关节由Gamgee组织保护,绳索或胶带用于牵引。








