
最近在关注“自我认知”这个主题,看到了这篇文章,《20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within》文章原文地址 :  http://www.dumblittleman.com/2013/07/20-questions-to-know-yourself-better.html目前没有百度到合适的翻译,因此自己尝试翻译了一下,先思考了前面8个问题。最后有思维导图做的摘要以及自己的简要回答,大家一起来分享自己的心得吧 !20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within1-8 Who Are You?1.    What is the one thing that makes you special and unique?1.让你与众不同的一件事情或一个事物是什么?There is no other person on this planet quite exactly like you. For just a moment, quit focusing on what you are not, what you wish to be, or what others expect from you and find out what is the one thing you already have that makes you special. Identify your “special”-ness, acknowledge it, respect it and make it central to how you carry yourself.这个星球上没有完全相同的两个人。花一点时间想想, 你不是谁,你希望成为谁,别人对你的期望是什么,并且找出让你不同于别人的事情到底是什么,承认这一点,尊重并聚焦于此,你才能真正面对自己。2.    How do people perceive you?2.你觉得人们如何看待你(和你的独特)?Do people see you for the special person that you are? Do they appreciate your unique abilities? If not, what is the reason? How can you change it?Maybe a quote by Henry Longfellow — “We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.” — has the answer? How can you bridge the gap between what you are uniquely capable of being and the person that you currently are?大家认为你是特别的人吗?他们是否欣赏/赞许你独有的能力?如果没有,原因是什么,你如何改变?正如Henry Longfellow的名言 - “我们以自己能做什么来评价自己,而别人以我们做成了什么来评价我们。” - 你是否意识到了?我们如何从有独特的能力到真正成为独特的人?3.    If money was not a constraint, what would you be doing with your time?3.如果金钱不是约束条件,你会选择做什么工作?Write a book? Become a singer? Grow a beautiful garden? Spend more time with your family? Take your time. Feel free to daydream. Once you have the vision in your mind, think of what is the one thing you can do now to move just one step closer to that vision. When you have a vision and start taking action, the universe will conspire to make it a reality.写一本书?成为歌手?种一个美丽的花园?多点时间陪伴家人?被着急,随意遐想。一旦你心中有了愿景,想想为了接近这个愿景,你能做的下一步是什么。当你有了一个目标并开始采取行动,世间万物将串联起来使得美梦成真。4.    What do you do for a living?4.你靠什么生活下去。There is nothing deep about this question. It really is as simple as it sounds. If your answer matches (or will lead you towards) what you answered to the previous question, you are on the right track. If answered “Become a writer” above and “I am an engineer” to this one, you need to figure out how bridge the two. Maybe you can start a tech blog. Or a series of (blockbuster) books about the adventurous engineer or the vampire engineer. Whatever. Figure it out.这不是个什么深奥的问题,真的是字面意思那么简单。如果你的答案匹配于(或者导向你)你前一个问题的回答,那你在正确的道上跑着。如果前一个回答是“成为一个作家”,而这次的回答“我是一个工程师”,那你应该思考下如何整合两者,也许你可以搞一个技术博客,或者来个系列(重磅点的)大部头,像是工程师大冒险或吸血鬼工程师,管它多无厘头,就要找出办法来(关联两者)。5.    What are you grateful for?5.让你感恩/庆幸的是什么?How long did you have to think to answer that question? If you answer was not immediate – if the images of your family and friends, your health, your ability to see, hear, walk and talk did not come to your mind instantly, you should start looking into developing an attitude of gratitude. Remember the quote – “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”你用了多长时间回答这个问题?如果你不是立即给出答案 , 如果这一瞬间,你头脑中没有闪现出你的家人和朋友,你个人的健康,没有感激你还能看到、听见,你还能走路、说话,那么你应该寻找的懂得感恩的生活态度。记住这句话- “我哭了,因为我没有鞋子穿,直到我遇到了一个没有脚的人。”6.    