API Reference


Graph source code in the DOT language.


Directed graph source code in the DOT language.


Verbatim DOT source code string to be rendered by Graphviz.


Render file with Graphviz engine into format, return result filename.


Return data piped through Graphviz engine into format.


Return DOT source piped through Graphviz unflatten preprocessor.


Open filepath with its default viewing application (platform-specific).


The two main classes Graph and Digraph (for creatingundirected vs. directed graphs) have exactly the same API.Their division reflects the fact that both graph types cannot be mixed.


class graphviz.Graph(name=None, comment=None, filename=None, directory=None, format=None, engine=None, encoding='utf-8', graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None, strict=False)[source]

Graph source code in the DOT language.

  • name – Graph name used in the source code.

  • comment – Comment added to the first line of the source.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv').

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • format – Rendering output format ('pdf', 'png', …).

  • engine – Layout command used ('dot', 'neato', …).

  • encoding – Encoding for saving the source.

  • graph_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph.

  • node_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes.

  • edge_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges.

  • body – Iterable of verbatim lines to add to the graph body.

  • strict (bool) – Rendering should merge multi-edges.


All parameters are optional and can be changed under theircorresponding attribute name after instance creation.

attr(kw=None, _attributes=None, **attrs

Add a general or graph/node/edge attribute statement.

  • kw – Attributes target (None or 'graph', 'node', 'edge').

  • attrs – Attributes to be set (must be strings, may be empty).

See the usage examples in the User Guide.


Reset content to an empty body, clear graph/node/egde_attr mappings.


keep_attrs (bool) – preserve graph/node/egde_attr mappings


Return a copied instance of the object.


An independent copy of the current object.

property directed


edge(tail_name, head_name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs

Create an edge between two nodes.

  • tail_name – Start node identifier (format: node[:port[:compass]]).

  • head_name – End node identifier (format: node[:port[:compass]]).

  • label – Caption to be displayed near the edge.

  • attrs – Any additional edge attributes (must be strings).


The tail_name and head_name strings are separated by(optional) colon(s) into node name, port name, andcompass (e.g. sw).See details in the User Guide.


Create a bunch of edges.

  • tail_head_iter – Iterable of (tail_name, head_name) pairs

  • (formatnode[:port[:compass]]).


The tail_name and head_name strings are separated by(optional) colon(s) into node name, port name, andcompass (e.g. sw).See details in the User Guide.

property encoding

The encoding for the saved source file.

property engine

The layout commmand used for rendering ('dot', 'neato', …).

property format

The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', …).

node(name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs

Create a node.

  • name – Unique identifier for the node inside the source.

  • label – Caption to be displayed (defaults to the node name).

  • attrs – Any additional node attributes (must be strings).

pipe(format=None, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False

Return the source piped through the Graphviz layout command.

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.


Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.

  • ValueError – If format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

render(filename=None, directory=None, view=False, cleanup=False, format=None, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False, quiet_view=False

Save the source to file and render with the Graphviz engine.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • view (bool) – Open the rendered result with the default application.

  • cleanup (bool) – Delete the source file after rendering.

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.

  • quiet_view (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(implies view=True, ineffective on Windows).


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.

  • ValueError – If format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

  • RuntimeError – If viewer opening is requested but not supported.

The layout command is started from the directory of filepath, so thatreferences to external files (e.g. [image=...]) can be given as pathsrelative to the DOT source file.

save(filename=None, directory=None

Save the DOT source to file. Ensure the file ends with a newline.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.


The (possibly relative) path of the saved source file.

property source

The DOT source code as string.

subgraph(graph=None, name=None, comment=None, graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None

Add the current content of the given sole graph argument as subgraph or return a context manager returning a new graph instance created with the given (name, comment, etc.) arguments whose content is added as subgraph when leaving the context manager’s with-block.

  • graph – An instance of the same kind (Graph, Digraph)as the current graph (sole argument in non-with-block use).

  • name – Subgraph name (with-block use).

  • comment – Subgraph comment (with-block use).

