“幽默培训”:为德国人量身制作| Humor Training


Humor Training: the courses are tailored to the German


In the eyes of people from most other countries, Germans seem to be rigid and clumsy for their taciturnity and unsmiling face. In a word, Germans have no sense of humor at all. Seemingly, they are insensitive as the characters involved. Once, the renowned American prose writer as well as an ideologist and a poet Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “We are all wise for other people, none for himself.”


Surprisingly, there was an American who believed that humor is a market segment in the ever-expanding American genre of self-help. In the past two decades, humor has gone global. As reported, an International Humor Congress was held in Amsterdam in 2000. Actually, Germans have no idea that the rest of the world consider them to be at a particular disadvantage. Maybe, this article can drive the German crazy?!


There is a joke goes about the fly. If there is one fly falling into the beer, the American would seek for his lawyer immediately. As a Frenchman, he would refuse to pay a franc. And as a British, he would start to make fun of it. However, the German would find out a tweezer and pick the fly out. Later, he would solemnly examine whether the beer was injected with bacteria or not. In comparison, the German are quite serious without a sense of humor.


Nowadays, German can often be observed laughing uproariously. Exactly, they try hard to make it. However, they are regarded as the ones who can consume good humor instead of producing it. As a result, humor training comes into being. Where there is a need, there are business opportunities!


Certainly, there are various humor training courses on the market. And you can attend one right now if you do prefer. According to the German, they concede that they need professional help in humor and they can behave humorously after training. To some extent, skills can be acquired through professional training like others. Seemingly, it is quite necessary to be a study overlord!




美 ['twiːzə] 英 ['twiːzə]

n. 镊子

vt. 用镊子钳【拔】(毛等)


It is a tweezer which is an ideal tool to clip flat small objects.



美 ['sɒləmli] 英 ['sɒləmli]

adv. 庄重地;庄严地;面色严肃地;一本正经地


He vowed quite solemnly that he would carry out his promise.



美 [ˌtæsɪ'tɜːnəti] 英 [ˌtæsɪ'tɜːnəti]

n. 缄默;沉默寡言;无言;不太说话


When love visits, perhaps only taciturnity is left.


No cross, no crown.


★ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

★ 编校:刘洋,睡觉一定要睡到自然醒的夜猫子,有一点水灵的慢热型女子。爱翻译爱音乐爱有书!




