
Peroral endoscopy myotomy (POEM) is widely known as a treatment modality for achalasia and its use has been expanding to other spastic esophageal motility disorders. POEM with simultaneous submucosal and muscle dissection (POEM-SSMD) has been described for achalasia with severe adhesions in the submucosa of the cardia. We present a challenging case, in which tunneling within the submucosa alone before the myotomy was not possible owing to spastic contractions in the mid-esophagu


A 46-year-old woman presented with a long history of dysphagia, with worsening symptoms and chest pain since the previous year. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with a standard endoscope showed narrowing at the level of the tracheal bifurcation and it was impossible for the scope to traverse the narrowing ([Fig. 1 a]). An endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) examination showed a thick band of muscle ([Fig. 1 b]). It was possible to pass a nasal endoscope beyond the level of the narrowing and this revealed several diverticula in the esophagus, along with strong contractions. An esophagram showed abnormal esophageal contractions throughout, with a narrowed lumen ([Fig. 2 a]). High resolution manometry was inconclusive because of the difficulty in placement of the catheter.


Fig. 1  图1
a esophagogastroduodenoscopy
b an endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) image
Fig. 2 Esophagram images
a before peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM), showing strong contractions and a narrowed lumen;
b on day-1 post-POEM, showing an improvement in contrast emptying.

The patient was diagnosed with spastic esophageal disorder and underwent POEM ([Video 1]). The mucosal entry was created with a 2-cm longitudinal incision at the 5-o’clock position using a FlushKnife BT (Fujifilm) after submucosal injection. Submucosal dissection was performed to create the submucosal tunnel. As we approached the tight junction with a narrowed tunnel, proceeding with submucosal tunneling alone was not possible. Instead, simultaneous submucosal and muscle dissection had to be performed, which eventually opened up the tunnel ([Fig. 3]). Submucosal tunneling was continued until two penetrating vessels were seen, indicating the distal end of the POEM, and the endoscopic myotomy was completed once the penetrating vessels were reached. A standard endoscope was then passed smoothly through into the stomach. The mucosal entry site was closed with endoclips.

经诊断,该患者患有痉挛性食道疾病,并接受了POEM治疗([Video 1])。黏膜下注射后,使用FlushKnife BT(Fujifilm)在5点钟的位置建立一个2cm的纵向切口,创建黏膜入口。进行黏膜下剥离,以形成黏膜下隧道。当我们通过狭窄的隧道接近紧密连接处时,无法单独进行黏膜下隧道建立。因此,必须同时剥离黏膜下层和固有肌层,最终打开了隧道(图3)。继续创建黏膜下隧道,直到显露TPVs,TPVs即为POEM的终点,内镜下肌切开术就完成了。然后将标准内镜顺利通过胃部。使用钛夹封闭隧道入口。

Video 1 Peroral endoscopic myotomy with simultaneous submucosal and muscle dissection (POEM-SSMD) in a tunnel that was narrowed by spastic esophageal contractions.
Fig. 3 Endoscopic image during peroral endoscopic myotomy with simultaneous submucosal and muscle dissection.

An esophagram on day 1 after the procedure showed an  improvement in contrast emptying ([Fig. 2 b]). The patient reported significant improvement in her symptoms 3 months later.


Adopting a method of simultaneous submucosal and muscle dissection in a tunnel narrowed because of spastic contractions is feasible to allow successful completion of POEM.



Thian MY, Tanaka S, Abe H, Sakaguchi H, Ikezawa N, Toyonaga T, Kodoma Y. Peroral endoscopic myotomy with simultaneous submucosal and muscle dissection in spastic esophageal disorder. Endoscopy. 2021 Jan;53(1):E9-E10. doi: 10.1055/a-1167-1043. Epub 2020 May 19. PMID: 32428954.


