【口琴汇--品牌音乐汇】Hohner Music 之二十八

For over 150 years HOHNER brings the joy of music making to people all over the world with the best possible instruments. Here you can find lots of videos about the varied facets of the HOHNER world: product videos, playing lessons, service tutorials, documentaries about events, history and production and much more... Enjoy Music - Play Hohner!
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”, Friedrich Nietzsche
We’re not sure if Nietzsche wasn’t being a bit harsh with this statement. But there’s definitely something to it. Music is emotional, passionate, and universally understood – so without music, life would certainly be boring.
Here at Hohner, we live music every day. Which is why we want to offer you more than just an instrument: We want to welcome you into the world of music and invite you to join the ever-growing circle of musicians everywhere who are playing together, learning from one another and just having a great time.
We have built a community of friendship, with artists from all over the world, where the simple goal is to Enjoy music.
“没有音乐,生活将是一个错误。”尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)