  • graph_attr – Subgraph-level attribute-value mapping (with-block use).

  • node_attr – Node-level attribute-value mapping (with-block use).

  • edge_attr – Edge-level attribute-value mapping (with-block use).

  • body – Verbatim lines to add to the subgraph body (with-block use).

See the usage examples in the User Guide.

When used as a context manager, the returned new graph instance usesstrict=None and the parent graph’s values for directory,format, engine, and encoding by default.


If the name of the subgraph begins with 'cluster' (all lowercase)the layout engine will treat it as a special cluster subgraph.

unflatten(stagger=None, fanout=False, chain=None

Return a new Source instance with the source piped through the Graphviz unflatten preprocessor.

  • stagger (int) – Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.

  • fanout (bool) – Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires stagger).

  • chain (int) – Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.


Prepocessed DOT source code (improved layout aspect ratio).

Return type


  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If fanout is given but stagger is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

view(filename=None, directory=None, cleanup=False, quiet=False, quiet_view=False

Save the source to file, open the rendered result in a viewer.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • cleanup (bool) – Delete the source file after rendering.

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.

  • quiet_view (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(ineffective on Windows).


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.


Short-cut method for calling render() with view=True.


There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no wayto retrieve the application’s exit status.


class graphviz.Digraph(name=None, comment=None, filename=None, directory=None, format=None, engine=None, encoding='utf-8', graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None, strict=False)[source]

Directed graph source code in the DOT language.

  • name – Graph name used in the source code.

  • comment – Comment added to the first line of the source.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv').

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • format – Rendering output format ('pdf', 'png', …).

  • engine – Layout command used ('dot', 'neato', …).

  • encoding – Encoding for saving the source.

  • graph_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph.

  • node_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes.

  • edge_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges.

  • body – Iterable of verbatim lines to add to the graph body.

  • strict (bool) – Rendering should merge multi-edges.


All parameters are optional and can be changed under theircorresponding attribute name after instance creation.

attr(kw=None, _attributes=None, **attrs

Add a general or graph/node/edge attribute statement.

  • kw – Attributes target (None or 'graph', 'node', 'edge').

  • attrs – Attributes to be set (must be strings, may be empty).

See the usage examples in the User Guide.


Reset content to an empty body, clear graph/node/egde_attr mappings.


keep_attrs (bool) – preserve graph/node/egde_attr mappings


Return a copied instance of the object.


An independent copy of the current object.

property directed


edge(tail_name, head_name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs

Create an edge between two nodes.

  • tail_name – Start node identifier (format: node[:port[:compass]]).

  • head_name – End node identifier (format: node[:port[:compass]]).

  • label – Caption to be displayed near the edge.

  • attrs – Any additional edge attributes (must be strings).


The tail_name and head_name strings are separated by(optional) colon(s) into node name, port name, andcompass (e.g. sw).See details in the User Guide.


Create a bunch of edges.

  • tail_head_iter – Iterable of (tail_name, head_name) pairs

  • (formatnode[:port[:compass]]).


The tail_name and head_name strings are separated by(optional) colon(s) into node name, port name, andcompass (e.g. sw).See details in the User Guide.

property encoding

The encoding for the saved source file.

property engine

The layout commmand used for rendering ('dot', 'neato', …).

property format

The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', …).

node(name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs

Create a node.

  • name – Unique identifier for the node inside the source.

  • label – Caption to be displayed (defaults to the node name).

  • attrs – Any additional node attributes (must be strings).

pipe(format=None, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False

Return the source piped through the Graphviz layout command.

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.


Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.

  • ValueError – If format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

render(filename=None, directory=None, view=False, cleanup=False, format=None, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False, quiet_view=False

Save the source to file and render with the Graphviz engine.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • view (bool) – Open the rendered result with the default application.

  • cleanup (bool) – Delete the source file after rendering.

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.

  • quiet_view (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(implies view=True, ineffective on Windows).


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.

  • ValueError – If format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

  • RuntimeError – If viewer opening is requested but not supported.

