导语 Janice Sigrist老师是一名资深教育人,曾在美国和中国的多所国际幼儿园担任园长和创始人。在上海生活生活21年的她,于今年7月回美定居。一妍邀请Janice开设一个英文学习专栏,通过Janice的日常故事,激发大家学习英文的兴趣,提升口语能力。
Hello, Everyone, it is so nice to meet you again! For those of you I have not yet met, my name is Janice Sigrist, but most people call me Miss Janice, as I have been a teacher for 38 years now. I was a teacher and principal in the US for 17 years, then moved to Shanghai in 2000, and worked there for the next 21 years. I ran an international school, opened 7 new kindergartens, worked with Little Adam app company, opened a US branch of the National Reading Styles Institute with friends, did reading corners all over the city as well as much more.I am back in the US now, and am sharing our life here with you. The US has many similarities to life in China, and yet many differences as well.It has been very hot this past month in Boise, Idaho. It was over 38 degrees most of the month. In China you use Celsius to measure weather, and in the US we use Fahrenheit. For us in the US it was over 100 degrees most of the month! Thankfully, Boise is not a humid place to live, as it is surrounded by mountains and desert. The trees here are so beautiful, and if you take care of it, so is your yard!My brother has a nice house with a beautiful yard. Both the back and front yard have grass, trees, and a garden. In front there are flowers, and in the back there are vegetables. When the weather is so hot, he keeps it looking good by turning on a watering system he installed himself. In his city they have special water reserves from the run off in the mountains to use for watering your lawns. It is not the same clean, filtered water that we can drink directly from our tap, or that we use in our showers, baths, and to wash clothes. It is fresh mountain water that has not been cleaned for humans to drink.My brother waters his lawn and his garden every other day. There is not much rain during the summer in Boise, so this keeps everything luscious and green. Last night was the first rain Boise had in the month I have been here.He also uses different fertilizers, which are organic and help his garden and lawn grow beautifully, by making sure that they have the proper minerals and nutrients to grow. He treats his lawn and gardens like a mom treats her family—he makes sure they get healthy food, water and nutrition to make sure they grow tall and strong!Because he takes such good care of his yard, he needs to cut it at least once a week. This takes him about an hour to do, and it is truly work he enjoys. To mow his yard, he needs to use a lawnmower. He has had the same lawnmower for over 7 years now, and just like everything he owns, he takes very good care of his mower. He gives it a tune up once a year, and sharpens the blades once a month. Most people do not do this, but growing up we were taught by both of our parents that anything worth doing is worth doing right—so he always does his best in everything he starts!Before he begins to mow, he takes another battery powered tool, an edger, and cuts the grass that is near to the cement and fence. It is very quick work! Some people use hand held clippers to do this.Because he has two dogs—Rocky and Patches, he also needs to clean up the doggie poo in the backyard before he mows. In the US many homes have backyards, and people with dogs let them run outside to play, get fresh air, and enjoy the space and life. Homes that do this have fences, to make sure the dogs stay safe.When he mows the grass, he puts in gasoline, and starts it. Then, he follows a straight line and mows all the way to the end of his lawn, turns, and mows the next row.He has a grass catcher on the back of the mower, and when it is full, he stops and turns off the mower. He empties the grass into his compost pile, or sometimes spreads the grass over his garden. Then he reattaches his bag, and continues to mow row by row.When he is finished, he cleans his mower off, using the run off water from the mountains. He runs water through the inside and the outside of the mower, and then he puts it away so that he can use it again the next time.There is a beautiful fresh smell to newly cut grass, and it is really so lovely to walk barefoot in his back yard. It is one of the things I truly enjoy in life! My little pleasure.I hope you will come along and join me as I discover new ways of having fun with everyday life in the US, as I always love to make new friends! Welcome!