Human indifference hides behind the tiger attack accident


Human indifference hides behind the tiger attack accident


Several days ago, the tiger attack accident shocked the whole country. The specific circumstance is as follows. On July 23rd of 2016, the tiger attack accident took placed in Beijing Badaling Wild Animal Zoo in Yanqing District of Beijing at about three o’clock pm. As a result, it led to one death and one injury. According to the records of the surveillance videos of the zoo, a white car stopped slowly on the road of the zoo at three o’clock pm. About ten second later, the passenger in the co-pilot position opened the car door and the young lady who dressed in a light dress stepped out the car. Then, she came to the driver’s side and the driver talked with her after opening his door. At 15:00:23, a tiger came from behind all of a sudden and carried the young lady away in its mouth. Immediately, the driver who is a man in blue got off the car and ran after them. And seven seconds later, the elder female also got off the car and tried to give a hand who sat in the backseat. Soon afterwards, the elder female suffered the tiger’s crushing biting as well. Otherwise, the zoo’s patrol cars rushed to rescue. However, it was too late. Unfortunately, the elder female died and the young lady seriously injured.


After the accident, the zoo was forced to close and reorganize. According to the surveillance videos, the patrol cars arrived as soon as possible which indicated that the zoo had supervision, took measures and helped rescue. Even though, there were various warning information when wandering around the zoo such as lots of warning signs, power grid and broadcast notifications which were presented for many times during the established materials by the zoo later. Moreover, they presented the relevant responsibility agreement signed by both parties before they entered the zoo. Among the agreement, it clearly stipulated that the self-drive passengers should lock the car doors and poking one’s head out of the window or getting off the car casually were prohibited. However, tragedy has happened!!!


After the accident, some media and lots of netizens hold the positions that the young lady was to blame for the accident on account of violating the regulated rules and getting off the car at will. Even, they describe her with the sentence—no zuo no die, why you try! Instead, they feel sorry for her mother, the tiger and the zoo. Seeing that, I can’t help lamenting with a great heartache. As the tragedy took placed, the elder lady lost her life as the expense. Why do people not pay silent tribute for the sacrificed life? Instead, they just accuse the young lady blindly! As you see, no one would like to have an accident. And those blamers can ask themselves the question with their true conscience that they obey all the rules and never violate any rule since they were born.


In reality, all must violate one rule at least or even some more certain rules to a greater or lesser extent such as some stand astride the middle road when the green lights are going to change, some just fly into the subway at the second before the doors shut down and some smokers tend to smoke in the public area where smoking is prohibited. There are many many such examples and what makes the difference is their violating behaviors didn’t cause any serious accidents currently. And there is no difference that their behaviors are all against the rules without obeying.


From this tiger attack accident, should we see something deeper and clearer behind the back? And is there no more similar accident will take place if the lady didn’t get off the car? Should the relevant authorities strengthen all aspects at the cost of the dead life? Should we do something to avoid the tragedy? Instead, just spend time on the so-called ineffective talking and bullshit. What serious human indifference! Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you!!!



Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


venture 美 ['ventʃər] 英 ['ventʃə(r)]

n. (尤指有风险的)企业,商业,经营活动

v. 敢于去(危险或令人不快的地方);冒昧地说


How much is the foreign enterprise investing in our joint venture?


It is really very bold of him to venture to do this.


venture to ask if anything sprang up between you.

gain 美 [ɡeɪn] 英 [ɡeɪn]

n. 增加;利益;好处;利润

v. 获得;增加;赢得;取得

gain time



The band tried to gain time so I could recover but I had no way of coming back, since I was not able to sing.


There is an old English saying: "Gain time. gain life. "


gain ground



They are likely to gain ground in many provinces.


The soldiers fought hard and began to gain ground .


Gerous donations have allowed us to gain ground on finding a cure for thedisease.


Can you share your views with me ?

本月共读《Zero to One》英文版


☞ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