The layout command is started from the directory of filepath, so thatreferences to external files (e.g. [image=...]) can be given as pathsrelative to the DOT source file.

save(filename=None, directory=None

Save the DOT source to file. Ensure the file ends with a newline.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.


The (possibly relative) path of the saved source file.

property source

The DOT source code as string.

subgraph(graph=None, name=None, comment=None, graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None

Add the current content of the given sole graph argument as subgraph or return a context manager returning a new graph instance created with the given (name, comment, etc.) arguments whose content is added as subgraph when leaving the context manager’s with-block.

  • graph – An instance of the same kind (Graph, Digraph)as the current graph (sole argument in non-with-block use).

  • name – Subgraph name (with-block use).

  • comment – Subgraph comment (with-block use).

  • graph_attr – Subgraph-level attribute-value mapping (with-block use).

  • node_attr – Node-level attribute-value mapping (with-block use).

  • edge_attr – Edge-level attribute-value mapping (with-block use).

  • body – Verbatim lines to add to the subgraph body (with-block use).

See the usage examples in the User Guide.

When used as a context manager, the returned new graph instance usesstrict=None and the parent graph’s values for directory,format, engine, and encoding by default.


If the name of the subgraph begins with 'cluster' (all lowercase)the layout engine will treat it as a special cluster subgraph.

unflatten(stagger=None, fanout=False, chain=None

Return a new Source instance with the source piped through the Graphviz unflatten preprocessor.

  • stagger (int) – Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.

  • fanout (bool) – Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires stagger).

  • chain (int) – Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.


Prepocessed DOT source code (improved layout aspect ratio).

Return type


  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If fanout is given but stagger is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

view(filename=None, directory=None, cleanup=False, quiet=False, quiet_view=False

Save the source to file, open the rendered result in a viewer.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • cleanup (bool) – Delete the source file after rendering.

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.

  • quiet_view (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(ineffective on Windows).


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.


Short-cut method for calling render() with view=True.


There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no wayto retrieve the application’s exit status.


class graphviz.Source(source, filename=None, directory=None, format=None, engine=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Verbatim DOT source code string to be rendered by Graphviz.

  • source – The verbatim DOT source code string.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to 'Source.gv').

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • format – Rendering output format ('pdf', 'png', …).

  • engine – Layout command used ('dot', 'neato', …).

  • encoding – Encoding for saving the source.


All parameters except source are optional. All of them can be changedunder their corresponding attribute name after instance creation.


Return a copied instance of the object.


An independent copy of the current object.

property encoding

The encoding for the saved source file.

property engine

The layout commmand used for rendering ('dot', 'neato', …).

property format

The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', …).

classmethod from_file(filename, directory=None, format=None, engine=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Return an instance with the source string read from the given file.

  • filename – Filename for loading/saving the source.

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source loading/saving and rendering.

  • format – Rendering output format ('pdf', 'png', …).

  • engine – Layout command used ('dot', 'neato', …).

  • encoding – Encoding for loading/saving the source.

pipe(format=None, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False

Return the source piped through the Graphviz layout command.

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.


Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.

  • ValueError – If format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

render(filename=None, directory=None, view=False, cleanup=False, format=None, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False, quiet_view=False

Save the source to file and render with the Graphviz engine.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • view (bool) – Open the rendered result with the default application.

  • cleanup (bool) – Delete the source file after rendering.

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', etc.).

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.

  • quiet_view (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(implies view=True, ineffective on Windows).


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.

  • ValueError – If format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

  • RuntimeError – If viewer opening is requested but not supported.

The layout command is started from the directory of filepath, so thatreferences to external files (e.g. [image=...]) can be given as pathsrelative to the DOT source file.

save(filename=None, directory=None

Save the DOT source to file. Ensure the file ends with a newline.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.


The (possibly relative) path of the saved source file.


The verbatim DOT source code string.

unflatten(stagger=None, fanout=False, chain=None

Return a new Source instance with the source piped through the Graphviz unflatten preprocessor.

  • stagger (int) – Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.

