印度疫情6月14日与十大新闻(印度报告了488 例与疫苗接种后并发症相关的死亡病例;印度将强制对黄金珠宝和手工制品进行品质证明)

为应对新冠病例的新激增或第三波疫情,印度计划通过在未来两三个月内在全国设立 50 家创新模块化医院来快速加强邦卫生基础设施。
模块化医院将建在现有医院大楼附近,作为运营基础设施的延伸。可以在三周内以近 3 千万卢比的成本建立一个拥有 100 个床位的模块化医院,其中有一个专门的重症监护病房 (ICU) 区,并在 6-7 周内全面投入运营。
北阿坎德邦已将该邦的新冠宵禁延长至 6 月 22 日。
西孟加拉邦将限制延长至 7 月 1 日,基本服务豁免。
哈里亚纳邦昨天将封锁再延长一周至 6 月 21 日,同时放宽了多项限制。允许所有商店的营业时间为上午 9 点至晚上 8 点。餐厅和酒吧,包括酒店和商场,允许在上午 10 点至晚上 10 点营业。
根据卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 70,421 例新增新冠病例(过去 72 天最低)、1,19,501 例患者出院和 3,921 例死亡。


新德里:印度周日表示,它可以考虑加入 G7 所谓的“重建更美好的世界”(B3W)计划,美国将其描述为满足低收入和中等收入国家巨大基础设施需求的积极倡议。
NEW DELHI: India on Sunday indicated it could consider joining the so-called Build Back Better World (B3W) plan of the G7, described by the US as an affirmative initiative for meeting the tremendous infrastructure needs of low- and middle-income countries. TOI
Hallmark是一种黄金纯度认证。目前,在印度出售的黄金首饰中,只有40%是有标记的。此外,根据世界黄金协会(World Gold Council)的数据,印度约40万家珠宝商中目前只有35879家获得了BIS(印度标准局)认证。
The Indian government will enforce mandatory hallmarking of gold jewellery and artefacts from tomorrow. As per the new guidelines, jewellers across India will now be allowed to sell gold items of only 14, 18 and 22 carats from June 15, 2021 onwards.
Hallmark is a purity certification for gold. Currently, only 40 percent of gold jewellery sold in India is being hallmarked. Furthermore, only 35,879 of India’s approximately 4 lakh jewellers are currently BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certified, according to the World Gold Council. DNA
NEW YORK: Elon Musk, CEO of electric vehicle maker Tesla, said on Sunday that the US company will accept bitcoin payments again when the virtual currency is greener.
"When there's confirmation of reasonable (~50%) clean energy usage by miners with positive future trend, Tesla will resume allowing Bitcoin transactions," the billionaire wrote on Twitter Sunday. TOI
新德里:由于原油和制成品价格上涨,5 月份基于批发价格的通货膨胀率加速至创纪录的 12.94%。
低基数效应也导致 2021 年 5 月 WPI 通胀飙升。2020 年 5 月,WPI 通胀率为 (-) 3.37%。
这是基于批发价格指数 (WPI) 的通胀连续第五个月上升。2021 年 4 月,WPI 通胀率达到两位数,为 10.49%。
NEW DELHI: The wholesale price-based inflation accelerated to a record high of 12.94 per cent in May, on rising prices of crude oil and manufactured goods.
Low base effect also contributed to the spike in WPI inflation in May 2021. In May 2020, WPI inflation was at (-) 3.37 per cent.
This is the fifth straight month of uptick seen in the wholesale price index (WPI)-based inflation. In April, 2021, WPI inflation hit double digit at 10.49 per cent. TOI
在 1 月 16 日至 6 月 7 日期间,印度报告了略多于 26,000 例免疫接种后不良事件 (AEFI) 和 488 例与疫苗接种后并发症相关的死亡病例。
从另外的角度来看,在此期间已施用了 2.35 亿剂。这意味着 AEFI 病例(26,200 例)仅占给药总剂量的 0.01% 左右。
India has reported a little over 26,000 cases of Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) and 488 deaths linked to post-vaccination complications between January 16 and June 7.
To put things in perspective, 23.5 crore doses have been administered in this period. This means AEFI cases — at 26,200 — accounted for just about 0.01% percent of the total doses administered. NEWS18
孟买:周一的一份报告称,2021 年 5 月私募股权和风险资本投资减少了一半以上,至 36 亿美元,而去年 4 月为 75 亿美元,比去年同期的 54 亿美元低三分之一。
MUMBAI: Private equity and venture capital investments more than halved to $3.6 billion in May 2021 when compared to the preceding April's $7.5 billion and a third lower than the year-ago period's $5.4 billion, a report said on Monday.
“Investors will be closely watching the Government's preparedness to avert/deal with a possible third wave, better vaccine rollout and the impact of the pandemic on the country's macro and fiscal health in the coming months,” EY partner Vivek Soni said.
India's annual monsoon rains have covered two-third of the country, nearly a fortnight ahead of the normal schedule, a weather department official said on Monday, adding that conditions are favourable for further advancement into the north-western parts this week.
The early arrival of monsoon rains in central and northern India will help farmers accelerate sowing of summer-sown crops such as paddy rice, cotton, soybean and pulses, and may boost crop yields too. ET
新德里:多位消息人士告诉 ThePrint,印度正在考虑“重新调整”与斯里兰卡的双边关系,因为中国正在这个印度洋岛国取得巨大进展。
New Delhi: India is looking at a “recalibration” of its bilateral ties with Sri Lanka as China is gaining massive inroads in the Indian Ocean island nation, multiple sources have told ThePrint.
Last month, the Sri Lankan parliament passed a bill — the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Bill — which will establish a Colombo Port City Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and the Colombo Port City Economic Commission (CPCEC). THE PRINT
Shares of Adani group companies fell by about 5% to 25% on Monday after the National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) froze the accounts of three foreign funds that are among the top stakeholders in the firms.
The NSDL has frozen the accounts of Albula Investment Fund, Cresta Fund and APMS Investment Fund, its website shows without citing a reason for the freeze.
However, a report in the Economic Times said the freeze on the three accounts could be because of insufficient disclosure of information related to beneficial ownership. reuters
AIMIM 负责人和海得拉巴议员阿萨丁·奥瓦西周日声称,印度因新冠病毒造成的死亡人数“远不及实际的破坏程度”,并指责该中央搞搞砸了实际伤亡人数。
AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi on Sunday alleged that India's death toll from COVID-19 is "nowhere close to the real extent of damage" and accused the Centre of the actual number of casualties.
"Govt has responded to this piece by saying that these studies aren't 'validated' but neither is govt's own data. Every study on covid deaths points to unrecorded deaths. Instead of honestly reviewing, govt initiates hit job," said Owaisi in another tweet. TOI