Guannan is great, which is called Little Jiangnan. The water is delicate, the air is clear and the flowers are beautiful. The rice is fat, the fish jump and the fruits are sweet. Can't I love Guannan?
(Note: Jiangnan, south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River)
Yao Chi lotus flower's original body is a plum,
She's willingly demoted secular to the world.
The two gods get reunited in the mortal world.
An infatuation between them makes winter drunk.
Liang Shuangxin, male, is an advanced teacher of Guannan Senior High School of Jiangsu Province, who likes literature, translation, calligraphy, singing、 tourism and making friends.
人生最大的乐趣莫过于找到了共同爱好者而相得益彰!待如今,有风景则相携而赏,有心意则相印而通!高山流水遇知音,情趣相投,雅俗共赏,有文朋诗友一齐在《新京都文艺》欢聚,不亦悦乎?临沧海则思其深,看高山则望其远,立大地则叹其广,秀林于森,润田于心,悠然于心境,收获之快乐!花儿在阳光下绽放,鸟儿在蓝天上飞翔,文学爱好者在这儿展示才华!每一天的清风丽日 ,每一天的欢歌笑语,每一天的吟诗赏文,日子就是这般充实着的。从此,有您有我有大家在这儿赏心悦目,皆因之文艺欣赏与交流:风雅荟萃,博采众长!才情涌好诗,才华写美文,远与近宜相邻,古与今本贯通,而新时代则出新佳作!太阳每天都是新的,《新京都文艺》与文艺爱好者相约在每一天携手前行!