  • fanout (bool) – Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires stagger).

  • chain (int) – Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.


Prepocessed DOT source code (improved layout aspect ratio).

Return type


  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If fanout is given but stagger is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

view(filename=None, directory=None, cleanup=False, quiet=False, quiet_view=False

Save the source to file, open the rendered result in a viewer.

  • filename – Filename for saving the source (defaults to name + '.gv')

  • directory – (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.

  • cleanup (bool) – Delete the source file after rendering.

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.

  • quiet_view (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(ineffective on Windows).


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.


Short-cut method for calling render() with view=True.


There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no wayto retrieve the application’s exit status.

Low-level functions¶

The functions in this section are provided to work directly with existingfiles and strings instead of using the object-oriented DOT creation methodsdocumented above.

graphviz.render(engine, format, filepath, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False)[source]

Render file with Graphviz engine into format, return result filename.

  • engine – The layout commmand used for rendering ('dot', 'neato', …).

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', …).

  • filepath – Path to the DOT source file to render.

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.


The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.

  • ValueError – If engine, format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

The layout command is started from the directory of filepath, so thatreferences to external files (e.g. [image=...]) can be given as pathsrelative to the DOT source file.

graphviz.pipe(engine, format, data, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False)[source]

Return data piped through Graphviz engine into format.

  • engine – The layout commmand used for rendering ('dot', 'neato', …).

  • format – The output format used for rendering ('pdf', 'png', …).

  • data – The binary (encoded) DOT source string to render.

  • renderer – The output renderer used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • formatter – The output formatter used for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …).

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the layout subprocess.


Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.

  • ValueError – If engine, format, renderer, or formatter are not known.

  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If formatter is given but renderer is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

graphviz.unflatten(source, stagger=None, fanout=False, chain=None, encoding='utf-8')[source]

Return DOT source piped through Graphviz unflatten preprocessor.

  • source (str) – The DOT source to process (improve layout aspect ratio).

  • stagger (int) – Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.

  • fanout (bool) – Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires stagger).

  • chain (int) – Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.

  • encoding – Encoding used to encode unflatten stdin and decode its stdout.


Decoded stdout of the Graphviz unflatten command.

Return type


  • graphviz.RequiredArgumentError – If fanout is given but stagger is None.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

graphviz.view(filepath, quiet=False)[source]

Open filepath with its default viewing application (platform-specific).

  • filepath – Path to the file to open in viewer.

  • quiet (bool) – Suppress stderr output from the viewer process(ineffective on Windows).


RuntimeError – If the current platform is not supported.


There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no wayto retrieve the application’s exit status.



Exception raised if the Graphviz executable is not found.


Exception raised if a required argument is missing.


Return the version number tuple from the stderr output of dot -V.


Two, three, or four int version tuple.

  • graphviz.ExecutableNotFound – If the Graphviz executable is not found.

  • subprocess.CalledProcessError – If the exit status is non-zero.

  • RuntimmeError – If the output cannot be parsed into a version number.


Ignores the ~dev.<YYYYmmdd.HHMM> portion of development versions.


Return s as literal disabling special meaning of backslashes and '<...>'.

see also https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html#k:escString


s – String in which backslashes and '<...>' should be treated as literal.


TypeError – If s is not a str on Python 3, or a str/unicode on Python 2.

>>> print(escape(r'\l'))\\l

Return copy of s that will not treat '<...>' as DOT HTML string in quoting.


s – String in which leading '<' and trailing '>' should be treated as literal.


TypeError – If s is not a str on Python 3, or a str/unicode on Python 2.

>>> quote('<>-*-<>')'<>-*-<>'
>>> quote(nohtml('<>-*-<>'))'"<>-*-<>"'

Manually maintained whitelists (see https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/pdf/dot.1.pdf,http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html, and dot -T: output):


Set of known layout commands used for rendering ('dot', 'neato', …)


Set of known output formats for rendering ('pdf', 'png', …)


Set of known output renderers for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …)


Set of known output formatters for rendering ('cairo', 'gd', …)