If you die tomorrow, will you be happy with the life you’ve lived?6.如果你明天将会死去,你对现在的生活满意吗?I don’t want to sound morbid, but it’s true — you really could die tomorrow. Have you lived a good life? Have you left good memories to last your kids a lifetime? Have you forgiven everyone who has wronged you and have you asked for forgiveness from everyone you have wronged? If you haven’t seen it yet, I would highly recommend watching the last lecture by Professor Randy Pausch.我不想听起来有点bt,但这是真的--也许明天你真的就挂了。你是否已经过好了一生?是否给孩子留下美好的生活回忆?你是否已经原谅了那些委屈过你的人,或者向你曾经辜负过的人真诚道歉?如果你没有意识到这个,我强烈建议你看看 Randy Pausch.教授的最后一课演讲。原文youtube被墙了,爱奇艺的播放地址http://www.iqiyi.com/w_19rr94tsbp.html?share_sTime=0-share_eTime=11955-src=sharemodclk1312127.    What is the one movie you don’t mind watching over and over? (or the one book you could just read any number of times?)7.有没有一部你看了一遍又一遍的电影或者书籍?The human mind responds strongly to narratives, so the story that touches you the most is the one that can tell you a lot about yourself. Or the one that you aspire your life to be like. What is the story that you don’t mind watching/reading over and over again? What is the underlying theme/premise of the story?人的内心对故事强烈的回应感,所以最能触动你的故事,往往是于展现你自己关联有很多的,或是你渴望的生活的故事。你不介意一遍又一遍的看/读的故事是什么?故事背后隐含的主题是什么?8.    If someone made a movie out of your life, what will it be like?8.如果以你的经历来拍一部电影,这部电影将会是怎样的?Everybody has a story — what is yours? Would the story of your life be filled with melodrama, self-pity, hatred, anger or frustration; or would it be a story about inner peace, happiness, love, growth, joy and transcendence? If you are happy with your answer, keep doing what you are doing. If not, a quote by Maria Robinson may be of help — “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”每个人都有一个故事 - 你的故事是什么样的?请问你的人生故事是充满闹剧,自怜,仇恨,愤怒或沮丧,或者会是一个关于内心的安宁,幸福,爱情,成长,快乐和超越的故事吗?如果你的对你的答案感到高兴,继续做你正在做的事情。如果不是,玛丽亚·罗宾逊的名言可能会有所帮助 - “没有人可以回去重新开始,但任何人都可以从今天开始,追寻一个新的结局。”问题 1-8 思维导图总结

9-13  Who Are Your friends and foes? - 谁是你的朋友和敌人?9.If you are in a sinking ship with everyone you know, and you could only save 10 people, who would it be?A lot of us don’t even realize who the most important people in our lives are. We constantly try to impress random people who hardly care about us, at the expense of neglecting those that matter the most to us. Are you aware of the handful of people that really mean something to you? Are you treating them right?9. 如果你和你所认识全部的人,都坐在一条将要沉没的船上,你会救哪十个人?我们很多人甚至没有认识到我们的生活中最重要的人是谁。我们不断试图给几乎怎么不关心我们的人留下深刻的印象,而忽略这些最重要的人。你觉察到这些屈指可数重要的人,对自己的真正意义了吗?你是否正确对待他们了呢?10. If you die today, who will miss you the most?Now, flip that around — who are the people that have you on their list of most cherished people? You don’t have to have led a life that warrants a national holiday when you die (though, that would be good!), but are you leaving behind a legacy that at least a handful of people will cherish?10.如果你今天死去,谁将会是最想念你的人?现在,翻翻看 - 谁是你最珍爱的人的名单上的人呢?你不必把自己的忌日搞成全国纪念日(虽然这是一件大好事!),但是你总得留下点什么,给你最珍视的人呢?11. What will they say in your eulogy?Why will these people miss you when you are gone? Will they read out your eulogy out of rote and move on with their lives, will they choke up unable to continue, or will they smile all the way through because you showed them life is to be celebrated? Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – this is just an exercise to get you to know yourself better.11.你死后,人们会如何悼念你?为什么这些人会想念你?人们会读完你的悼词,然后继续他们的生活;还是会因为你的死去悲痛欲绝,活不下去;或者因为他们会保持笑容,因为你向他们展示了活一回是值得庆幸的事情?记住,这没有正确答案——这是一种让你更了解自己的办法。12.If you had the power to make someone vanish, who would that be?Again, look at all the people around you – who do you wish was not there? The people who surround you have the power to lift you up or pull you down. How many people can you afford to have around you that you cannot stand, or that bring you down?12.如果你有能力让一个人消失,你会选择谁?再次看看你四周的人,最想让ta消失的人是谁? 环绕你四周的人具有左右你的能量(使你有点身不由己),你最多能承受住几个这样的人,或者多少这样的人会让你陷入绝望?13.If tomorrow’s newspaper read “ shot dead” who would be the person holding the revolver?Is there someone whose life is made sadder because of your presence? Life is too short – is it worth continuing to be a pain in someone’s life?13.如果在明天的报纸上写着‘xx(你的名字)被枪杀’,你认为谁会是杀你的凶手?有没有谁的生活因为你的存在变得更难过?生命是短暂的 — 继续成为别人生命中的痛点真的值吗?Is there someone whose life is made sadder because of your presence? Life is too short – is it worth continuing to be a pain in someone’s life?问题9-13 思维导图小结

14-20 Who will you become? 你将成为谁?14.Are you a better person today than you were last year at this same time? Or 10 years ago?The source of a lot of misery in our lives is because we keep comparing our worst moments with the best of those around us. The only way to break out of this is to change your reference for comparison. Are you a better person today than you were before? Are you on a path of growth? Are you moving forward, standing still or slipping backwards?14.现在的你比去年更好吗?比10年前的自己呢?我们生活很多痛苦,往往来源于我们拿自己最差的时刻,与周围人最好的时刻进行比较。唯一跳出的办法,就是调整自己的参照体系。今天的你比以往的自己更好吗?你在成长的路上吗?你是一往无前、原地踏步还是已经随波逐流了呢?15.What was your last random act of kindness?When was the last time you helped someone carry groceries to their car, or just smiled at a stranger who looked like he could use one? When did you last give something in spite of knowing that it’ll never be paid back? What goes around does come around – what will come back to you? (For some real stories of inspiring random acts of kindness, take a look at this.)15.你最后一次的随手的善举有多久了?你最后一次帮别人搬东西上车是什么时候?或者仅仅是给陌生人一个微笑?你最后一次不求回报地给予是什么时候? 善有善报,但还没有报 - 什么时候会有回报? (关于随手善举的一些鼓舞人心的真实故事,看看这儿。)http://www.danoah.com/2013/06/because-people-really-are-good.html16.    How many hours of a day do you spend on unproductive activities like watching TV, snooping around on others’ facebook profiles, idle gossip etc.?Now, multiply that number with 2.5, and that is the number of years of your life you are wasting away, assuming you live to be 80 and discounting the first 20 years of your life. (X hours/day * 365 days/year * 60 years) / (24 hours/day * 365 days/year). Agreed, we all need some time to unwind -  but, are you OK with the number you came up with, or does it boggle your mind? (On the flip side, those of you with kids, how many hours a day do you actually spend with your kids without distractions like TV, phone etc.? Multiply that with 0.75 and that is the number of years you actually spend with your child assuming that they live under your roof for 18 years. If your answer boggles you, come stop by afineparent.com and we’ll figure out a way to fix it.)16.