


Initial treatment consists of pain-relieving measures and simple splintage of the limb. If operation is delayed, a femoral nerve block may be helpful.

A case for non-operative treatment of undisplaced (Garden Stages I and II) fractures can be made in treating patients with advanced dementia and little discomfort. For all others, operative treatment is almost mandatory. Displaced fractures will not unite without internal fixation, and in any case elderly people should be got up and kept active without delay if pulmonary complications and bed sores are to be prevented. Impacted fractures can be left to unite, but there is always a risk that they may become displaced, even while lying in bed, so fixation is safer.

Another indication for non-operative management is an impacted Garden I fracture that is an ‘old’ injury, where the diagnosis is made only after the patient has been walking about for several weeks without deleterious effect on the fracture position.

When should the operation be performed? In young patients operation is urgent; interruption of the blood supply will produce irreversible cellular changes after 12 hours and, to prevent this, an accurate reduction and stable internal fixation is needed as soon as possible. In older patients, also, the longer the delay, the greater is the likelihood of complications. However, here speed is tempered by the need for adequate preparation, especially in the very elderly, who are often ill and debilitated.

What if operation is considered too dangerous? Lying in bed on traction may be even more dangerous, and leaving the fracture untreated too painful; the patient least fit for operation may need it most.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


dementia /dɪˈmenʃə/n. [内科] 痴呆

mandatory. /ˈmændətɔːri/adj. 强制的;托管的;命令的n. 受托者(等于mandatary)

deleterious  /ˌdeləˈtɪriəs/adj. 有毒的,有害的

irreversible cellular changes不可逆转的细胞变化

debilitated.  /dɪˈbɪlɪteɪtɪd/adj. 操劳过度的;疲惫不堪的v. 使衰弱(debilitate的过去分词)

the patient least fit for operation may need it most.最不适合手术的病人可能最需要手术。

here speed is tempered by the need for adequate preparation,在这里,由于需要充分的准备,速度被削弱了

temper /ˈtempər/n. 脾气;(钢等)回火;性情;倾向vt. 使回火;锻炼;调和;使缓和vi. 回火;调和








