
Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to US-UK trio for discovery of hepatitis C virus

(CNN)The Nobel Prize in Medicine has been jointly awarded to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice for the discovery of hepatitis C virus.

The award is one of the most sought-after global accolades and grants entry into one of the most prestigious clubs in the world.

The Nobel Assembly said in a news release Monday that the three scientists "made seminal discoveries that led to the identification of a novel virus." It said the trio had "made a decisive contribution to the fight against blood-borne hepatitis, a major global health problem that causes cirrhosis and liver cancer in people around the world."

The 2020 Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded at Sweden's Karolinska Institutet on Monday.

Globally, an estimated 71 million people have chronic hepatitis C virus infection, according to the World Health Organization. A significant number of those who are chronically infected will develop cirrhosis or liver cancer.


hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒

jointly  /ˈdʒɔɪntli/adv. 共同地;连带地

accolades /ˈækəleɪdz/n. 赞美,表扬(accolade的复数形式);称号

prestigious  /preˈstiːdʒəs/adj. 享有声望的,受尊敬的,地位显赫的

The Nobel Assembly 诺贝尔大会 /əˈsembli/n. 装配;集会,集合n. 汇编,编译

seminal discoveries 重要的发现 /ˈsemɪnl/adj. 种子的;精液的;生殖的adj. 有创造力的,对未来有影响的;重大的

identification /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/n. 鉴定,识别;认同;身份证明

trio/ˈtriːoʊ/n. 三重唱;三件一套;三个一组

decisive contribution决定性的贡献 /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/adj. 决定性的;果断的,坚定的

cirrhosis /səˈroʊsɪs/n. 硬化;[内科] 肝硬化

significant number of 相当数量的








