TE||A trunkful of bolívares
A trunkful of bolívares
英文部分选自经济学人Finance and economics版块
A trunkful of bolívares
How Venezuelans preserve their savings from hyperinflation—and the lessons for everyone else
ASK the chief investment officer of a fund-management firm how to spread your investments and you will be told to put so much in stocks, so much in bonds and something in hedge funds or private equity. Chances are that white-elephant buildings, eggs and long-life milk will not feature. But in Venezuela, where the inflation rate is in the tens of thousands, things that people elsewhere would shun for fear they will lose value have become stores of real wealth.
如果咨询基金公司投资总监如何合理构建投资组合,他们会建议将大部分资产分配至股票和债券,小部分配比于对冲基金和私募股权。而白象建筑(需要高额成本维护的资产), 鸡蛋和保久乳(保存期较长的牛奶)绝不会纳入投资标的范围。但在委内瑞拉,通货膨胀率高达万倍,那些被其他国家认为易减值的投资产品在委内瑞拉却被当成可避险的有储存价值的标的资产。
That is why you can see scaffolding and other signs of a building boom dotted around Caracas, the capital of a country that has endured an economic collapse. Businesses need to park their earnings where they will not be wiped out by inflation. A smaller-scale response to galloping prices is the emerging “egg economy”. Eggs hold their value better than cash, for a while at least. They make for a convenient currency, too. It is easier to carry around a half-dozen eggs than a trunkful of banknotes. And many tradespeople would be happier to receive the eggs.
There are plenty of lessons from Venezuela’s calamity, including for ordinary savers. An often-overlooked one concerns personal finances. In stable countries, the penalty for a careless approach to saving can hit you a long way in the future. It might be the drawn-out misery of a meagre income in retirement, say. In Venezuela bad decisions lead to ruin—and rather quickly. Keeping your head above water takes great care. A sure way to go under is to keep money in bolívares for any longer than it takes to buy essentials.
calamity /kəˈlæmɪtɪ/ n.灾难,灾害
meagre /ˈmiːɡə/ adj . 贫弱的,贫乏的,poor
Episodes of hyperinflation are quite rare. Steve Hanke of Johns Hopkins University lists 57 cases, starting with France in the 1790s. It takes something extraordinary—war, revolution or epic incompetence—to mess things up on such a scale. The root cause is usually a chronic weakness in public finances. This might be because of looting by officials, lavish welfare spending or reliance on a single source of tax revenue. The government resorts to printing money to pay its bills. That feeds inflation. A vicious cycle ensures that it rises quickly. Because taxes are paid some time after the activity they relate to, rapid inflation erodes the value of tax receipts. More money is created to fill the gap in revenue. Inflation accelerates. The cycle turns.
发生恶性通货膨胀非常罕见。约翰霍普金斯大学的史蒂夫汉克列出了自18世纪90年代法国开始的57个相关案例。恶性通胀发生一般由于非同寻常的条件,比如战争、革命或政府当局特别不作为,并且在大规模上把事情搞得一团糟。 其根本原因通常是公共财政长期疲软。这可能是由于官员中饱私囊,或因为过度的财政支出或单一的税收来源。政府只能采取印钞来支付这些费用,由此推升了通胀。严重的恶性循环使得通货膨胀率急剧上升。由于税收是在其相关经济活动发生之后的一段时间内才支付的,因此快速的通货膨胀同时会侵蚀税收的价值。政府需印发更多货币来填补收入差距。通货膨胀进一步加速,恶性循环开始了。
They are the egg men. Venezuela fits this template, more or less. Its people were not completely unprepared. High inflation in the 1980s and 1990s taught the middle classes to keep a chunk of their savings offshore in dollar accounts. The financially astute switch between accounts in Miami and Caracas. But capital controls make it tricky to transfer large sums. Other inflation hedges are needed.
One is property. When protests against Nicolás Maduro, the autocratic president, were at their height last year, some foreigners hoped to snap up homes at fire-sale prices. But there were no bargains. Property was too valuable as an inflation hedge. For a while, a car was as much a savings vehicle as a way to get from A to B. It was once possible to sell one for more than the purchase price in dollars. But cars have become less of a sellers’ market as people leave Venezuela and sell their belongings. Property prices, too, have stabilised in dollar terms. A shrewd minority are using the stockmarket as a sort of inflation-linked bank, buying shares to deposit cash and selling them to withdraw it. A favoured stock is Banco Mercantil, which has businesses outside Venezuela.
一种方法是投资房地产。去年,当针对专制总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗的抗议活动达到顶峰时,一些外国人争相抢购低价出售的房产,但没有讨价还价。房地产是一样非常有效的通胀对冲工具。有一段时间,汽车作为一种价值储蓄工具,使得财富实现由A到B的转移。曾经还出现了以高于购买价格的价格出售一辆汽车。但随着人们逐渐离开委内瑞拉,出售他们的财物,汽车转卖不再那么有利可图。同样,以美元计价的房地产价格也逐渐趋于稳定。一些精明的少数派正利用股市作为一种能够抵御通胀的“银行”,存入现金买进股票,然后出售股票提取现金。一支备受青睐的股票是Mercantil银行(Banco Mercantil),因为该银行涉及委内瑞拉境外业务。
It is impossible to guard against extreme inflation with precision. For many it is hard to guard against it at all. The poor have few ways to do so. In this regard, what happens in Venezuela tallies with what happens elsewhere. A newish strain in academic finance examines how ordinary people manage their money. A survey of the literature by Cristian Badarinza, John Campbell and Tarun Ramadorai sums up what has been learned so far. A key finding is that the wealthy and educated make fewer mistakes with their money. They invest in a broader range of assets, pay lower fees and are quicker to refinance their debts when interest rates change. The penalty the poor pay for their comparative lack of financial acumen is real, if not always visible.
精准地避开极度通胀是不可能的。对于多数国人来说这根本不可能,底层人民更是有着更少的应对选择。就这方面而言,世界各国都相似,委内瑞拉当然也并不例外。Cristian Badarinza,John Campbell和Tarun Ramadorai利用了一项较为新颖的金融理论分支来测试普通人如何理财。一份基于上述研究的调查报告对迄今所有测试结果做出总结。其中一个重要发现是富人和知识分子在理财上相对犯错次数更少。他们所投资的资产覆盖范围更广,支付的佣金更少,并且面对利率的变动能更迅速地反应并进行再融资。相对欠缺金融敏感度的底层百姓为此付出的代价便就真实存在了,即使这并不总能被人们所察觉。
The costs are more obvious in Venezuela. It thus provides a vivid lesson in why ordinary folk should pay closer attention to how they manage their money. Even quite small changes can make a big difference to long-term returns. To Venezuelans such wisdom is essential, because when you are coping with hyperinflation, the long term is next week.
Vivian,女,国际商务硕士, 经济学人粉丝
Jasmine, 女 ,税收专业大三学生, 经济学人粉丝
Leon, 男,研究生在读,经济学人铁粉
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