经济学人商业 || 阿片类药物泛滥成灾,祸患无穷




Yao, 男, 准英专研究生, 二笔三口



The drugs don’t work



The drugs don’t work


The wider effects of the opioid crisis


The impact of the opioid epidemic in America is staggering. Work by Anne Case and Angus Deaton of Princeton University has indicated that over prescription of pain-relieving drugs was a big factor in the increase in mortality among middle-aged whites that has occurred since 2000. The Council of Economic Advisers has estimated that, in 2018, the costs of opioid addiction (including the value of lives lost) were $696bn, or 3.4% of gdp.

阿片类药物在美国大肆泛滥,影响之大超乎想象。普林斯顿大学学者安妮·凯斯(Anne Case)与安格斯·迪顿(Angus Deaton)的一项调查显示,2000年以来中年白人死亡率不断上升,而镇痛药物开药过量是其中一大原因。据白宫经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)估计,2018年阿片类药物上瘾造成的损失(损失的人命被量化为数字/人力资本,计入在内)高达6960亿美元,占美国GDP总量的3.4%。

Slowly but surely, more details are emerging. In 2017 Alan Krueger, also of Princeton, showed* that labour-force participation had fallen in American counties where more opioid pain medication had been prescribed. Now a new paper** by three academics from the University of North Carolina explores the impact of the epidemic on firms and business investment.

虽然进展缓慢,但的确有更多细节正逐渐浮出水面。2017年,普林斯顿大学另一位学者艾伦·克鲁格(Alan Krueger)表示,在阿片类镇痛药开具较多的部分美国郡县,劳动力市场参与度有所下降。近年来,北卡罗来纳大学三位学者发表了一篇论文,专门研究阿片类药物泛滥对企业及商业投资的影响。

As with Krueger’s research, the focus is on the labour market. The authors examine the change in the rate of opioid prescriptions in individual counties between 2002-06 and 2006-10, and compare it with changes in employment five years later (between 2007-11 and 2011-15).

和克鲁格一样,这几位作者的研究重点是劳动力市场。三位学者研究了几个郡县在2002-06及2006-10期间内阿片类药物处方率的变化,并与五年后(2007-11 和2011-15之间)的就业率变化进行了对比。

The delay is an attempt to get round the problem of separating correlation and causation. People who are unemployed may opt for the solace of opioids. But the authors reasonably assume that “opioid prescriptions written by doctors are independent of economic conditions five years later.” Furthermore, some doctors are much more likely to prescribe pain medication than others. Patients of doctors who prescribe more opioids are 5.8% less likely to be employed five years later.


What the academics find is that higher prescription rates are associated not just with a decline in employment but in the sales growth of firms sited in the worst affected areas. Sales are 1.7% lower for firms in the 75th percentile opioid counties than those in the 25th percentile. Businesses struggle, the authors suggest, because they cannot find the right workers. In addition, companies respond to the shortage of workers by investing more in information technology, substituting capital for labour.



In the 25th/50th/70th percentile: The 25th percentile is also known as the first quartile (Q1), the 50th percentile as the median or second quartile (Q2), and the 75th percentile as the third quartile (Q3). In general, percentiles and quartiles are specific types of quantiles.

例: If a child's weight is at the 50th percentile line, that means that out of 100 normal children her age, 50 will be bigger than she is and 50 smaller. Similarly, if she is in the 75th percentile, that means that she is bigger than 75 children and smaller than only 25, compared with 100 children her age.

Clearly, myriad factors affect growth rates, employment, investment and opioid use. The researchers therefore try to exclude alternative explanations for their findings. They check whether the results are robust by dropping some counties, such as those with the worst economic performance and those associated with “pill mills”—clinics identified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as having excessive prescription rates. To ensure results are not distorted by the types of firm being examined, they test the sample excluding manufacturing companies and firms with high exposure to Chinese imports. The impact of opioids on employment remains the same.


When it comes to employees, the authors include only workers aged between 18 and 60 (to exclude those about to retire) and those who have not previously been prescribed opioids. And they also examine emergency-room prescriptions—visits to the ER involve urgent cases and doctors are randomly assigned, reducing the chance that the results are driven by intentional drug-seeking behaviour. Increases in ER prescriptions are also associated with falls in employment and slower firm growth.


The clear negative impact of opioid abuse has significant implications. First, it shows the difficulties faced by economists when forecasting variables such as labour-force participation rates. Anyone constructing a model in the late 1990s could not reasonably have anticipated the opioid epidemic.


Second, the epidemic presents a strong argument for government intervention. It arose from a market failure: doctors were free to prescribe opioids and patients were free to take them. Neither group seems to have anticipated the addictive effects.


The authorities have reacted, with 25 states passing laws to regulate opioids use, starting with Massachusetts in 2016. Since 2017 the increase in deaths from opioid abuse seems to have halted. The academics also find some evidence of positive share-price gains for companies based in those states that passed regulations. Business doesn’t just need skilled employees; it needs workers who are free from addiction.


* “Where Have All the Workers Gone? An Inquiry into the Decline of the US Labor Force Participation Rate”


** “The Impact of the Opioid Crisis on Firm Value and Investment”, by Paige Ouimet, Elena Simintzi and Kailei Ye

“阿片类药物滥用对公司价值及投资的影响”,Paige Ouimet, Elena Simintzi and Kailei Ye



Clark,一笔,A translator, translating






Megan, 女,外事民工,热爱是唯一的信仰

Li Xia, 女, 我视英语为初恋,英语瞧我像备胎





这篇文章讲的是医用鸦片在美国的影响,各种各样的research paper在探讨其影响几何。

统计学里并没有什么万能方法能够区分两组数据之间的相关性和因果性,两组数据的相关性一般用R2(R squared)来表示,或者是相关系数,它俩数值上相等;但在一组数据和几组数据做相关性测试时就只能用adjusted R2来描述了。如何判断因果关系,一般是需要用其他的方法证明的,例如解释货币供给会导致物价水平上升,这之间的价格传递机制就需要用微观经济理论解释。






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