你每天花几个小时在无谓的娱乐活动上?比如说看电视刷微博现在,将乘这个数字乘以2.5,这就是你从20岁活到80岁,这60年中你浪费掉的年头。(X小时/天* 365天/年×60年)/(24小时/天* 365天/年)。我当然认同人们都需要一些时间来放松 — 但是你得确定,计算出来的这个时间是你觉得OK的吗?(在另一面看,每天你花多少小时,在不被电视,手机等等分心情况下,专门与孩子相处?将这个数乘以0.75,这就是孩子到18岁时与你在同一屋檐下的时光。如果对你的答案感到不可思议,上网站 afineparent.com去寻找一个解决之道吧)17.What if you lose all you money?Will you be so distraught that you will want to end your life? Will you be so angry and frustrated that you won’t be able to think straight? Will you be sad but eventually recover? No doubt, you will always need money. But as long as you remember (and believe) that you are the master of the money and can make some no matter what life throws at you, you will be able to roll with life’s punches and thrive in spite of them.17.如果你一无所有了,你会怎么办?这会让你了断自己吗?这会让你出离愤怒,无法理智思考了吗?你能从悲伤中最终恢复元气吗?毫无疑问,你都一直需要钱,但要一直记住(并且相信)人是钱的主人,用钱能解决一些生活扔给你的破事,这样你才能够在逆境中获得成长。18. Who is making most of the decisions in your life – you, those around you or your circumstances?On that note, you are the master of your life as well. But a lot of us find it much easier to give up that power and make circumstances, or worse, the people around us, the masters of our lives. Do you ever find yourself saying “I’m not happy because…”? It does not matter what comes after the because… that because is the way you hand over your power. Watch your thoughts, watch your words and reclaim your power over your life.18.谁在你的人生中有决定性的作用?你自己,你的家人,还是周遭的人?关于这一点,你是自己生活的主人才是最好的。但很多人更容易放弃自主,制造状况,或者更糟,我们周围的人成为了我们的生活的主人。你有没有发现自己在说:“我不太高兴,因为......”?这没有太大关系,因为.....,这都是因为你交出了生活的自主权。关注自己的思想和表达,收回你主宰生活的力量。19. What is the one thing you fear the most when you think of yourself as an old person?Are you worried about looking old? That’s like fearing sunsets…. why be scared of something that is guaranteed to happen and is very dignified if you just change your perspective? Are you worried about not having money or close family? That’s like having a cow in your backyard and worrying about milk…. spend your time building up a bank balance and nurturing your relationships now. The same goes for being sick and frail – as long as you take good care of your health and don’t abuse your body now, you will be able to hold a lot of diseases at bay when you are older. Stop being scared and live your life now in such a way that you can continue to celebrate your life right into a ripe old age.19.当你老去,你最害怕的一件事情是什么?你是否担心“衰老”本身吗?这就像害怕日落一样......。为什么要去害怕那些必定会发生的事情呢?你只需要稍微转换一下视角,这也是一件有尊严的事情。你有在钱的问题或亲密家庭上担心过吗?这就像在你的后院的一头奶牛,天天在担心牛奶的事儿......。花时间建立一个培育和平衡你亲密关系的银行。这同样适用于疾病和亚健康 —— 你把你的健康照顾好,不要透支滥用现在你的身体,你就可以在你年老的时候hold住很多疾病。不要再害怕,以健康的方式生活,你就可以长命百岁。20.Will you ever be invited to give a talk (eg., TED) or an interview (eg. Oprah) etc.?Finally, what is your life all about? Are you just sleepwalking through life or are you marching forward with eyes wide open, filled with joy and vitality? When you choose the latter, irrespective of how “regular” or “boring” your life may seem at present, you will have opportunities to make little differences around you that can change the course of history!20.你有被采访过或者是进行演讲过吗?最后,你全部的生命到底是怎样的?你是梦游着过的呢,还是你充满了喜悦和活力,睁大眼睛向前迈进?当你选择了后者,不管你现在的生活是多么“规则”或“无聊”,你总会有机会围绕自己为原点,制造一些小的变化(以自己为核心形成一些影响力,影响一拨人),甚至可以改变历史!13-2013-20 思维导图总结

