
我们正在精读国外经典骨科书籍《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》,想要对于骨科英文形成系统认识,为以后无障碍阅读英文文献打下基础,请持续关注。


External fixation 

The main indications for external fixation are (1) treatment of severe open injuries; (2) management of patients with multiple injuries where there is a need to reduce operating time and prevent the ‘second hit’; and (3) the need to deal with severe bone loss by the technique of bone transport. External fixation is also useful for (4) treating femoral fractures in adolescents (Figure 29.26).

Like closed intramedullary nailing, it has the advantage of not exposing the fracture site and small amounts of axial movement can be applied to the bone by allowing a telescoping action in the fixator body (with some designs of external fixator). As the callus increases in volume and quality, the fixator can be adjusted to increase stress transfer to the fracture site, thus promoting quicker consolidation. However, there are still problems with pin-site infection, pin loosening and (if the half-pins are applied close to joints) limitation of movement due to interference with sliding structures.

The patient is allowed up as soon as he or she is comfortable and knee movement exercises are encouraged to prevent tethering by the half pins. Partial weightbearing is usually possible immediately but this will depend on the x-ray appearance of callus – this may take some time (more than 6 weeks) if the fixator is a rigid device. Most femoral shaft fractures will unite in under 5 months but some take longer if the fracture is badly comminuted or contact between fracture ends is poor.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


reduce operating time减少操作时间

bone transport骨搬移

axial movement 轴向移动

telescope /ˈtelɪskoʊp/n. 望远镜v. 叠套缩短;精简,压缩;(车)相撞而嵌进

telescoping action 可伸缩的动作

pin-site infection钉道感染

there are still problems with pin-site infection, pin loosening and limitation of movement due to interference with sliding structures.仍然存在着钉道感染、钉松动以及由于滑动装置的干扰而限制运动的问题。






